Author Topic: ILS 14L glidescope & approach lighting problems  (Read 4095 times)


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ILS 14L glidescope & approach lighting problems
« on: January 23, 2012, 01:56:05 pm »
Flew the ILS 14L approach into KORD using the new 2.0 scenery for the first time last night and noted a couple of problems.  Repeated on multiple occasions to verify.

1.  The glidepath is not properly aligned.  14L has a 1998 ft displaced threshold for landing.  Presently the glidescope will land your plane right at the runway threshold near U1, which is incorrect.  It should land you about 2000 ft further down the runway, a bit closer to U2.  (Interestingly, the PAPI is correctly placed.  So as you're following the glidepath down, you're getting 4 red lights on the PAPI because you're too low.)

2.  At dusk/night, there are two consecutive sets of approach lights visible on the ground.  Pay close attention to the ground as you near the runway from about a mile out.  First you'll encounter a long set of unlit lights (what are these?), and then you'll hit the ALSF-2 system after that.  One is obviously correct and the other shouldn't be there.

Thanks for looking into this.

- Eric S.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2012, 02:23:36 pm by ericst01 »