Author Topic: KORD 2.0 very low FPS  (Read 19742 times)


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KORD 2.0 very low FPS
« on: November 27, 2011, 06:08:00 pm »

After upgrade I get very low FPS (8-9) for the new KORD. If I kill my fsx.cfg I get much better FPS but all my settings are gone. Is it possible to edit the fsx.cfg mitigate the problem and wher should I look in the file?  ???

« Last Edit: November 27, 2011, 07:08:16 pm by Jolun »


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Re: KORD 2.0 very low FPS
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2011, 07:18:04 pm »
After upgrade I get very low FPS (8-9) for the new KORD.

No, as you said yourself in August, you were saying the same thing with the previous version too so, it's not the upgrade that is causing you low fps.

If I kill my fsx.cfg I get much better FPS but all my settings are gone. Is it possible to edit the fsx.cfg mitigate the problem and wher should I look in the file?  ???

Not sure what you are saying but, it's fairly obvious that, since you already had low fps before the update, you said yourself that you doubled fps by simply running the Bojote tweaker site on your fsx.cfg, I don't see how this could be any different after the update, the problem is that you are probably changing some setting when you shouldn't. Can't you simply accept the fsx.cfg as it is after its been rebuilt ?

In any case, have a look at this message here:


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Re: KORD 2.0 very low FPS
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2011, 07:38:49 pm »
Before the update I had good frame rates. After the installation it drops to half of what it was before. No changes in the settings inbetween.

Regarding the problem in August, as I said there the trick was to delete the fsx.cfg. Runing the tweeking thing did just i litle better.

If I can live with deleting the cfg file and re install addons? Well, yes if there is no other way to do it I can live with that.




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Re: KORD 2.0 very low FPS
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2011, 07:53:24 pm »
Before the update I had good frame rates. After the installation it drops to half of what it was before. No changes in the settings inbetween.

Not possible. You must have changed some setting without realizing it or some OTHER addon might have. There's nothing in the update that could lower the frame rate that much. Some objects have slightly higher loading ranges, but the effect on frame rate shouldn't be more than a single frame or even less.

You must haven't made the test under the same conditions. For example: how's the frame rate with a DEFAULT airplane and ZERO AI ? If it's high, you are not testing and reporting the KORD fps loss, you are reporting an fps loss caused by the airplane you are using and the AI you are using.

It's enough, for example, you tested the scenery on a different time of the day, that you would get different fps JUST because of different AI schedules, which could have misled into thinking the KORD update affected the fps, but it hasn't.

And, there are basically two threads about low fps at KORD, and both have been started by you. KORD is not really a scenery known to be fps intensive.

Regarding the problem in August, as I said there the trick was to delete the fsx.cfg. Runing the tweeking thing did just i litle better.

That simply confirmed the airport wasn't the problem in the first place, as it isn't now.

If I can live with deleting the cfg file and re install addons? Well, yes if there is no other way to do it I can live with that.

There's shouldn't be any need to delete the fsx.cfg, let alone reinstalling addons, if you have to do that, it's because you put a tweak that shouldn't be there, which is of course entirely unrelated to KORD, let alone the update.


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Re: KORD 2.0 very low FPS
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2011, 08:18:15 pm »
Well then, I test it with default AC with no AI a/c same low FPS (I can understand way it is so). But after restart FSX with AI 0% I get good frame rates. Way is the secanery so sensitive to that? I'm using MY Trafic X.

« Last Edit: November 27, 2011, 08:25:56 pm by Jolun »


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Re: KORD 2.0 very low FPS
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2011, 08:25:00 pm »
Well then, I test it with default AC with no AI a/c same low FPS. But after restart FSX with AI 0% I get goog frame rates. Way is the secanery so sensitive to that? I'm using MY Trafic X.

The scenery doesn't have anything to do with it, there's no such thing as "scenery sensitive to restart"'s more likely you have too much memory taken by your combination of addons that, after you run FSX for a while, performances go down until you restart, which would clean up the memory again.


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Re: KORD 2.0 very low FPS
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2011, 08:33:26 pm »
Well I did not say it was sensitive to restart, what i meant was that it seams to be sensitve to amount of AI traffic than other senery's over time.

But the bottom line is to find what other programs that are eating my memory. Does it help to go from 6 to 8 GB RAM?

« Last Edit: November 27, 2011, 08:50:00 pm by Jolun »


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Re: KORD 2.0 very low FPS
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2011, 09:09:18 pm »
Well I did not say it was sensitive to restart, what i meant was that it seams to be sensitve to amount of AI traffic than other senery's over time.

It's not the airport is "sensitive", it's that it has MANY parkings which means, obviously, many AIs can go there but, of course, you can't blame the scenery for being realistic (in fact, the real world O'Hare has even more parking stands that what we put in), what is slowing down your system is simply you have too many AI, it would be just as slow even with the default KORD, if it HAD a realistic AFCAD with all real-world parking stands enabled.

But the bottom line is to find what other programs that are eating my memory. Does it help to go from 6 to 8 GB RAM ?

Not that much, since FSX is a 32 bit application so, it won't use more than 4GB in any case, even under a 64 bit OS. You simply have to accept that you need to lower your settings (AI, in this case).


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Re: KORD 2.0 very low FPS
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2011, 03:19:54 pm »
Let me start out by saying you have done a great job on your airports. I have all of the US airports. I get about 8 to 10 FPS with the sliders set to the right and with airline traffic for WOAI set to 65 Private set to 35.

I removed WOAI completely and changed to My TrafficX 5.4 and set the traffic to 16 Airline and 9 private.

I to have experienced a change at Chicago after the update. I  now get a constant 5.5. I have moved all traffic to 0 and still get between 6.5 and 6.2. I am using Boyotes fix which does result in an increase in frame rates. Another note is that I tested with the default Cessna and 3rd party aircraft and the frame rates remain the same.

KLAX and the other US airports I am getting 9-10.5 with the sliders to the right. For some funny reason if I move the sliders to the left I don't see much of an improvement in FPS.

Don't know whats going on. This is somewhat confusing.


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Re: KORD 2.0 very low FPS
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2011, 04:42:30 pm »
You frame rates were already very low before the udpate and are very low for KLAX too, which means the problem is not the scenery, but you configuration, or you settings, or your AI traffic models.

The problem might just be too high settings for your system, and too much memory taken, this could explain the fact you don't immediately see an increase when setting traffic to 0. If requires a restart, then you can be *sure* it's a memory problem. Again, nothing related to the scenery, if it's the AI setting that requires a restart to get a frame rate increase when setting it at 0, it's sure the problem are the AI models.

The only thing different from previous version, is that we increased the visibility range of the smaller objects, but this can't cause a big fps loss UNLESS your system was ALREADY in the "red zone", with resources already on the verge of exhaustion so, just loading a bit of more object, resulted in a performance collapse. Again, this is nothing related to the scenery, if you were in that situation, it was already critical.


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Re: KORD 2.0 very low FPS
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2011, 05:45:15 pm »
I will try these tests. I do have 4GB memory and an NVIDIA 560Ti. Are the other US airports more "taxing" on system rescources. Even though my FPS are low they get me better FPS than Chicago.


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Re: KORD 2.0 very low FPS
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2011, 06:00:35 pm »
O'Hare is surely not the heaviest airport, but it has many parking stands so, it can be potentially affected by too many AI.


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Re: KORD 2.0 very low FPS
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2011, 06:17:41 pm »
Is it possible to have a version without moving parking stands ?


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Re: KORD 2.0 very low FPS
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2011, 07:03:05 pm »
Is it possible to have a version without moving parking stands ?

If with "moving parking stands", you mean moving jetways then no, we don't have any plan to cripple the scenery in this way.  Any supposed loss of fps compared to the old version is surely not caused by the moving jetwyas, since they haven't changed at all in the current version.


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Re: KORD 2.0 very low FPS
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2011, 09:35:30 pm »
Yes, I meant animated jetways.