Author Topic: Install Manager  (Read 11050 times)


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Install Manager
« on: November 04, 2011, 01:37:55 pm »
I have problemes with the Intall Manager.

Having an internet connection - durign installing the manager, I get the message "There ist no internet connection available"
firewalls are allready turned off. What's the problem? Im Working with the phantom download not having the installer jet, the F-104 and the Aviano scenery.

Thanks for answering


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Re: Install Manager
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2011, 03:55:15 pm »
Without the Internet the Install Setup ist not completing the Intsallation of the Addon Manager. It tells me, that it will use loac addon manager files. Klicking on NEXT, Setup gives a FINISHED, and thats it. No Addon Manager to open.



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Re: Install Manager
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2011, 09:49:09 pm »
I downloaded the whole Phantom-Package including the Addon Manager.
The Phantom was installer of the addon-manager, but the installer crashed to desktop.
Under software I' m not showing "Microsoft FS9", but "Cloud9 Phantom FS9" with an red crossed icon in front.

So whats wrong. Not even a trail version is running. And so don't my F-104 and the Aviano scenery.

FS 9 is crashing to desktop during loading, within 5 seconds.



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Re: Install Manager
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2011, 09:53:24 pm »
If you are getting a message about missing internet connection, it's surely a firewall problem, which is not granting online access to the installer, which is needed to get current files, both for the Addon Manager and for the Phantom.

Be sure you properly configure the firewall, be sure you are not using *two* firewalls at once, the Windows default and something else on top of it, and be sure the installer is able to download files at the end.


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Re: Install Manager
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2011, 11:32:43 am »
High Virtuali,

All firewalls are off - even deinstalled!

Setup is starting download and stopping right away with the first file "bglman.dll", telling me, the progress of file download: "1 kb from unkwnown" and total progress "dowanloaded 64 kb from unknown.

Is the install setup.exe 1,83 MB large?

How can I deinstall the phantom, when it is installed with the addon manager (loaded down the whole bundle form fsdt, to try this one out), because my FS9 is crashing to desktop right away at start.

Cheers Manfred


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Re: Install Manager
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2011, 11:37:33 am »
Setup is starting download and stopping right away with the first file "bglman.dll", telling me, the progress of file download: "1 kb from unkwnown" and total progress "dowanloaded 64 kb from unknown.

Sorry, but it seems you are still not fixed the firewall problem, something is still blocking online access to the installer.

Is the install setup.exe 1,83 MB large?

Yes, and it's not possible to get a corrupted download because, if the installer was corrupted, it wouldn't start.

How can I deinstall the phantom, when it is installed with the addon manager (loaded down the whole bundle form fsdt, to try this one out), because my FS9 is crashing to desktop right away at start.

From the Windows Control Panel, like any other Windows program, how else ? Of course, you'll have to reply YES to the question "Do you want to remove the Addon Manager ?"


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Re: Install Manager
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2011, 11:39:29 am »
Oh, I found the deistall.exe for the phantom. so fs9 is running again.

But, virtuali - FS9 is not FS9 without the Phantom. and the GCA at Aviano.



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Re: Install Manager
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2011, 11:40:55 am »
But, virtuali - FS9 is not FS9 without the Phantom. and the GCA at Aviano.

As I've said, the problem is not the installer, it's something in your system which is preventing online access to it, so it can't download the files it needs to work. Once you'll fix that, it will surely work.

Of course, as explained on the Cloud9 page, be sure to install the Stand-Alone Addon Manager AFTER all the Cloud9 installers.


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Re: Install Manager
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2011, 06:18:35 pm »
Can someone please help me, I just purchased Pisa 1.0 and Im trying to install it on my windows 7 computer and it doesnt work! I downloaded the addon manager and still nothing, I activated it in the scenery libtrary and still nothing!! I am getting very frustrated as I payed $22 for this item, please let me know what to do. Leandro


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Re: Install Manager
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2011, 06:55:33 pm »
As already replied in this thread just above that, and as I've already explained to you via email:

be sure to install the Stand-Alone Addon Manager AFTER all the Cloud9 installers, as explained on the Cloud9 page:


If the Cloud9 product you purchased doesn't have an FSDT updated installer yet, you have to install the Cloud9 product first, then update the Stand-alone Addon Manager.