Author Topic: Double Gates and Bleeding Textures  (Read 78799 times)


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Re: Double Gates and Bleeding Textures
« Reply #75 on: March 19, 2008, 11:34:08 pm »
I've tried with both your FSX.CFG files, and no problem at all, no texture bleeding.

maybe just to do a current hot fix for the prob, do the terrarin the zurich way.

What you are suggesting is simply not possible. There are reasons why we did Chicago this way, and Zurich the other way. Apart for the fact that it's not even sure if this IS indeed the cause of your problem, what you are suggesting it's not an "hotfix", it's a rebuild from scratch of the whole ground scenery, that doesn't make any sense to do since it's works like it is now for basically anyone else.

There is a reason why we offer a Trial, and we said, many times already, the Trial is *EXACTLY* like the full version except for the lapsing time. If you had the problem during the Trial, and it annoyed you like you are saying it does, you shouldn't have bought it in the first place. What's the point of having a Trial, if not for test the product on your own machine and hardware/software configuration ?

At this moment, we simply spent too much time already on a problem that affects just 2 people and can't be reproduced in any way. The only thing we can do is to offer a refund, if you want one, even if, considering there was a Trial, it's way more that we are supposed to do.


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Re: Double Gates and Bleeding Textures
« Reply #76 on: March 19, 2008, 11:46:14 pm »
im not giving up that easily. I haven't purchased this product yet, but like I said, Im a Chicagoan, and I never was so excited about a FS add-on. Can you please supply me with your full specs and cfg file and ill try to copy them.


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Re: Double Gates and Bleeding Textures
« Reply #77 on: March 19, 2008, 11:52:12 pm »
I've tried your CFG, and it doesn't show any bleeding, so I don't think it's an FSX setting.

However, I use a C2D E6700, 4GB Ram, nvidia 8800 GTX, and Vista 32. But I don't think this really matters, since we have hundreds of other users with probably thousands of hardware combinations who don't see the problem either.

If this might help, I *do* recall having seen this kind of bleeding a while ago, but not on KORD (back then, we didn't had any KORD to test), it happened on FSX default scenery, and only in DX10 mode. It doesn't happen anymore so, I guess it was a driver problem that was fixed when updating drivers along the way.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2008, 11:55:35 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Double Gates and Bleeding Textures
« Reply #78 on: March 19, 2008, 11:56:33 pm »
but could the problem be that im using vista 64? because i have nvida 7900 gtx, 4GB ram, intel pentium 4 processor CPU 3.80 GHz

« Last Edit: March 19, 2008, 11:58:29 pm by axiom13 »


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Re: Double Gates and Bleeding Textures
« Reply #79 on: March 19, 2008, 11:59:55 pm »
Many other users are using Vista 64. Our graphic designer, Francesco ( Kappa on the forum), uses only Vista 64 and he did all the scenery ground textures. I think if the problem was Vista 64, he would noticed it by now.

He also uses a GeForce 8 so, might well be a driver bug that affects only GeForce 7 series and only under Vista 64 perhaps only with a specific driver relase, that's why we haven't heard so much of it.


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Re: Double Gates and Bleeding Textures
« Reply #80 on: March 20, 2008, 12:03:40 am »
Im sorta giving up right now, Im going to try and contact nvidia, see if they can help, and if not, I don't care, Im still going to buy this product, waited too long not too, ill just have to deal with the flickering. thanks for trying to help though.

(One last thing, I don't have acceleration, might that be it?)

« Last Edit: March 20, 2008, 12:06:15 am by axiom13 »


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Re: Double Gates and Bleeding Textures
« Reply #81 on: March 20, 2008, 12:24:04 am »
(One last thing, I don't have acceleration, might that be it?)

If you have SP2, it should be exactly like if you had Acceleration, from a graphic engine point of view. Unless we discovered a bug that affects only SP2 but not Acceleration. Do you have any chance to try it on a different PC ?


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Re: Double Gates and Bleeding Textures
« Reply #82 on: March 20, 2008, 02:53:49 am »
I currently do not use SP2. Yes, i hope that this will get fixed in the future, but it is dissappointing that it cant be fixed, and also would be nice if Kappa would step n since it me it looks like he made the scenery, cause he was the one that posted all of the preview shots of it


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Re: Double Gates and Bleeding Textures
« Reply #83 on: March 20, 2008, 10:48:04 am »
I currently do not use SP2

Can't you simply trying it ? SP2 can be installed and uninstalled.

. Yes, i hope that this will get fixed in the future, but it is dissappointing that it cant be fixed

As I've said, many times already, the only way we can fix it, is that we can SEE it, first. And, of course, if it's driver related and only happens under certain circumstances, there's nothing we can fix.

also would be nice if Kappa would step n since it me it looks like he made the scenery, cause he was the one that posted all of the preview shots of it

Kappa did the textures for the scenery but as I've said already, it's not the texture *design* that can create this problem.

Also, don't you think that, after the FIRST message you posted about this problem, we ALL went to immediately check on our systems first, only to confirm the problem doesn't happen ? When I say there are only 2-3 people at most that are having it and we can't reproduce it, I mean it...


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Re: Double Gates and Bleeding Textures
« Reply #84 on: March 20, 2008, 09:52:45 pm »
Why would i use SP2, just for your scenery, when all of my current aircraft would then be incompatable? Even if the DX10 preview is not enabled, my planes still have issues. I have tried sp2 before and did not like it, so i removed it.

From all of the things that we have been told to do, it is not a simulator error, it looks like its a scenery error. We both have done everthing u have asked, and nothing has changed, still have bleeding. I would start looking into possible scenery solutions instead of FSX solutions.


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Re: Double Gates and Bleeding Textures
« Reply #85 on: March 20, 2008, 10:37:20 pm »
Why would i use SP2, just for your scenery, when all of my current aircraft would then be incompatable?

I said: can't you just TRY it ? However, It's just a try, but since axiom is saying he's using SP2, I don't think is related to the Service Pak version.

From all of the things that we have been told to do, it is not a simulator error, it looks like its a scenery error.

If it was a scenery problem, everybody else would have seen it, not just 2 users out of several thousands who downloaded it.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2008, 10:41:09 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Double Gates and Bleeding Textures
« Reply #86 on: March 21, 2008, 05:01:53 am »
I purchased it. I got to enjoy the scenery for a bit, taxied around. The bleeding isn't that noticible on the apron, but it is on the runways. Hopefully you guys aren't going to forget about this problem, even though it might affect only a couple of people.  :) (And at Terminal 5 there are two M1 markings which screws up the gate numbering, there is a seprate post regarding this)

Grazie per vostro lavoro (e non ho scritto quello solo perchè voi siete italiani, io studio italiano ;D)



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Re: Double Gates and Bleeding Textures
« Reply #87 on: March 21, 2008, 11:32:01 am »
Well I have FSX SP2/Acceleration running on my Vista Disk, and O'Hare runs fine there, so right now it looks like the problem is, it's not compatible with FSX RTM or SP1.


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Re: Double Gates and Bleeding Textures
« Reply #88 on: March 21, 2008, 10:30:18 pm »
i guess. I also have the fly tampa sxm scenery that works great, no texture bleeding, and also the indianapolis X scenery with no bleeding either


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Re: Double Gates and Bleeding Textures
« Reply #89 on: March 22, 2008, 02:10:46 am »
i guess. I also have the fly tampa sxm scenery that works great, no texture bleeding, and also the indianapolis X scenery with no bleeding either

That's doesn't mean anything. Each scenery is done differently and you can't just compare like this. As I've said already, OHare is a little bit more FSX-native than Zurich. Probably Zurich will not exhibit this problem on your system as well. And no, we can't redo the whole ground like Zurich, because there are solid reasons why this scenery is done this way and the other not.

Perhaps it's something that manifests only with FSX SP1, but that's also not certain, because Axiom says he use SP2 and he's the only other one that see it.  So, it might also be a system problem that only affects FSX sceneries, but only those made in a specific way. There aren't many around to compare.

But, as I've said, too many times already, it's not possible to even START working on a fix, if we can't reproduce it. At least, if we had more users that reported it instead of just two, we might even start seeing a pattern of system configs and trying a fix "in the blind". But this is not the case. We have 2 users, one with SP1 the other with SP2, for everybody else the scenery works, where's the pattern in this ?

There is a reason why we have a Trial, to let the user TRY the scenery on HIS system and let it test it against unforeseeable issue that might happen only on HIS system, like this one. If you can't stand this issue, you shouldn't buy it in the first place. I already offered you a refund, BTW.