I get very low FPS at KORD. At the runway it is around 6 - 8 and at jetways 5- 7. I have just upgrade my video card from 9800GTX+ (512 MB) to GTX570 (1280MB). I have been changeing the sliders at Scenery setting screen (in FSX, see attached file) from low to quit high settings. But there is no significant change in FPS (some tenths up en down).
The rest of the system is an i7 930 OC 3,39 GHz, 6 GB of memmory (Corsair Dominator DHX+ DDR3) and the MB i ASUS P6X58D-E.
I din't test the system before I changed the video card. But what I can recall from my memory is that I had farliy good FPS half a year ago (havn't used since then). I have KORD 2.0.
I have tested with PMDG 737NGX and LDS 767. The result is the nerly the same for both. The rest of my Fsdt secneries gives me twise the frame rate.
Is there any any particulare setting to watch for?