Author Topic: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released  (Read 248440 times)


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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #450 on: May 12, 2012, 07:16:07 am »
Awesome! Thanks Sludge, both fixes worked, got the ILS On the VC HUD and the wake looks good! (see pic)


Hi Capt,

Your wake looks great! I fly around the Central Coast of California, not in Hawaii, so your parameters seem more appropriate in a dark colored ocean.
I see Christian's parameters as:
Color Start=255, 255, 255, 75
Color End=0, 77, 115, 0
Any suggestions how your tweaked yours?



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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #451 on: May 12, 2012, 09:03:15 am »

I was reading the new post from Johan and re-reading my previous post and didn't realize that it might have sounded bad, especially this part:

Let me identify problem areas (not mods) that need to be fixed for everyone.

I was meant to say "It (your work) lets me identify problem areas (not mods) that need to be fixed for everyone." Sorry if the original post in any way sounded like I was the only one that can fix something or point out the way to do it. Keep up the testing and firing away with your comments as they have always been very helpful.

Take Care


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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #452 on: May 14, 2012, 10:36:32 pm »
No worries Sludge, I understand.


Here are the number I use:

// Propulsion Wake //
Color Start=255, 255, 255, 60
Color End=125, 125, 125, 0

// Keel Wake //
Color Start=255, 255, 255, 60
Color End=125, 125, 125, 0

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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #453 on: May 15, 2012, 01:05:04 am »
No worries Sludge, I understand.


Here are the number I use:

// Propulsion Wake //
Color Start=255, 255, 255, 60
Color End=125, 125, 125, 0

// Keel Wake //
Color Start=255, 255, 255, 60
Color End=125, 125, 125, 0


Thanks Capt, I will try them after work tonight.



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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #454 on: May 15, 2012, 08:47:31 pm »
1st small report----

After manual install I had some problems but none of your making rather at my end.

First.  Suddenly all aircraft wouldn't load properly.  Aircraft looked like folded up contraptions.  Finally I figured out that REX needed to reinstall my theme which is a simple one for frames-per-second.  Anyway, I did that first then started FSX.  Solved.

Second.  I had 2 wakes, took awhile to figure out the second and remove it.

I  like the new wake very much.
The TWF change seems great.
Removing the radio stack seems good as well.

Must do more flying next.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2012, 09:32:39 pm by wilycoyote4 »


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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #455 on: May 16, 2012, 08:23:38 am »

Its not your display settings, it was the CYAN version of the ILS lines, they are drawn too thin, so I did a quick fixer-upper and this should fix any problems.

Just download this and copy/paste inside both Sludge Basic/FX Panel/HUD folders. Overwrite yes.

Thanks for the good catch.

Sludge, the ILS lines and everything else that consists of lines, such as the E-bracket or the velocity vector, become hardly visible (and apparently disappears in the case of the ILS) when it is drawn with a 2-pixel line. My original HUD bitmaps were all 3-pixel lines and I think this is the minimum safe number of pixels that FSX can render visible when you scale a gauge as much as the HUD gauge (less than 70% of its native size). I suppose you had a reason to make them thinner, but keep in mind how they would look on other monitors and resolutions.


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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #456 on: May 16, 2012, 01:35:25 pm »
Hi Sludge,

Congrats on the new bird am really enjoying it, &  the new wake effect also works a treat.

Do have a minor prob. seem to have lost the carrier bow wave effect, any one have any ideas on restoring this effect.



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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #457 on: May 18, 2012, 07:05:07 pm »

The move is going badly (realtor/duplex problems), so I dont anticipate being back in the modding/tweaking groove for at least a week, MINIMUM. Please keep posting responses, good and bad, and I will try to help with any functionality issues the best I can, as I will be replying from work and going off memory.


Do you have all the carrier installs done? Meaning AICarriers2 r2, Javier's, and VooDoo's fixes? If not, then do all those in sequence, also following the removal/replacement instructions for the default wakes and carrier models, then tell me what you see when you run the new wake. If yes, then simply change the // Left/Right Bow wave // alpha values to about 155 or higher and you should have no problem seeing them.


Noted. Yeah, this was a cosmetic change, mostly for myself because the HUD symbology being overbearing on the "real world" but I see your point about commonly used monitors/resolutions and the scaling of 2 vs. 3-pixel lines for this gauge. I put this out as a "im stopping to get input", so responses like yours will help me determine if I keep this version or just recover the old bitmaps and put them back in the HUD. On my setup 1920 x 1200, I see thin lines but they dont disappear. Whereas, the problem with CAPT's was in the CYAN color, the ILS bitmaps were 1-pixel lines, so after I corrected to 2-pixels, it "re-appeared" and is visible.


Noted. Especially the Radio Stack removal. I think I was one of the few that liked and used it but I think the masses dont care for it. Will keep my eyes/ears open for additional feedback on that.


No problem, happens.



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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #458 on: May 19, 2012, 12:22:39 am »
Moving is H---E---double hockey sticks.  You have my total respect.  I hope you recover eventually.  You can easily slip and stumble into a pit of madness.  The task of a move can find you in tatters.

Take your time in regard to this forum project.


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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #459 on: May 19, 2012, 06:42:39 am »

Thanks for the reply &  yes everything was as it should be, tried altering the alpha values without any luck.
 Finally bit the bullet deleted Javiers carriers & re installed , everything seems to be fine now, must have been a glitch in my system somewhere.

Thanks again for your help.



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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #460 on: July 06, 2012, 06:30:36 pm »

The move was bad, my internet was/is shoddy (writing this from work), but I'm finally getting back on the FSX horse again. Been a busy summer so far but its about to get better with concerns to the Sludge.

Thanks to JIMI, some big time multiplayer fixes for the Sludge are on the way. Far less packet flooding in the servers, so you dont get kicked out for "going red" on your "packets sent" values. Along with optimizing the files and not "hodge podge" where its harder for anyone to make their own changes. One of my goals was more simplicity, along with being easier to understand, so anyone who understands basic FSX modding can jump right in and change the Sludge variables (INIT.XMLs, PANEL/AIRCRAFT.CFG files, etc) to their liking. Plus, once JIMI gets his bird done I'd recommend download/install the FSXBA Hornet as well, as he has done some really good work these last few months. Keep in mind, his bird is different than mine, especially in the areas of handing (his is based on XMLs directly controlling a "neutrally stable bird" whereas I use more of the defaults' "semi-balanced bird" principle that uses minor XML nudges here and there)... but its a good and fun difference.

As a summer present to myself, I finally took the plunge and got the TM Warthog HOTAS. In the words of JJ, quoting Ferris Bueller: "...its soo choice, if you can get one, I highly recommend it." Its expensive as all get out but if you want the best stick/throttle out there, this is it. When I'm offline now (more often than not), I'm still taking time programming it to suite my needs. The first carrier landing with DUAL THROTTLES was sickeningly fun!!



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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #461 on: July 08, 2012, 04:14:08 pm »
Hey Sludge,

Glad to hear you got your rig set back up! The warthog TM is a blast for carrier flying, I agree.

Looking forward to continued Sludge Hornet and vLSO developments. Serge said he was working on a 3.5 Deg IFOFLS for the carrier. Curious to see where naval sim aviation takes us this year after a quiet summer.  8)

Goofing around ;)

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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #462 on: July 09, 2012, 10:33:26 am »
Thanks SLUDGE for the kudos. 

As mentioned we will be releasing our newest variant as soon as we finish getting the auto-installer completed. From handling, to avionics, to effects & textures, we are hoping this will be a jet that many will enjoy.  Meanwhile, we went ahead and compiled a detailed, NATOPS-style manual for our jet; outlining all of the systems and features that we have included in the latest release. Big thanks to Micro, Sludge, Sandpro and many others for their help on this! 

If you have a few minutes, please check it out.    As usual, any and all feedback is welcomed.


Just finished putting the final touches on our jet and is now available for download at

Much like the SLUDGE HORNET, this bird is a work in progress and as stated before, any and all feedback is welcomed.  Thanks.

« Last Edit: July 10, 2012, 05:04:28 am by jimi08 »

Justin "Jimi" Hendrix
FSX Blue Angels
FSXBA F/A-18C Hornet Latest Download Link:,6944.msg117011.html#msg1


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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #463 on: July 25, 2012, 08:07:22 pm »

With the successful deployment (here and other places) of the FSXBA bird, lemme know what you liked and dont like about it out in the open forum.

Some of you have sent me PMs on what you like (the UA auto-trim stuff, the FCS "feel") and what you dont like (lack of TRIM display, PA mode, lack of IFLOLS gauge). The reason I'm asking, is the work I'm doing will take inputs (good/bad) and try to incorporate the good stuff into the next Sludge TestBird (#3, in-work).

And dont worry, this is not a competition, criticisms are just criticisms, so that we can help put a better Hornet version out there. JIMI and I really are the best of friends... his work and inputs have been helpful on a great many things. Thats why I put his version on its own thread, so people would try it out w/out feeling as though I'll take offense in any way. I dont. Not only did that help give JIMI more feedback but if there's something you dont like or want added, he reads this board too and might implement it on his bird?

So, please, let me know what works and doesn't work (for you) in the FSXBA Hornet, so I can evaluate it against the next Sludge TestBird iteration. Also, throw out any ideas that you'd want included... such as Amigo's idea about having ENG DISPLAYS (ie. ENG1/2 N2, FLAPS Condition, Hook UP/DOWN, etc.) on a gauge display, so the pilot doesn't have to look down to verify status. I'm thinking about implementing this as not everyone has big widescreen monitors or TrackIR. Just some food for thought...

Thanks all, in advance.


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Re: Sludge/Combat Hornet Integrator - Released
« Reply #464 on: July 26, 2012, 10:13:49 pm »

Hey brother, here is my feedback:

The Sludge Hornet:
So I have been flying this bird for a while now and my muscle memory is best in this jet. I know the trim settings, how to anticipate deviations in the groove, and fly an OK3 wire pass. For this reason it is still my main bird. Also in terms of HUD display/symbology, the two jets are identical (one thing I really do care about, accurate HUD). I also really like the trim and fuel gauge, I use this gauge the most besides the HUD itself. Since you have to trim the Sludge, this gauge is important, also I like trimming on the trim HAT (WH TM) like the real jet. I know I've brought this up before, but adding an alpha/trim display on the HUD would be nice. Talking to real world pilots, they set the alpha to 8.1 using trim, and the jet/FCS then does a really good job holding that alpha, allowing you to control climb/descent with throttle once trimmed.
Couple things on the FSXBA bird, that could be merged, maybe. It does a better job connecting to the Cat (even with small mis alignment), very smooth, no bouncing. Overall the gear contact points make for smooth taxi and landing. I don't like the auto flaps, prefer manual, but understand this is how the real jet works and allows the FCS to work in the BA jet. I like the CAT shot auto trim and behavior off the cat. Seems like it also slows down the CAT shot too, or at least my end speed off the Cat seems less. Like how the FSXBA bird makes large trim adjustments automatically when going from dirty/slow to clean/fast configs and vice versa. It takes some getting used to the FCS, but once you get it, it makes the jet really "easy" to fly. This is good and bad, since I kind of like flying the bird (making lots of small inputs on approach). The main thing I have a problem with is the autoflaps, I have landed a couple times with flaps up, not sure if I was out of the parameters or missed a setting, and there is no easy indication to see the flap setting (have to look down in the VC). The ATC feature is also kind of nice to have, although no self-respecting pilot would use it, right?

It would be great to get Mike's son to try them both out and give feedback on feel of the FCS and handling qualities.
Overall, definitely getting closer to producing the best sim hornet  possible within the limits of FSX, great work by all teammembers on both jets! Keep up the work and continuing to blur the lines between the real world versus FSX flying.

& [/youtube]

"You've got to land here, son. This is where the food is."