Thanks for the quick reply. Also tested day and dusk and got the CTD. Not following you on the other AIs?? What do you mean?
That's still doesn't prove is not an AI problem, just that the one causing it is there both at day at dask.
I've said that if this would fix the crash, it would have been sure it was an AI problem, but that doesn't automatically mean if the crash didn't go away, it wouldn't surely be an AI problem.
I have tested further and uninstalled KORD scenery. No CTD, approach went great.
That's still doesn't prove is an problem of the scenery. By uninstalling KORD, you are back to the default AFCAD for KORD, which is probably loading a different set of AIs (and in much less quantity) and if the one having a problem is not loaded by the default AFCAD, you can be easily mislead the problem is the airport (because it goes away by uninstalling), when it's not.
In any case, why you did exactly the opposite as asked ? I've told you to disable all the addons and leave JUST KORD, not the other way around, and this was precisely for the above reason that, removing just the scenery and believing this has "fixed" the problem, doesn't fix it at all, it only hide it, since you are loading a different set of AI because of the default AFCAD.
The only way for you to know it IS something in the airport, is to remove everything else, and use a default airplane instead.
THEN, if you have a replicable case of crash at KORD with NOTHING ELSE installed, it means we might also replicate it as well and, in this case, we can have a look at it. But, as I've said, is highly unlikely, since KORD has been out for 3 years, and hasn't been updated since more than 1 year so, any problem in the scenery should have been reported by a lot more people than just the two which participated in this thread.