I was wondering if there is someday going to be a redo of Orlando by FSDreamteam replacing the old Cloud9 Orlando.. I thought Cloud9 was kinda blurry on there building compared to FSDT scenery where there's is alot clearer & crispier not too mention the Jetways still work in there's as well as the monorails, just that the buildings would look more clearer & crispier & even Jetways look more realistic with FSDT crew Job on the scenery I've seen so far..
I Think they should replace Cloud9 version & make there own MCO Orlando International Airport..

I think there's would be even better than Blue Print & Cloud9's version put together.. I like BluePrints its just they don't have the working Jetways like FSDT has on there scenery & thats why I came over to FSX in the first place is because of the working jetways & having it be more life like.
FSDreamteam I really think you should think about scrapping Cloud9 version of Orlando & Just making your own MCO scenery because yours would be alot better & alot more realistic looking.. Not taking away from the good Job Cloud9 did on there's at the time but there no longer around & there building texture was kind of blurry & wasn't near as clear & crisp as your scenery comes out to being..
REDO MCO in your own way FSDT Crew..