Author Topic: Possible Orlando redo from Cloud9 days to the new FSDreamteam crew ??  (Read 12115 times)


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I was wondering if there is someday going to be a redo of Orlando by FSDreamteam replacing the old Cloud9 Orlando..  I thought Cloud9 was kinda blurry on there building compared to FSDT scenery where there's is alot clearer & crispier not too mention the Jetways still work in there's as well as the monorails, just that the buildings would look more clearer & crispier & even Jetways look more realistic with FSDT crew Job on the scenery I've seen so far..

I Think they should replace Cloud9 version & make there own MCO Orlando International Airport..   ;D

I think there's would be even better than Blue Print & Cloud9's version put together..  I like BluePrints its just they don't have the working Jetways like FSDT has on there scenery & thats why I came over to FSX in the first place is because of the working jetways & having it be more life like.

FSDreamteam I really think you should think about scrapping Cloud9 version of Orlando & Just making your own MCO scenery because yours would be alot better & alot more realistic looking.. Not taking away from the good Job Cloud9 did on there's at the time but there no longer around & there building texture was kind of blurry & wasn't near as clear & crisp as your scenery comes out to being..

REDO MCO in your own way FSDT Crew..  :)



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Re: Possible Orlando redo from Cloud9 days to the new FSDreamteam crew ??
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2010, 09:11:51 am »
We think Cloud9 KMCO is an adequate scenery, provides very good performances, and it's better than any competition out there so, we'd rather doing airports that haven't been made in a long time.


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Re: Possible Orlando redo from Cloud9 days to the new FSDreamteam crew ??
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2010, 04:31:34 am »
Ohh ok.. I thought yours was far better & more crisp than cloud9's..  Ok though  I tried..    I would loved had you guys done one of your own & replace Cloud9 with yours..  :)

I would of bought in a heartbeat to replace BluePrint's version that doesn't have working jetways..  I like the lighting & building textures yours has..  One of the reasons after I get your KLAS, I am going to buy your DFW over BluePrint's & alot more of your sceneries.. I simply love them from what I'm seeing in the youtube video's.. Can't wait to buy LAS & possibly if I have enough money left over maybe DFW at the same time..

I understand what your saying above however.. I just feel your version of airports are alot better then even cloud9 was thats all.. 



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Re: Possible Orlando redo from Cloud9 days to the new FSDreamteam crew ??
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2010, 11:52:27 am »
I would of bought in a heartbeat to replace BluePrint's version that doesn't have working jetways.. 

I simply love them from what I'm seeing in the youtube video's..

From this sentence, it seems you maybe haven't realized all our products (including Cloud9's) are available in TRIAL version so, there's no need to get an incomplete idea on a Youtube video, when you can install and check the scenery yourself, on your system.

We are quite sure that, if you install KMCO, you'll find it's already better than any other version out there.


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Re: Possible Orlando redo from Cloud9 days to the new FSDreamteam crew ??
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2010, 06:51:58 pm »
KMCO is a fantastic airport and the realism is truly amazing. I live in the Orlando area and have been to the real KMCO and I could not believe how realistic the Cloud 9 scenery is right down to the parking booths and the approach roadways. It blows away any of the competition out there!! And it does have moving jetways at certain gates and based on the type of aircraft used!! As far as the blurry textures I have no such problems on my computer. It is true that KMCO is not that good on frame rates as FSDT has become but you can overcome that by lowering your AI to about 50%.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2010, 06:57:47 pm by phenocom »


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Re: Possible Orlando redo from Cloud9 days to the new FSDreamteam crew ??
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2010, 07:56:50 am »
I downloaded & did the trial version & I liked it & will be buying when I have some extra money to get it with..

One question in the trial mode is the building suppose to be like bright colored or bright reflected. Then after you pay for it becomes its natural darker grey color texture to the building.. It seemed like it was really bright almost like its glowing bright light against the building ?


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Re: Possible Orlando redo from Cloud9 days to the new FSDreamteam crew ??
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2010, 10:11:15 am »
One question in the trial mode is the building suppose to be like bright colored or bright reflected. Then after you pay for it becomes its natural darker grey color texture to the building.. It seemed like it was really bright almost like its glowing bright light against the building ?

The only difference between Trial mode and purchased mode, is the scenery doesn't disappear after some minutes. Your issue is that you are probably using DX10 Preview mode, and KMCO is not compatible with it.


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Re: Possible Orlando redo from Cloud9 days to the new FSDreamteam crew ??
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2010, 04:55:11 pm »
Once I buy it thought it will appear normal or will I have the same problem with this DX10 & if so how do I go about correcting this issue ?


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Re: Possible Orlando redo from Cloud9 days to the new FSDreamteam crew ??
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2010, 05:05:08 pm »
As I've said, there's no difference between the trial and the active version so no, DX10 is not supported in either mode.


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Re: Possible Orlando redo from Cloud9 days to the new FSDreamteam crew ??
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2010, 05:16:02 pm »
Ok so how do I change it so it won't affect it.. What is DX10 ?  How do I take if off just for this scenery so that it won't affect it ??

I'm sorry I don't mean to be such a pain in the but.. I just want to get it too work right thats all & I appreciate any & all help you give me..


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Re: Possible Orlando redo from Cloud9 days to the new FSDreamteam crew ??
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2010, 05:17:50 pm »
If you are running in DirectX 10 preview mode, you need to turn if off. It's in the FSX graphic settings.


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Airline Gate Assaignment adjustment needed on CLoud9 Orlando scenery
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2010, 05:26:46 pm »
Thanks again for your help.. I came home & did just what you said to do & it working better now & looks as awsome as you said it does...  I'm deffantly buying it...

I need to know one thing though.. Since Cloud9 has done this scenery & apparently from viewing it I can see there hasn't been any modifications done too it yet.. Is there anyway you guys can do a new Gate assaignment update for it because since Cloud9 had made it there has been airline movements around MCO & Continental just recently moved from Airside 1 - Airside 3 where United is & also I noticed Airtran was still at the 70 gates & now there in the 90 gate area.. I was just wondering if there's a update for that very thing out now or if not if one can be done for Airline gate assaignments adjustment ??
« Last Edit: October 21, 2010, 05:26:02 am by cowings1588 »