I have been using GSX Pro earlier in MSFS 2020 and now MSFS 2024, but the last days I have been getting error message when loading passengers onboard Fenix A321.
I get the refueling part to go as normal, but when refueling is done and passengers are going to start boarding I get an error message.
I attach the error text file to this report.
A321 fenix
208 passengers was about to board.
I always start fueling/boarding from the EFB in the Fenix. This time I had to restart boarding from the MSFS GSX menu after recieving the error message when it was suppose to start boarding the passengers. It boarded 90 passengers, and a new bus was suppose to come, and I recieved a new error message that the Couatl quit. So I had to fuel and board instantly to get the flight underway.
I have tried to reinstall GSX Pro.