Products Support > Memphis KMEM Support FSX/P3D

KMEM and P3D6 Serious Problems


Yesterday I bought, downloaded and installed KMEM from SimMarket.  The installation took a while but successfully installed and updated KMEM and GSX in my P3D5 and P3D6 add on folders.  However, there are serious elevation problems and missing Terminal buildings in P3D6 which is my current simulator.  Is there a solution for this problem?  Please see attached image.

- Configure the antivirus and add the whole Addon Manger folder to the Antivirus EXCLUSION

- Run the FSDT Live Update again.

Well that was interesting, and it worked!  Here's the proof.  What made in interesting is that when P3D6 opened at Memphis it opened with the airport looking like it did in the previous image.  Then over about 10 seconds, it corrected the elevation issue, added the runways, added the buildings, and added the runway markings.  Looks like excellent scenery.  I grew up in Memphis so am glad to have this scenery.


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