Hi Umberto
I'm using Iniscene's EGLL scenery and after installing through their ini manager software, there was also an option to install the gsx pro profile which i did. The problem is once i spawn into the gate, i power up the aircraft then select request fuel truck from the gsx menu. It brings up the list of suppliers and i select one but then straight away i get a Coutal error. I have uninstalled the gsx profile and the airport scenery and gsx works fine on the default. I have tried several troubleshooting steps but cannot get it to work.
Below is the error log i get.......
couatl v4.8 (build 5336)
panic log started on Mon Nov 20 21:05:48 2023
problem raised by addon <unknown>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\common\fsm.py", line 73, in executeDoFuncToCompletion
File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\__init__.py", line 2825, in do
File ".\common\criticalsection.py", line 23, in _synchronized
File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\__init__.py", line 1189, in requestVehicles
File ".\GSX\__init__.py", line 1745, in prepareGate
File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\__init__.py", line 4762, in setGate
File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\baseAssistanceVehicle.py", line 165, in setGate
File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\passengerBus.py", line 55, in getSimObjectModel
File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\__init__.py", line 4781, in numPassengers
File ".\common\aircraftDb.py", line 174, in syncPaxNumberFromAirplane
AttributeError: 'PMDG_Handler' object has no attribute 'paxNumberAirplaneCode'
{'Airport': 'EGLL', 'Requested assistance services at': 'Gate 209', 'User Pos': (51.47415808080486, -0.4497533929250095, 26.177 m, 2.46546 m, 179.59679130470138, 0.02087328741345118, 0.024434609338641167, 0.0004003281736636621, 2.553919111633301, 1.0)}