Author Topic: Scenery does not match Jepp charts  (Read 7696 times)


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Scenery does not match Jepp charts
« on: August 14, 2023, 06:19:25 am »
I have noticed that taxiways and markings do not match Jepp charts. ORD ATC also told me I was taxiing on grass etc.
Please review. Thx
« Last Edit: August 25, 2023, 04:43:10 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Scenery does not match Jepp charts
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2023, 06:15:31 am »
 Scenery is released as a snapshot in time, it matched the charts at one point.


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Re: Scenery does not match Jepp charts
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2023, 11:41:17 pm »
Hello, I purchased this KORD V2 scenery (from on the strength of a reviewer's comment that the scenery was "updated regularly" by the developer.  Please consider updating this scenery to match the current real-world Jeppesen charts.  Thank you!
« Last Edit: August 27, 2023, 11:43:09 pm by tjahns »


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Re: Scenery does not match Jepp charts
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2023, 04:57:14 pm »
We already updated KORD V2 SEVERAL TIMES, for FREE.

But it's just wrong to assume a scenery could be constantly updated to real charts and, in this case, the changes after the latest update are not just a couple of taxiways, but a whole new part of a Terminal, so it's not a quick work.

I should remind you, to get updated charts in realtime, you surely pay a subscription, that's not how sceneries are normally sold, and I don't think many users would accept that so, you just have to realize, a scenery cannot be updated with the same frequency of the real world charts ESPECIALLY when it's a one-time purchase with no monthly fees.


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Re: Scenery does not match Jepp charts
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2023, 07:21:12 pm »
Umberto, can you please update the scenery when you can?  I know it's a pain, however, when flying on Vatsim and getting taxi instructions it's confusing.  I feel your pain. I have bought your products on every simulator since the first one that came out.  They have all been fantastic so thank you for your products and consistent attention to any issues we have had over the history.

Thank you,
Bill Ditz


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Re: Scenery does not match Jepp charts
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2024, 12:22:10 am »
We already updated KORD V2 SEVERAL TIMES, for FREE.

But it's just wrong to assume a scenery could be constantly updated to real charts and, in this case, the changes after the latest update are not just a couple of taxiways, but a whole new part of a Terminal, so it's not a quick work.

I should remind you, to get updated charts in realtime, you surely pay a subscription, that's not how sceneries are normally sold, and I don't think many users would accept that so, you just have to realize, a scenery cannot be updated with the same frequency of the real world charts ESPECIALLY when it's a one-time purchase with no monthly fees.

I understand your perspective, but you need to also understand that when you've released a scenery like your KORD, no one else is going to make a newer one because you've already locked down so much of the market share and people aren't going to want to rebuy a new scenery. It's not worth it for someone else to make a new KORD.

So all of us with Navigraph subscriptions flying on VATSIM are always stuck playing Russian roulette when flying in and out of KORD with your scenery. Last time I did so, the controller verbatim said to me "well, I've got no idea which taxiways your scenery has, so let's try this: [taxi instructions]". Spoiler alert: his instructions didn't work because my scenery didn't match and we had to take up time on frequency to try and sort it out (and sorting it out ended up being him telling me to make my way the best I could).

I would happily pay 5-10 bucks for something that brought it up to date with the current taxiways, and again in the future when the terminals, etc. are done. As it is today is a menace!


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Re: Scenery does not match Jepp charts
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2024, 11:03:19 am »
I would happily pay 5-10 bucks for something that brought it up to date with the current taxiways, and again in the future when the terminals, etc. are done.

The problem is, most of the sales for KORD has been in the Marketplace, and the Marketplace doesn't even have the concept of upgrade prices, it just doesn't support that so, if we wanted to do a paid update (which we CAN do on OUR site easily), it would require making a whole new product, to be sold at full price.

Also, there's no way for us to check ownership of something bought on the Marketplace (Microsoft doesn't even give you a purchase receipt that says what you bought: you just bought "store credits"), so we couldn't even make a low-priced update for Marketplace users to be sold on our site.

I'm sure the Marketplace limitation of not allowing paid updates will surface soon enough, after MSFS 2024 will came out, but it would have been an issue nonetheless, because airports DO become "old" after some years.


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Re: Scenery does not match Jepp charts
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2024, 03:28:59 pm »
So is it safe to assume the new taxiway layouts will not be coming to your scenery? I am on Pc and would pay for the upgrade. Make the upgrade for PC users only then. Kinda sucks that because of Marketplace the scenery will just now grow older and more unrealistic as time goes on. If that is the case, I hope another dev steps in and does it to the real world standard.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2024, 04:37:24 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Scenery does not match Jepp charts
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2024, 04:38:40 pm »
I am on Pc and would pay for the upgrade. Make the upgrade for PC users only then.

You are assuming that Marketplace = Xbox. That's not the case so no, what you are asking is not feasible, because we must treat Marketplace users same as everybody else.


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Re: Scenery does not match Jepp charts
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2024, 06:49:23 pm »
Given the Marketplace's limitations, how about considering a new release of KORD instead? This could be a fresh way to incorporate the latest changes without the constraints of an update.  ;D

Personally, I'd love to operate from the new Terminal 5 extension, and I'm sure many others would too!


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Re: Scenery does not match Jepp charts
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2024, 11:40:36 pm »
Every decisions regarding future updates to the scenery will postponed after we'll got hold of the MSFS 2024 SDK, because November is not that far away, so we are not starting any work couldn't be brought in the new sim as well.


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Re: Scenery does not match Jepp charts
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2024, 07:49:22 pm »
I understand the logic of waiting for the MSFS 2024 SDK to ensure compatibility with the new sim.

However, many of us would really appreciate seeing the updates, especially the new Terminal 5 extension and updated taxiways, in the current version of MSFS. These updates are crucial for our current flight operations and would greatly enhance our experience right now.

Is there any possibility of releasing these updates for the current version, and then integrating them into MSFS 2024 later on?

Thanks for your continued support!


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Re: Scenery does not match Jepp charts
« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2024, 06:16:23 pm »
I understand the logic of waiting for the MSFS 2024 SDK to ensure compatibility with the new sim.

However, many of us would really appreciate seeing the updates, especially the new Terminal 5 extension and updated taxiways, in the current version of MSFS. These updates are crucial for our current flight operations and would greatly enhance our experience right now.

Is there any possibility of releasing these updates for the current version, and then integrating them into MSFS 2024 later on?

Thanks for your continued support!

100% Agree.


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Re: Scenery does not match Jepp charts
« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2024, 12:50:01 am »
Is there any possibility of releasing these updates for the current version, and then integrating them into MSFS 2024 later on?

Nowhere I said we would release an update for MSFS 2024 only, I only said we'll wait for its SDK to see what's exactly is involved, so we can plan our work for both simulators.


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Re: Scenery does not match Jepp charts
« Reply #14 on: July 29, 2024, 03:32:52 am »
Oh sorry, I must have misunderstood.