Could you give me the new link to refresh my Couatl ?
It say at start up that it encountered a error while loading addon Xpoi.
Installing the latest stand alone addon manager should fix the problem.
I installed it 3 times and nothing works. (downloaded the Addon manager on the site)
here is the message in apdata / Virtuali / Couatl..
couatl v2.0 (build 2068)
panic log started on Wed Oct 06 00:50:21 2010
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "couatl\XPOI\", line 204, in updatePois
File "couatl\XPOI\", line 96, in updatePois
File "couatl\XPOI\", line 83, in <lambda>
File "couatl\XPOI\", line 62, in adjustOrientation
File "couatl\common\", line 45, in allShapes
TypeError: 'SimObject' object is not iterable