Hi there
I have recently got a new computer with windows 7 64 bit version.
I am running FS2004 with a few scenery add ons and all work fine apart from Cloud9 Amsterdam?

The textures at the airport constantly flicker and there is a very large triangle shaped on on of the taxiways made up of some taxiway signs?

I did not thave this problem before on my old computer, so not sure if it is a scenery problem not working with my version of windows 7???
If this is the case, then obviously I am not going to get rid of my new operating system, so is there a way I can solve this??? If not then how do I go about a refund, as I will have to buy another version of amsterdam from somewhwere else so it does work.
I have also attached a screenshot so that you can see what I mean, and also about the ground textures.
I look forward to hearing from anyone
Kind Regards
Gavin Moss