Author Topic: P3D crashes whenever FSDT scenery is loaded  (Read 3763 times)


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P3D crashes whenever FSDT scenery is loaded
« on: January 22, 2023, 03:30:18 pm »
An issue I've had since I've gotten P3Dv5.3 - Any time I try to start a flight in a FSDT airport (so far PHNL, PHOG, KLAX I've tried) the sim will load up, then anywhere from instantly to 5 minutes in, it'll CTD.  No error message displays and the event viewer shows nothing.  It's happened in the PMDG 737 and iFly 7M8, both planes I've been able to fly successfully at other airports.
All my traffic sliders are at 0, and I lowered my graphic settings a level for my most recent flight only to encounter the same issue.

Anyone experienced this?  Anything I should try?  I also ran the most recent live update before my most recent attempt.