Author Topic: No buildngs at KORD after landing from CYYZ  (Read 4580 times)


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No buildngs at KORD after landing from CYYZ
« on: August 27, 2022, 10:33:49 am »
I have FsDreamTeam KORD installed, I also have GSX Pro. I tried a flight from FlyTampa CYYZ to KORD. When I landed in Chicago, there were no buildings at all, just runways and a few trees. I tried later starting a flight at KORD, and the buildings were now present. This is a flight I've done before GSX, and I had no problems then. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling KORD and GSX, with no change. I also have problems with GSX at CYYZ, but I'll post in the GSDX forum regarding those.


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Re: No buildngs at KORD after landing from CYYZ
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2022, 05:13:21 am »
The thread below yours:,26766.msg175300.html#msg175300

No don't think so. I uninstalled and reinstalled KORD through the FSDT installer on the 27th August, so unless there was another corrupted file recently, this isn't the cause of my issue. Also the fact that I could start a flight at a KORD gate and the buildings were showing implies that the files and the link are both okay. I don't know if the problem is related to couatl64, or something else in GSX, but the fact that I was able to do this flight a couple of weeks ago in those pre GSX days does suggest that it's something related to GSX.

Another issue I'm getting is related to the Fenix A320, and the Fenix app occasionally not starting when the flight is loaded... again an issue that has only surfaced since installing GSX. I have submitted a ticket to Fenix regarding this, and I'm only mentioning it here, in case it has some bearing on my other problems.


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Re: No buildngs at KORD after landing from CYYZ
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2022, 09:51:19 am »
Nothing in GSX can possibly affect the scenery, if GSX has a problem, the worse it can happen the scenery won't show custom GSX objects like Docking systems, but all the rest of the buildings would be completely unaffected.

This might just be a general graphic issue caused by the recent problems in MSFS, some users instead of an immediate crash get corrupted graphics or disappearing objects.


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Re: No buildngs at KORD after landing from CYYZ
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2022, 09:52:42 am »
Nothing in GSX can possibly affect the scenery, if GSX has a problem, the worse it can happen the scenery won't show custom GSX objects like Docking systems, but all the rest of the buildings would be completely unaffected.

This might just be a general graphic issue caused by the recent problems in MSFS, some users instead of an immediate crash get corrupted graphics or disappearing objects.

I just did another flight from FlyTampa CYYZ to FSDT KORD, everything the same as earlier, except for GSX... I removed the 2 symbolic links for GSX in the Community folder, and  commented out the call to coautl64.exe in the exe.xml file. Everything was perfect this time, on arrival at KORD, all the buildings showed correctly, the runways had the correct signage etc. You say GSX can't possibly affect the scenery, but I've just observed that if GSX is active, no buildings at all and no proper runways show at KORD on arrival, but with GSX inactive, all is good. The presence of GSX must be causing some problem, whether that is caused by GSX or some side effect of GSX running, I don't know.

With GSX active, but starting at KORD, all is good as well, all buildings show, so I guess the implication is that using GSX at CYYZ is affecting something. I said in another post that I'm having a lot of problems with GSX at CYYZ with "stealthy" service vehicles.


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Re: No buildngs at KORD after landing from CYYZ
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2022, 07:28:41 pm »
I can only confirm GSX cannot possibly affect the scenery, not the GSX *program* loaded from the EXE.XML

The GSX jetway replacements files, which are enabled if the GSX *package* is linked to the Community folder, can possibly affect a scenery, but upon install all replacement for all FSDT airports are automatically disabled.


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Re: No buildngs at KORD after landing from CYYZ
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2022, 05:21:13 am »
I can only confirm GSX cannot possibly affect the scenery, not the GSX *program* loaded from the EXE.XML

Well something is causing the FSDreamTeam KORD not to appear at the end of a flight from CYYZ. I've done this flight 3 times when I used GSX at CYYZ, and each time, on arrival at KORD, there was nothing there... no buildings at all, no runway markings, just default MSFS runways, and a lot of empty ground. On the one occasion recently that I did this flight with GSX disabled, all the buildings were present at KORD, the runways were obviously your runways... everything was good. The only difference between this run and previous runs was GSX. the bottom line though is that, whatever is causing this, this is a problem with the airport that I purchased from you, hence the fact that this topic is in the KORD support and not GSX support.

I've been looking forward to GSX in MSFS for a long time, I was delighted when it was released and purchased it immediately, I've seen the mass of messages on the GSX support and I recognise that you're obviously being besieged with issues. I don't want to add to your burden, but something is very obviously screwing up KORD in my installation of MSFS, and I want to find out what it is. Maybe I should try a flight from CYYZ to KCLT or KSDF to see if there are similar issues, or maybe something in FlyTampa YYZ is upsetting things, maybe a flight from Boston to an FSDT airport?


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Re: No buildngs at KORD after landing from CYYZ
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2022, 09:28:00 pm »
I experience the same. Try flying into Chicago without AIG Traffic Controller with default Asobo Live Traffic.


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Re: No buildngs at KORD after landing from CYYZ
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2022, 10:23:27 am »
I experience the same. Try flying into Chicago without AIG Traffic Controller with default Asobo Live Traffic.

The only issue I could think of, is the sim is starting to enforce LODs handling as Asobo promised it would start to do last year after SU5, but it was never really added other than in DevMode, because when it was announced, it spread a mass of complains from scenery developer that feared they would need to redo all their scenery to add LODs, so it was restricted to XBOX only, which has less memory than a PC.

Basically, the simulator decide if there are too many objects in memory and will start removing them automatically, starting from the ones without LODs, then proceeding with the ones with too few LODs ( less than 3 ) leaving the ones with 3 LODs or more as the last one being removed.

This will probably affect like 90% of the airports out there, since nobody really used LODs before but, possibly, it wasn't a problem until recently, when more and more products like AI traffic packs have been released, increasing the chance that, on a large airport, the automatic LOD handling would start to remove things.

It might be interesting to test AIG with KCLT. Since it was released a couple of months after SU5, it was heavily optimized with multiple LOD levels everywhere because of the above "LOD scare".


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Re: No buildngs at KORD after landing from CYYZ
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2022, 05:55:56 am »
It might be interesting to test AIG with KCLT. Since it was released a couple of months after SU5, it was heavily optimized with multiple LOD levels everywhere because of the above "LOD scare".

I did try flying from CYYZ to KCLT a month ago, and had no problems at either end. I always start the AIG app running when at the gate at the origin airport, although the app does sometimes quietly terminate midway through a flight, so I can't be 100% sure it was running when I landed at KCLT. However, in 3 flights to KORD where I had the issues mentioned above, the odds are that at least in one of those flights, the AIG app had terminated. I'll try to repeat the flight to KORD without AIG running at all.


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Re: No buildngs at KORD after landing from CYYZ
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2022, 09:03:35 pm »
There's a new version of Traffic Controller, try it. I disabled it and currently using FlightAware's traffic. Can you report back if they fixed the AIGTC?


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Re: No buildngs at KORD after landing from CYYZ
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2022, 05:12:00 am »
There's a new version of Traffic Controller, try it. I disabled it and currently using FlightAware's traffic. Can you report back if they fixed the AIGTC?

I've updated the AIG traffic controller, but no joy. Did the same flight, using AIG and PACX, and no buildings upon landing at KORD. I did fly the other day without either AIG or PACX, and KORD was okay then, so the problem is either AIG, PACX, or both... I need to investigate further.


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Re: No buildngs at KORD after landing from CYYZ
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2022, 04:04:37 am »
I've updated the AIG traffic controller, but no joy. Did the same flight, using AIG and PACX, and no buildings upon landing at KORD. I did fly the other day without either AIG or PACX, and KORD was okay then, so the problem is either AIG, PACX, or both... I need to investigate further.

I pretty much gave up on AIG TC with the release of FSLT. All of my issues are pretty much gone now.