So when I need to do a Windows restart: after adding exclusions, after every FSDT Live Update, when there are no GSX/Couatl entry in P3D Add-ons menu?
Just try what it works for you.
- Sometimes a restart is required because one of your VC++ runtimes needed an updated that cannot be completed without a restart
- Sometimes a restart is required because you restarted the sim too quickly after completing a session, so the executables couldn't all complete their closure, so a copy of Couatl still running from the previous session might prevent a new one to start, and a restart will surely fix that ( although if you use the Task manager to check that and terminate it, it will work the same )
- Sometimes a restart is required because one of your add-ons has mistakenly set a wrong compatibility mode for P3D, which our update fixed. Yes, there are some compatibility flag sets in the registry you can't see in the "compatibility" tab, and some of them require a windows restart
- Sometimes a restart is required because WINDOWS itself tried to "help you" because your sim crashed for any reason ( totally unrelated to our software ), and set those compatibility flags because it tought they were required, but they aren't.
If you restart Windows and run the FSDT Live Update, does the program starts, AT LEAST ONCE ?