If would have been more useful if, instead of posting a screenshot of the manual ( which we obviously know how it looks like ), you posted a screenshot of what you see instead. If I understood correctly your report, you are getting just the normal GSX menu, but no YouControl menu ( with GSX being the 2nd entry ), is that correct ?
If that's the case, perhaps it might just because you pressed the "straight to GSX hotkey" ( by default CTRL+Shift+F12 ), which will call GSX bypassing YouControl. Or, you assigned both to the same key, causing a conflict, so perhaps GSX took the priority.
By default, the YouControl/GSX key is CTRL+F12 and the GSX key is CTRL+Shift+F12, which you can verify using the "KeyMappings" option from the Couatl Settings menu. You can use any key you like but, they must be UNUSED and they must be DIFFERENT from each other.