re-installed KJFK_FSDT.bgl by re-running FSDT Live Update and now gates have red X's. Checked APP/virtuali/GSX; no KJFK files. Nothing in SODE either.
As explained many times on the forum about the "Red X" problem, whenever you see those, the issues doesn't have anything to do with any FSDT scenery so, nothing you do related to FSDT will fix it, because the problem is caused by another scenery.
"Red X" are a diagnostic object generated by SODE, to indicate a scenery that comes with SODE objects is active in SODE, but the Simobjects this scenery came with cannot be found by SODE, usually because the scenery has been uninstalled in the wrong way, either because you uninstalled it manually, or because the scenery Uninstaller has a bug and doesn't remove all files.
No FSDT scenery uses SODE to create objects. Even GSX, which uses SODE for jetways animations, will never show Red Xs, because Red X are only used when SODE is used to create the objects, using a SODE XML/SDX file in its own data folder. With GSX, jetways are created by GSX, which will call SODE to animate them so, even if you had a problem with GSX, you'll have different errors coming from GSX, but NOT Red X.
Red X are always the result of a bad installation ( or a bad uninstall ) of another non-FSDT scenery that use SODE to *CREATE* objects.
Check both these folders:
For files that looks to belong to other sceneries you no longer have, or that you suspect might conflict with KJFK and remove them.