This is not the only issue. Even the Green Taxi lights are not working at KLAS during "Dawn" and "Dusk" setting. Green Taxi lights are only working at "Night" setting, while all airports even default stock airports have Green taxi lights for "Dawn" and "Dusk" settings.
This is not really a bug, it's made on purpose, to save some fps, since Dusk is the heaviest on performance, considering both Day and Night textures are loaded and displayed ( blended ) at the same time so, we try to get fps in every place we can.
Another issue is, there is no center night lights on any of the KLAS runway.
Because there aren't any on the real airport. I just checked the latest Jeppesen chart from ( 10-9A, 21 AUG 2020 ), and none of the runways have the CL indication on the runway light table. Always check your charts first, before saying a scenery has a "bug"
We cannot test all these features in Trial version within 5 minutes. There is trust relationship and an assumed standard of finished product.
From this sentence, it seems you misunderstood how the Trial works.
It's not as if you have "just" 5 minutes. You have 5 minutes PER SESSION, you close the sim, restart again, you have another 5 minutes, and that never expires, ever. The Trial has been designed PRECISELY considering how users test a scenery, usually for performances, by tweaking a setting, exit, restart, change the time of day, change aircraft, etc.