Products Support > Key West Support
KEYW for MSFS - buildings not showing up
Hi Umberto,
first of all thank your for creating KEYW airport for MSFS, it's always much fun flying in the Keys.
Unfortunately when loading up at the airport there are no buildings but the airport tower. All other objects like the animated people are there.
Do you have any idea what could be causing that? I saw that another user had a similar problem at KORD, caused by too many files named modelLib.BGL. Might that be a similar issue here?
Your help to sort it out would be very much appreciated.
Best regards
--- Quote from: tangowhiskey on September 23, 2020, 06:23:56 pm ---I saw that another user had a similar problem at KORD, caused by too many files named modelLib.BGL. Might that be a similar issue here?
--- End quote ---
It can't be because, after we found this issue, we changed the name of that file at KORD, and in KEYW has always been different. First, try the Live Update again, it will surely load any missing files.
Also, try to restart your system, another user had the problem of floating people, and it was solved after a reboot.
solution not working for me, still no buildings,
might this be conflicting with LVFR KMIA?
--- Quote from: virtuali on September 23, 2020, 06:54:00 pm ---
--- Quote from: tangowhiskey on September 23, 2020, 06:23:56 pm ---I saw that another user had a similar problem at KORD, caused by too many files named modelLib.BGL. Might that be a similar issue here?
--- End quote ---
It can't be because, after we found this issue, we changed the name of that file at KORD, and in KEYW has always been different. First, try the Live Update again, it will surely load any missing files.
Also, try to restart your system, another user had the problem of floating people, and it was solved after a reboot.
--- End quote ---
Same here. Reinstalled it three times - with LatinVFR KMIA installed and not installed - rebooted the system and also did the Live Update:
Start checking for MSFS updates
QlmLicenseLib.dll registered successfully
License for FSDT Key West for MSFS verified successfully, proceed with update
Scenery files digitally signed to MININT-UIL4N7V\tobyw -
Unfortunately the result is still the same - the only airport building showing up is the tower...
Do you have this file ?
Addon Manager\MSFS\fsdreamteam-airport-keyw-keywest\scenery\FSDT_KEYW\scenery\Simultech_KEYW_modelLib.bgl ?
I'm fairly sure you have it, since it's surely included in the installer but you never know...also, what other 3rd party sceneries you have installed ? Do you have the Navigraph beta installed perhaps ?
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