I did finally get it to work after the 4th attemp of ALL of the steps
It always works, after some tries. Now, FSX will never give that message again for that module.
Which should clearly prove it's not the module that has a problem, but it's FSX that has a problem, which is the Trusting system sometimes goes into an unstable mode, that either requires a reboot, or several tries trusting the same module.
Since the module obviously doesn't change between *tries*, since it's now working, it's clear it didn't had any "problem" to begin with, opposite to what FSX thought.
I do agree with the other posts that it should'nt be this hard to add scenery.
I understand you but, unfortunately, it's something entirely out of our control that has been added to FSX, which is the mandatory Trusting requirements. Which also put an additional financial burden on developers, since we also need to purchase and mantain an yearly subscription for a digital signature certificate.
You would undertand it better, if you would know *how* the FSX "3rd party module" error works:
- When FSX starts, EVERY new module that has been trusted, regardless if it has been tried or not, is first flagged as "bad" in the registry, by setting a key at:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 10.0\Launch
- FSX tries to load it. ONLY after the loading goes fine at least once, the "bad" entry in the registry for that module is cleared so, FSX will stop issuing the message. If FSX can't load the module, the registry entry will not be cleared so, FSX will continue giving the "3rd party module" error message.
The reason why the module doens't run at first, is not very clear but, since it happens ONLY after the module has been just trusted, we suspect that FSX leaves the Windows Trusting system in a somewhat unstable state so, a newly trusted module has less chances to run on its first time. That's why a Windows reboot usually helps.
We have a bglman.dll in FS9 as well but, since FS9 doens't use the Windows Trusting system, we NEVER had the "3rd party module" alert in FS9, although FS9 DOES have its own version of the "3rd party module" alerter but, the FS9 version of our module never triggered it.
It might be interesting to read such comments from a fellow Flight sim developer, Lefteris Kalamaras (former PMDG main developer), about the "beauties" of the FSX Trusting system, and all other things that can go wrong with it: