FS9 doesn't work with the default FS9 exe SP1 file solution is to use the NOCD exe file or patch it...
This is clearly explained in the 1.3 update announcement message. Users asked to be able to use >2GB patch in FS9 but that, unfortunately, lost compatibility with FS9 CD protection. Note, this is true regardless if you patched or not FS9.EXE to support more than 2GB. We think it's way better to get rid of OOM errors that the >2GB patch fix, than having to keep the CD in the drive.
In fact, this new version of the Addon Manager has been out already for about 10 days, in the Stand Alone version, about 200 people downloaded it, and we got just 2 messages in the FS9 section about it, that was of course fixed by applying the no cd patch to FS9.
We used this days as a test trying to assess how many people are still using FS9 with the CD inside. Since the ratio was so low, we decided to put it also in the Zurich installer and make it permanent.
You should do better your home work and I find bglman still very user unfriendly...
That's exactly the opposite, it's now way more compatible with everything, DEP, UAC, Vista 64, Antivirus programs, and the >2GB patch, all things that the previous version didn't support very well. The only thing that doesn't work with, it's the FS9 CD check.
All the above has nothing to do with it serious both install aren't just correct
I don't understand were the FS9 installer is wrong.
My guess is that the dll.xml is corupt by your installer going to have a look into it...
That's possible, I'll look into it, it would be useful if you could send me your DLL.XML file.
All previous versions worked just fine you need to do a bit more homework and testing before releasing
Of course we tested it, and of course it worked absolutely fine on all our machines, but the truth is, you really never know, until it goes in the user's hands, most of the work in the installer, is to defend itself against hand-edited files with syntax errors (expecially in scenery.cfg).
hence it's strange that the FS9 version only work with a not original FS9.exe SP1 file
It's either that, or we lose compatibility with the >2GB patch, that was requested by several users.