I have Cloud9 EHAM version 1.04 installed and activated within FS2004 on my computer.
My problem is that when I look at my FS2004 Map I find the airport (cloud9 EHAM) as having 3 ATIS Frequencies, 4 Tower Frequencies and the following runway designations within the list:
36L(No ILS !),18R (No ILS !),36C,18C,36R,18L,(these 4 with ILS) and also 01,19,02,20,31,21R,03R,21L,04,22,5L,23R,5R,23L,06,24,7L,25R,7R,25L,8R,26L,09, and 27. (What a List!)
As is obvious, from the above, many of these runway designations are not supposed to be associated with EHAM !
As a result for example, I am unable to carry out an ILS approach from the north for runway 18R, with the suggested frequency giving me spurious D.M.E which appears to be centered (Zeroed) in the central area of the airfield, and no Nav 1 glide Slope or Deviation bars are present on this approach to carry out the ILS procedure.
What is interesting is that, when I dissable Cloud 9 EHAM within the Scenery Library, and after restarting FS2004, I look again at the FS Map view I get the following runway designations, 1L,1R,19L,19R,09,27,06,24,04, and 22, which is correct as per the default FS2004 stock EHAM airport scenery.
I can conclude from this that the problem is definatly with my Cloud 9 EHAM Scenery.
I have tried the following without success:
1. Moving Cloud9 EHAM to the top of the scenery list of priority.
2. Deleting scenery.dat files associated with CLoud9 EHAM. (New ones are made on start up)
3. Removing any other AFCAD2 file associated with EHAM. I had one in my FS2004\Scenery\Traffic2005AFD\Scenery folder).
4. Disabling the FS2004 Amsterdman PhotoReal Area from Scenery Library. (in case it effected things, it didn't).
5. I have seperatly tried various supplied Cloud9 EHAM alternative "AI_EHAM_XX-X.bgl" files within the scenery.
All of the above has not corrected the problem.
Can any one help me to solve this issue?

Many Thanks