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Prepar3D V5 installers instructions

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All our installers has been updated to support Prepar3D V5, here's some quick instructions:

- Download the latest full installers for all your FSDT products. Their names are unchanged so, even if you see something like "xxxx_setup_fsx.exe", if it's the latest version, it supports from FSX to P3D V5. And if something is named "xxxx_setup_p3d4.exe", if it's the latest version, it supports both Prepar3D 4.4 and 5.0.

- No need to Uninstall anything. Just install over your existing installation. But you can Uninstall, if you want, it won't make any difference.

- No need to worry about activation. Unless you also change major hardware components ( cpu, mainboard ) or reinstall Windows. All your existing license will work from FSX ( sometimes from FS9... ) to P3D 5.

- Due to the switch to DirectX 12, Render To Texture for GSX is not done yet, as explained here:,23304.msg155949.html#msg155949

We'll have to work at it in the next weeks, since this is a fairly delicate issue, and DX12 is very different from DX11. This will result in not having Logos on operators ( just their Base color ) and no Jetway logos either, and any kind of Font rendering, like Fuel counters, the Marshaller distance readout, etc.

- Because most of the fixes we made to the sceneries were related to different Exclusion required because many default airports have been updated in V5, You MUST let the Live Update to update the AFCAD, otherwise you'll see plenty of double objects. Please do it, even if you customize the AFCAD heavily, there's no way around this.

- We made an update for PHNL to use SODE jetways, the other Hawaii airports will follow in the next days, so you might still see some default objects popping out in V5 there. Same for KFLL.

- KORD V2 has a new native photoreal background made specifically for P3D V5, which should blend better with the surrounding, since it's the first photoreal background made in full PBR ( not possible with P3D V4 ), we'll likely do the same for Basel, so both will end up being 100% PBR.

- Be CAREFUL with your settings, because P3D V5 consumes a lot of VRAM. A video card with 8GB is strongly suggested. Better if you have more...the sim now has an indication of your spare VRAM memory, so you'll know when you are going too high

Chicago runways broken?


Thx for the update so according to what i read gsx is also compatible?


Thanks. I have issue with Vancouver installer.
"The code execution cannot proceed because d3dx9_34.dll was not fount"


thanks for the quick update of your installers
Issue i have is when i go to install KORD for v5 i get the following error:
Please uninstall FSDT Ohare X (2011 version) first

I also get this error when trying to install gsx level 2 into v5

thanks for any help


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