Author Topic: Newbie, elevation (mesh) problem in Hawaiian Airports 1 and 2, no mesh program  (Read 9607 times)


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I'm sure this has been brought up and resolved before and so I searched but couldn't find the solution. It's still an issue.

I'm new to fsdreamteam products, and I just bought and registered these add-ons.

My problem: elevated airports

Hardware: 8700k, 1070ti, 500GB NVMe and 2TB SSD, 16GB DR3200.
Software: Win 10, P3D4.5, no mesh in Asia or Oceana, 5m mesh setting in P3D, and ORBX Vector (ran AEC several times), FTX GLOBAL, Trees, and 50+ add-ons

Please advise, thanks.

My timezone is in San Francisco, California USA
Hardware: i7-8700k, GTX 1070ti, 16 GB RAM 3200Mhgz, NVMe and SSD disks (lots of free space).
Software: Win 10, P3Dv4x, lots of add-ons (at least 50+ are ORBX)


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I'm sure this has been brought up and resolved before and so I searched but couldn't find the solution. It's still an issue.

I'm new to fsdreamteam products, and I just bought and registered these add-ons.

This has been discussed many times, although usually the sceneries affected by OrbX or other mesh are others, like KLAS, it's the first time we hear this, maybe because OrbX has recently released something in Hawaii ?

See here an explanation of the issue:,10065.msg79630.html#msg79630


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Thank you for the quick reply.

I understand the problem.

But *how* do I fix the issue since I've already disabled all the mesh products (like FTX Vector and freemesh)?

Is there a way to move the programs to another location so that I can add and raise its scenery layer to the top in the scenery.cfg file (see below please)?

Is there a free mesh fixer version like the one sold by Pilot's (they call it the AFM)?

I also have what appears to be a texture problem in the PHKO airport. Please see below. I'm not sure if this is related to the mesh issue. How do I resolve the problem?  Thank you.

« Last Edit: January 16, 2020, 11:52:41 pm by bofhlusr »
My timezone is in San Francisco, California USA
Hardware: i7-8700k, GTX 1070ti, 16 GB RAM 3200Mhgz, NVMe and SSD disks (lots of free space).
Software: Win 10, P3Dv4x, lots of add-ons (at least 50+ are ORBX)


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 Have you set your ORBX library insertion points from within Central? It's very common for users to not or incorrectly set them. That will fix your layering on its own.


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I have my insertion point like this (see below). Should I change it?  

I also tried to apply the AEC in ORBX's VECTOR add-on but this didn't correct the issue either. Thank you.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2020, 07:50:22 pm by bofhlusr »
My timezone is in San Francisco, California USA
Hardware: i7-8700k, GTX 1070ti, 16 GB RAM 3200Mhgz, NVMe and SSD disks (lots of free space).
Software: Win 10, P3Dv4x, lots of add-ons (at least 50+ are ORBX)


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  You have the Airports and Regions set to Top of the Scenery Library, which in itself is the root cause of your issue. You want the FTX regions (and everything else it brings in to the mix) to be lower than your other addon airports so that your other addon airports have a higher priority.
 What I've always done and some may do it differently is to select the first addon after the default scenery so in my case the first one above Bathymetry if enabled or the default San Diego.
 The Global Open LC would then get placed below the Orbx Airports and regions.

 You shouldn't ever have to layer your scenery these days. If it's done right, it will do it all correctly for you and stay that way regardless of what you install afterward.


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 You have the Airports and Regions set to Top of the Scenery Library, which in itself is the root cause of your issue. You want the FTX regions (and everything else it brings in to the mix) to be lower than your other addon airports so that your other addon airports have a higher priority.
 What I've always done and some may do it differently is to select the first addon after the default scenery so in my case the first one above Bathymetry if enabled or the default San Diego.
 The Global Open LC would then get placed below the Orbx Airports and regions.

 You shouldn't ever have to layer your scenery these days. If it's done right, it will do it all correctly for you and stay that way regardless of what you install afterward.

Nice tip. Thank you. I made the changes as suggested and I'm seeing improvements but there are still some issues. The scenery elevation detail changes depending on where I am at. As I approach the airport the ground automatically transforms itself and becomes more flat which is what it should be from any distance also. Please see the screen caps below.  Please advise. Thank you.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2020, 09:22:59 pm by bofhlusr »
My timezone is in San Francisco, California USA
Hardware: i7-8700k, GTX 1070ti, 16 GB RAM 3200Mhgz, NVMe and SSD disks (lots of free space).
Software: Win 10, P3Dv4x, lots of add-ons (at least 50+ are ORBX)


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+1 with this issue. It seems to be that as you head towards PHLI the 'elevation' file has a much smaller LOD radius than the rest of the airport therefore leading to a close 'pop in' effect of the terrain.
Could it be that its because this originally released with FS9 in mind?