Hello all, hello custom support
I have reinstalled my FSX on another harddrive, and have some Problems. I think there is something not kompatible. All the FS Dreamteam products worked on my previous installation. I deinstalled everything (Control Panel) before reinstallation, also the addonmanager....
My system: FSX + Acc Pack + SDKs installed, Vista 32 bit.
My Addons and how i am installed them:
1. My Traffic X and OrbX products: No problems, the menu Topic in FSX Extras (created from the SDKs) is there and it works.
2. XPOI installed: "Extras" entry away, XPOI not working. In "Addons" (Addonmanager) all my bought products are active.
3. Installed KLAS, now XPOI and KLAS work (always of couse "trusted"....), but the menu "extras" is still not there.
4. I installed REX 2.0 update. It works, but XPOI and KLAS do not work anymore: XPOI is missing at all, KLAS no buildings to see (no demoversion also)
5. Installed KJFK, nothing changed.Also no buildings.
6. The REX 2.0 Update is very new, some people reported in their forum, that after the update Ultimate Traffic II and Go flight panes do not work any more: http://realenvironmentxtreme.com/forum/index.php?topic=4011.0