Author Topic: QualityWings Boeing 787 Configuration  (Read 39279 times)

Captain Kevin

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QualityWings Boeing 787 Configuration
« on: October 08, 2017, 02:22:11 am »
Although the QualityWings Boeing 787 came with its own configuration, there were several drawbacks with the way it was set up. The first is that it only gave you the option for one passenger boarding door. The second is that although the catering door positions were set up, it wasn't set to check whether the doors were open or not. Here are the configurations that will allow you to use two boarding doors and have the catering door positions checked before the catering trucks do their thing.


nosegear = 20.93
refueling = 1
iscargo = 0
trafficcones = 1
preferredexit =  0
wingrootpos = 3.01 3.11 0.25
wingtippos = 25.89 -9.57 2.75
fuelpos = -14.92 -0.94 1.28
waterpos = -0.02 -17.04 -1.31
lavatorypos = -0.01 -8.55 0.00
engine1pos = -9.96 5.60 -1.34
engine2pos = 9.96 5.59 -1.35
engine3pos = 0.00 0.00 0.00
engine4pos = 0.00 0.00 0.00

pos = -2.40 19.98 0.67 10.70
code = 1
name = Door L1

pos = -2.75 11.28 0.67 0.70
code = 2
name = Door L2

remove = 1

pos = -2.39 -16.64 0.67 -7.80
code = 4
name = Door L4

pos = 2.78 11.25 0.70 0.30
code = (L:DoorR2, bool)
name = Door R2

pos = 2.47 -16.62 0.68 11.00
code = (L:DoorR4, bool)
name = Door R4

pos = 1.72 15.36 -1.24 0.00
code = 4
name = Forward Cargo Door
uldcode = AUTO

pos = 1.72 -10.38 -1.29 -0.40
code = (L:QW_CargoDoor_Aft, enum)
name = Aft Cargo Door
uldcode = AUTO


nosegear = 24.02
refueling = 0
iscargo = 0
trafficcones = 1
preferredexit =  0
wingrootpos = 3.01 3.23 0.49
wingtippos = 26.89 -10.32 3.00
fuelpos = -16.94 -2.30 1.50
waterpos = -0.01 -20.02 -1.32
lavatorypos = -0.01 -8.57 -1.91
engine1pos = -9.95 5.58 -1.35
engine2pos = 9.95 5.63 -1.33
engine3pos = 0.00 0.00 0.00
engine4pos = 0.00 0.00 0.00

pos = -2.13 23.14 0.58 9.00
code = 1
name = Door L1

pos = -2.60 11.08 0.58 -1.00
code = 2
name = Door L2

remove = 1

pos = -2.39 -19.53 0.64 -8.70
code = 4
name = Door L4

pos = 2.81 11.19 0.65 -0.50
code = (L:DoorR2, bool)
name = Door R2

pos = 2.40 -19.55 0.57 10.10
code = (L:DoorR4, bool)
name = Door R4

pos = 1.77 18.54 -1.24 -0.80
code = 4
name = Forward Cargo Door
uldcode = AUTO

pos = 1.71 -13.21 -1.24 -0.80
code = (L:QW_CargoDoor_Aft, enum)
name = Aft Cargo Door
uldcode = AUTO

Hope this helps.
Captain Kevin


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Re: QualityWings Boeing 787 Configuration
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2017, 03:21:52 pm »
I copy exactly what you have for the 787-9 but for some reasons I get small little vans that come up for catering.

Captain Kevin

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Re: QualityWings Boeing 787 Configuration
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2017, 06:52:54 pm »
That's highly unusual. I didn't even touch the door positions for those doors. All I did was change the parameters for the catering trucks checking the doors.
Captain Kevin


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Re: QualityWings Boeing 787 Configuration
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2017, 01:07:01 am »
It is definitely strange.  By default the catering vehicles are correct as far as the type of trucks but as you stated they don't wait for checks.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2017, 01:17:31 am by crash77 »


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Re: QualityWings Boeing 787 Configuration
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2017, 11:40:22 pm »
Ok Kevin,787-8 is ok now,but 787-9 is the same,and also i had a gsx config in the 787-8 but not in the 9(if you know what i mean).So i put one in myself.


Captain Kevin

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Re: QualityWings Boeing 787 Configuration
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2017, 01:07:48 am »
Updated configuration. Repositioned the catering trucks to the R1 and R2 position and added the bulk cargo.


nosegear = 20.93
refueling = 1
iscargo = 0
trafficcones = 1
preferredexit =  0
wingrootpos = 3.01 3.11 0.25
wingtippos = 25.89 -9.57 2.75
fuelpos = -14.92 -0.94 1.28
waterpos = -0.02 -17.04 -1.31
lavatorypos = -0.01 -8.55 0.00
engine1pos = -9.96 5.60 -1.34
engine2pos = 9.96 5.59 -1.35
engine3pos = 0.00 0.00 0.00
engine4pos = 0.00 0.00 0.00

pos = -2.40 19.98 0.67 10.70
code = 1
name = Door L1

pos = -2.75 11.28 0.67 0.70
code = 2
name = Door L2

remove = 1

pos = -2.39 -16.64 0.67 -7.80
code = 4
name = Door L4

pos = 2.58 20.21 0.70 -8.70
code = (L:DoorR1, bool)
name = Door R1

pos = 2.77 11.20 0.68 -0.00
code = (L:DoorR2, bool)
name = Door R2

pos = 1.72 15.36 -1.24 0.00
code = 4
name = Forward Cargo Door
uldcode = AKE

pos = 1.72 -10.38 -1.29 -0.40
code = (L:QW_CargoDoor_Aft, enum)
name = Aft Cargo Door
uldcode = AKE

pos = -1.52 -14.82 -1.29 -14.00
code = (L:QW_CargoDoor_Bulk, bool)
name = Bulk Cargo Door
uldcode = BELT


nosegear = 24.02
refueling = 0
iscargo = 0
trafficcones = 1
preferredexit =  0
wingrootpos = 3.01 3.23 0.49
wingtippos = 26.89 -10.32 3.00
fuelpos = -16.94 -2.30 1.50
waterpos = -0.01 -20.02 -1.32
lavatorypos = -0.01 -8.57 -1.91
engine1pos = -9.95 5.58 -1.35
engine2pos = 9.95 5.63 -1.33
engine3pos = 0.00 0.00 0.00
engine4pos = 0.00 0.00 0.00

pos = -2.13 23.14 0.58 9.00
code = 1
name = Door L1

pos = -2.60 11.08 0.58 -1.00
code = 2
name = Door L2

remove = 1

pos = -2.39 -19.53 0.64 -8.70
code = 4
name = Door L4

pos = 2.46 23.15 0.65 -9.50
code = (L:DoorR1, bool)
name = Door R1

pos = 2.80 11.21 0.57 0.10
code = (L:DoorR2, bool)
name = Door R2

pos = 1.77 18.54 -1.24 -0.80
code = 4
name = Forward Cargo Door
uldcode = AKE

pos = 1.71 -13.21 -1.24 -0.80
code = (L:QW_CargoDoor_Aft, enum)
name = Aft Cargo Door
uldcode = AKE

pos = -1.54 -17.63 -1.29 -12.00
code = (L:QW_CargoDoor_Bulk, bool)
name = Bulk Cargo Door
uldcode = BELT
Captain Kevin


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Re: QualityWings Boeing 787 Configuration
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2018, 08:33:48 am »
I have copied the parameters for 789  and re started gsx. The caatering truck at R1 does not see the door is open. Eventhough the door is open and the catering truck at R2 is doing its duty the truck at R1 does nothing and keeps sending the warning " waiting for your action open R1 "
Also wouldn't it be better if the catering was at R1 and R4?


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Re: QualityWings Boeing 787 Configuration
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2018, 10:07:57 am »
any one else having this problem?


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Re: QualityWings Boeing 787 Configuration
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2018, 12:30:46 pm »
any one else having this problem?

i have this issue too :/


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Re: QualityWings Boeing 787 Configuration
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2018, 10:53:13 pm »
Sorry to hijack but plus +1, except my issue is with Door L4. I get the beep and warning even though the door is open, i get the warning about opening door L4.


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Re: QualityWings Boeing 787 Configuration
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2018, 12:20:40 am »
Using this setup for the QW 787 at Imaginesim KATL with SODE jetways. But when selecting the jetway to dock, I get a message saying the aircraft door is too high! Unable to dock during extension and during dip. Works fine with PMDGs 777 and 747. Can anyone help me with this or recreate the issue? Thanks


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Re: QualityWings Boeing 787 Configuration
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2018, 02:20:03 am »
Just in case it helps anyone here, I used OP's the first configuration but I took a different approach, I copied only the exit and cargo door portions of the config file, and left the [aircraft] section intact from the provided QW gsx config.

Everything is working perfectly for me on both -8 and -9 models. Might be worth a try if anyones still having problems.

The original QW backup gsx configs should still be in the (p3d root)\SimObjects\Airplanes\QualityWings 787-8 and SimObjects\Airplanes\QualityWings 787-9 folders.


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Re: QualityWings Boeing 787 Configuration
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2018, 02:32:03 am »
Using this setup for the QW 787 at Imaginesim KATL with SODE jetways. But when selecting the jetway to dock, I get a message saying the aircraft door is too high! Unable to dock during extension and during dip. Works fine with PMDGs 777 and 747. Can anyone help me with this or recreate the issue? Thanks

Have you tried the latest beta version of SODE? I think its version 1.6.3. I don't own KATL but it fixed a similar problem FlightBeam KSFO,


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Re: QualityWings Boeing 787 Configuration
« Reply #13 on: May 31, 2018, 07:10:12 am »
QW has already contacted the designer of SODE about the problem at KATL and other airports. Saw it on the designers forum.


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Re: QualityWings Boeing 787 Configuration
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2018, 05:15:40 am »
Just in case it helps anyone here, I used OP's the first configuration but I took a different approach, I copied only the exit and cargo door portions of the config file, and left the [aircraft] section intact from the provided QW gsx config.

Everything is working perfectly for me on both -8 and -9 models. Might be worth a try if anyones still having problems.

The original QW backup gsx configs should still be in the (p3d root)\SimObjects\Airplanes\QualityWings 787-8 and SimObjects\Airplanes\QualityWings 787-9 folders.

I am not sure i understand what you mean
I checked the original QW787-8 and 787-9 GSX.cfg and the [aircraft] part is the same than in "Captain Kevin" modified cfg on this thread, so i don't see how keeping the original [aircraft] part will change