I just picked up XPOI and must say it's a very innovative product. There is one issue that I consantly get though, and that's two or more POI's being in the exact same spot and completely overlying each other making the icon and text unreadable for both, or far too many POIs in one area causing a lot of clutter. I've seen this in Canada and even in the Washington demo area for the US.
I previously tried FSDiscover but found its database was a bit lacking for Canada (where I do all of my flying) - I'm quite surprised and pleased with how much data Geonames actually has for Canada. The problem is many of the POIs in Canada aren't put in the proper categories. Towns are all labeled as parks for example. Its not a huge deal having the wrong icon - but this means I can't just disable certain categories to declutter, as all the creeks are in the same categories as major rivers, towns appear as parks and so on.
The one thing FSDiscover did that I think might be a great option for XPOI is for areas with many POI's concentrated in a small area only a few would show at a time, and every few seconds it would alternate between them. Even having this for multiple POIs in one location would be quite helpful. Either that or just have XPOI only display a fixed amount of labels in a given area, and randomly choose which show and which don't or something like that.
As things are right now there's just way too much on the screen at once in certain areas and the enjoyment suffers for this, I hope FSDreamteam will consider adding some feature like the two I suggested above to address this.
Otherwise great product, makes VFR a lot more interesting.
I've attached several screenshots showing the issue - make sure your browser window is fullscreen so the whole image shows.