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Prepar3D 4 announced: FSDT is ready!
First, two videos:
This one to show some of the new features we added to GSX and Charlotte, the new Dynamic Lighting, will supported in all GSX vehicles and will be used in the upcoming Charlotte Douglas scenery:
Next one, to show how much smoother the scenery can be, when memory constraints are improved:
We'll discuss in the following days, up to the release day, what Prepar3D can offer to the community, and how we'll support it (hint: entirely...)
Will the dynamic lighting work on out legacy airports or will we have to upgrade each one. ie: KLAX, PHNL and the rest?
Thank you:)
--- Quote from: FireCapt on May 23, 2017, 08:21:45 pm ---Will the dynamic lighting work on out legacy airports or will we have to upgrade each one. ie: KLAX, PHNL and the rest?
--- End quote ---
Some Dynamic light effects already work without requiring a change in the scenery, because LM coded them like that so, we get them "for free". Same as with GSX vehicles: after we'll release the update, they'll be able to light up legacy scenery.
However, in order to have a full dynamic light feel in the airport, as seen in Charlotte, so apron lights will light up the buildings and the user airplane, the scenery must be updated. It's not very difficult, so we expect to be able to retro-fit most of our sceneries in a reasonable time.
I think I need a bigger boat!!!! ;)
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