I have a problem : I tried several times to fly to or from KORD, and every time I have a crash.
I have a fully fresh installation of P3D V3.1, GEX for P3D and UTX USA V2.2, UTX Canada and UTX Europe, no ORBX installed by KORD.
I tried a fly EGKK to KORD, with a PMDG 777. About 20 nm from landing at about 4000 Ft high, I had a VAS left of about 800 Mo, and suddenly, CTD.
I tried several flights from KORD, with the AS 320 or PMDG 737 (KORD CYUL) and CTD just after push back, or wwhen trying to go to some menus of P3D, but never when loading.
Any idea??? Any help???