Author Topic: Increasing the MFD/HUD refresh rate on the F/A-18  (Read 48996 times)


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Re: Increasing the MFD/HUD refresh rate on the F/A-18
« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2013, 11:38:31 am »
However, I do have other questions regarding your specific implementation of the AI traffic within the function of the DDI's.  As I recall (correct me if I not, cause its been quite a while since I looked at this capability specifically), the gauges are able to see AI in both AWAKE, SLEEP and In_Air, On_Ground or On_Sea  modes, Correct?  I've been studying the ITraffic implementation within the SDK and I want to verify/clarify what the XML and C implementations permit, certain features that allow for correct segregation of AI types and states/mode that they are in.  Any clarification of your implementation are/are-not within the .gau files (without breaking trade secrets) would be helpful and appreciated.

There's nothing "specific" we did when reading AI states. Everything it's done 100% according to Simconnect specifications, so there's no need to repeat here what you can surely find in the FSX SDK.
So, you are using the SimConnect specifications only or specific implementations?  As I read, with XML there are two methods that can be used with differing capabilities and limitations, I'm attempting to learn which ones would be the best for specific purposes so as to use them to that end.  At this point this is a mind exercise, nothing more.

Also, this begs another question, if I use both the existing gauge in-place while intercepting the OSB's event ID while having another gauge (invisible) do something with it and then pass that along to your DDI gauge instead of the .gau currently operates, does that also break the IP?

Apart for the absurdity of doing it that way (I don't think it will really work, since you'll have to "fight" against the original gauge code to set the variables), I think my first reply was clear enough: you can do whatever you want, provided you DO NOT DISTRIBUTE ANY MS CODE IN ANOTHER PRODUCT.

But of course, anything I write here doesn't have any legal base whatsoever, since (as I've said, quite clearly) I do not own ANY of the F-A/18 IP anymore, if a Microsoft lawyer comes knocking to your door, don't expect to justify yourself with "Virtuali, the developer, told me it's ok", because even if I was the developer, I don't own such IP anymore because it has been bought by Microsoft long ago, so I don't have any power to allow/disallow anything about it, that's just my personal interpretation of the SDK EULA.
I appreciate you candor in this matter; but I am at this point attempting to learn from the SDK code specified (which as you already know is very incomplete  :-[ ) and there are definitely uses for doing such multi-operational code, encryption is a good example of that.  But, to clarify legally what I am attempting is merely to use this as a self learning tool for another project that I am working on so, don't worry no lawyer will be coming to either of us as it wouldn't be "out there" to bother them, at least not from me in this exercise. ;)

But, I appreciate the advise and will call on you at some point in the future when I get stuck with something you might be the only source with the answers for.
"Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.” (Prov.13:20 NIV)
Thank you very much.
  James F. Chams


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Re: Increasing the MFD/HUD refresh rate on the F/A-18
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2013, 12:37:10 pm »
So, you are using the SimConnect specifications only or specific implementations?

Wasn't this clear enough ?

Everything it's done 100% according to Simconnect specifications

I've said 100%, not 90% or 99%...

As I read, with XML there are two methods that can be used with differing capabilities and limitations, I'm attempting to learn which ones would be the best for specific purposes so as to use them to that end

Don't have the slightest idea how reading AI with XML would work, and don't want to know either. I only use C++.

But, to clarify legally what I am attempting is merely to use this as a self learning tool for another project that I am working on so, don't worry no lawyer will be coming to either of us as it wouldn't be "out there" to bother them, at least not from me in this exercise. ;)

I don't think it would be a problem too, but I had to clarify my stance on it.


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Re: Increasing the MFD/HUD refresh rate on the F/A-18
« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2014, 10:14:18 pm »
Virtuali,  I installed the FSXBA and the MFD'S /HUD are very clear; however, my gauges/switches are there but are unreadable. How do I correct my situation?  Thanks. Its frustrating being a computer illiterate.


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Re: Increasing the MFD/HUD refresh rate on the F/A-18
« Reply #18 on: January 30, 2014, 11:12:51 pm »
Virtuali,  I installed the FSXBA and the MFD'S /HUD are very clear; however, my gauges/switches are there but are unreadable. How do I correct my situation? 

Not entirely sure what HUD the FSXBA uses but, if it's not the one we made (which is the default included in the Acceleration Pack), I can't really help you much with that.


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Re: Increasing the MFD/HUD refresh rate on the F/A-18
« Reply #19 on: January 31, 2014, 07:16:40 am »
It may be more helpful to ask in the FSXBA Hornet thread.


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Re: Increasing the MFD/HUD refresh rate on the F/A-18
« Reply #20 on: January 31, 2014, 05:35:17 pm »
Hey Killer,

I'll be the first to tell you that the textures in the FSXBA Hornet aren't super sharp.  We are working on that.  The HUD is a work in progress as well.  For now, you might want to check your global texture resolution settings, under Options, Settings, Display.  Try cranking that up all the way if it's not already.  It shouldn't be a huge hit on performance.  You should notice a difference in the clarity of the textures.  Hope this helps.


Justin "Jimi" Hendrix
FSX Blue Angels
FSXBA F/A-18C Hornet Latest Download Link:,6944.msg117011.html#msg1


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Re: Increasing the MFD/HUD refresh rate on the F/A-18
« Reply #21 on: February 03, 2014, 07:47:35 pm »
Jim, your advice on moving the global texture resolution all the way up did the trick. Thanks for your help and for your team developing the
FSXBA hornet