Thanks, I understand your point about my reluctance to switch over to SP2, it is sound and appreciated.
Your scenery is extremely convincing and well done, so I suffer a loss to my overall FS experience without it.
My reluctance is because I still use some FS9 port overs that I believe cannot be used in FSX SP2
They are warbirds which I am involved with in real life and import to me.
Also I am now running a Intel 6600 Core 2, with an Nvidia 8800 GTX OC and only a 7200 rpm HD
I going to purchase a new system in the spring of 09 so then I will switch over and finally take advantage of the SP2 By then I hope to confirm and/or resovle my disire to use some specific aircraft with SP2 compatble or upgraded versions.
The bad news is I just installed the Orlando scenery again, (the FSX.cfg was clean of the addon manager trusted entries first) the FSX Directory had no bglmanx files and I used the installer from the cload9 site.
The scenery again installed ok but the prompt for the addon manger did not appear, the FSX .cfg was modified and the trusted bglmanx entry re-appeared. So did the FSX main directory addition of the new bglmanx.dll and .dat files.
The buildings obviously still do not appear or the addon manager on the FSX control bar.
I can't seem to get the prompt to approve/trust the addon manager anymore
Something is blocking the manager from my acceptance of it at start up.??
Can the addon manager be installed with a separate self -installing file? If so do you have that?
I will drop the issue, but the frustrating part of this is I did have the Orlando installed and running before,
so I'm trying not to loose it .
Thanks Doug