Now I UNDERSTAND the problem is another scenery AFCAD but I have used the airport scanner and also manually searched FSX for many hours and there is no other AFCAD named KORD that I could find.
There are some cases where the Airport Scanner can't find a conflicting AFCAD and, you shouldn't assume is named containing KORD. Default FSX AFCADs, the most obvious example, are not...
I even replaced the original FSX KORD in case it was corrupt but no luck.
Unless you moved FSDT KORD down in the Scenery Library, the default AFCAD won't affect it, because the FSDT KORD AFCAD completely replaces it.
Before I walk away is there something I have missed? I use WOAI traffic so could there be a problem there?
You shouldn't use WoAI traffic for other reasons, mainly because they are FS9 models, and have fps and visual issue (become invisible if you turn Airplane shadows On), but WHERE they park, is controlled ONLY with an AFCAD, and conflicting AFCADs are usually supplied with AI Traffic payware packages like My Traffic.
I'm sorry but, as long as you have FSDT KORD on top of the Scenery Library, which is where its installer put it, misplaced AI can ONLY be caused by another AFCAD in conflict.
If you have GSX installed, it might help you identifying the offending one, by using the "Customize parking position", which will list the name of the AFCAD seen by GSX.
However, that's not a foolproof test either: if the conflicting AFCAD is not complete or is corrupted, GSX will reject it, which maybe is the reason why the FSX Airport Scanner can't find it too, the file might be not usable and/or not readable by the Airport Scanner or by GSX, but still able to create a problem.