FSDreamTeam forum

Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: Abass on April 13, 2023, 06:39:17 pm

Title: Loading menu not loading
Post by: Abass on April 13, 2023, 06:39:17 pm
I’ve tried just about everything and just did a uninstall and reinstalled everything. I get into the sim and when I click on gsx it stays stuck loading any other suggestions?
Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: e4logics on April 14, 2023, 02:39:33 pm
Same issue.
Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: dcrowe on April 14, 2023, 06:31:32 pm
Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: Abass on April 14, 2023, 07:21:42 pm
Thought it was just me. I bought this over a month ago and yet to use it.

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Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: virtuali on April 15, 2023, 12:42:05 am
The most common cause of this problem is the antivirus:

- Configure the antivirus and add the whole Addon Manager folder to the antivirus EXCLUSIONS

- Run the FSDT Live Update again, after you do the above.

If still doesn't work, the thread here explains what you need to do to provide a diagnostic log:

Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: Abass on April 15, 2023, 01:49:56 am
First off I did add the manager addon folder to exclusions as well as my community folder. And I ran the offline installer but did not touch the live updater. Still no luck. I tried that log method only thing came back was airport cache=0.
Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: virtuali on April 15, 2023, 01:55:33 am
I tried that log method only thing came back was airport cache=0.

I don't think you understood what the log instructions say. You are not supposed to see anything appearing on that file, other than the line YOU must add to it to ENABLE logging, that is


THEN, on the next startup, you see a NEW file, called Couatl.LOG, which will be created. This one needs to be ZIPPED and ATTACHED to a post for examination.
Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: Abass on April 15, 2023, 02:45:51 am
So just making sure I add enable logging in that note pad. Then run the engine?
Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: virtuali on April 16, 2023, 10:55:23 am
So just making sure I add enable logging in that note pad. Then run the engine?

Yes, using the "Start Couatl for GSX MSFS" icon on the Desktop, with the simulator running. Assuming, of course, it hasn't already started it automatically ( as it normally does ), so in the case you should not try starting manually, just check it's doing a log, after the sim arrived on the Main Menu.
Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: Abass on April 16, 2023, 12:49:20 pm
I followed your instructions even placed the addon manager to exclusion list. Couatl_MSFS.ini to Virtuali folder than ran the sim to the main menu no log was created.
Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: virtuali on April 16, 2023, 02:23:38 pm
I followed your instructions even placed the addon manager to exclusion list. Couatl_MSFS.ini to Virtuali folder than ran the sim to the main menu no log was created.

Then either your edited the Couatl_MSFS.INI wrong, or the program hasn't even started. To be sure if the Couatl_MSFS.INI to be correct, don't edit it manually, use the one posted in the Sticky thread "How to report an error"


If you are sure your Couatl_MSFS.INI is correct (if you use the one posted there, it's surely correct), the most likely case is the program hasn't even started, so it cannot create a log. In this case, follow the suggestions I already posted in my previous reply:

- Configure the antivirus and add the whole Addon Manager folder to the antivirus EXCLUSIONS

- Run the FSDT Live Update again, after you do the above.
Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: Abass on April 16, 2023, 03:38:52 pm
Also other things I noticed is the folders in the community have shortcut icons is that normal?

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Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: Abass on April 16, 2023, 03:44:38 pm
Also I used the pre made Couatl_MSFS but I added ini to it.

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Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: virtuali on April 17, 2023, 09:15:19 am
Also I used the pre made Couatl_MSFS but I added ini to it.

The reason why there's a pre-made Couatl_MSFS.ini is precisely so you don't have to modify anything about it. Why you "added to it" and what, considering it already has the one and only line required to make the log working ?

Also other things I noticed is the folders in the community have shortcut icons is that normal?

Of course it is. It would be abnormal if you didn't. Quoting from the GSX Manual, Page 3:


We don’t install anything in the Community folder! All FSDT products, regardless if they are for FSX, P3D or MSFS, will be installed in the FSDT “Addon Manager”
folder. While there’s no “Addon Manager” program for MSFS, we kept this folder structure to make updates easier, because the FSDT Universal Installer will only operate on the “Addon Manager” folder, doing installs or updates, and nothing is copied in your simulator Community folder, other than a Symbolic Link. Through the Universal Installer you can even momentarily disable an add-on from the Community folder, but keep it installed so you won’t have to reinstall it again.
Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: Demon on April 17, 2023, 04:41:08 pm
Dear FSDT Team,

I have the same problem that GSX opens the menu and is loading infinite. This I have done trying to solve the problem (without success):

-uninstall ALL of GSX compounds (Addon Manager + all downloaded files)
-uninstall MSFS and reinstall clean
-opened MSFS -> load flight -> open GSX menu -> loadingscreen from GSX appears -> close and restart couatl -> still loading screen
-I dont use anti virus, only Windows Defender -> no threat detected so I can't authorize the Addon Manager Folder and Community for anti virus.

It used to work tho, but I cant say, from which point it stopped working. I was not flying with A320 by FBW coz this gives me all the time a CTD while loading and I cant fix this either. All other planes work and I have nothing else newly installed in the community folder which might interfear with GSX.

here is my ZIP from the log file in great hope you can help me. Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: Demon on April 18, 2023, 10:54:20 am
Problem solved by again for the 3rd time to reinstall MSFS from scratch.
Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: schiphol104 on April 20, 2023, 09:07:58 pm
I found finally the solution that worked for me.
I downloaded the universal installer from following link: https://www.fsdreamteam.com/products_msfs.html
and installed the program, which took nearly 30 minutes. Delete from the community folder all the GSX files before installing.
After finishing the installation, reboot the computer and start up the sim. If it works like it did for me the GSX program will work. I was not asked for licensee or whatever.
Good luck.
Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: schiphol104 on April 20, 2023, 11:40:33 pm
I have downloaded the universal installer and after installing the program works perfect.
Why did they not advise that from the start??????????????
Here is the link.
Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: Abass on April 21, 2023, 12:00:01 am
I’m gonna try this hopefully it will work for me also. I’ve just given up hope.

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Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: Abass on April 21, 2023, 02:39:23 am
I’ve tried this did what y’all did even added the addon manager folder to my exclusion list started up the sim and the gsx menu stays stuck on loading

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Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: virtuali on April 21, 2023, 11:09:27 am
Please try again with today's update, we found and fixed a possible cause of the menu stuck on Loading.
Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: Abass on April 21, 2023, 06:56:01 pm
After the update still stuck on loading screen

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Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: virtuali on April 22, 2023, 01:12:56 am
After the update still stuck on loading screen

Your startup log, please.
Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: Abass on April 22, 2023, 01:46:10 pm
I finally figured out the log I have it now. But how do I zip it and send?

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Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: FerrevmVnion on April 23, 2023, 01:32:25 pm
After the recent update ... i also have this issue ... in eidw ... error log states something about an error loading jetways

User collision geometries reloaded
requestFacilityData EIDW
requestFacilityData DONE EIDW
Loading airport EIDW
Creating model cache...
Model cache created
Error: exception JETWAY_DATA in call RequestJetwayData param #1 'EIDW'
{'Airport': 'EIDW', 'User Pos': (53.42567778897329, -6.246819341567957, 64.4298 m, 2.89584 m, 70.80145326158932, 0.003656931919977069, 0.001745329238474369, 0.0, 3.18211187210083, 1.0)}
SharedMemInterface created
Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: Speedbird1 on April 23, 2023, 05:45:23 pm
I am having the same problem over the last month or two. I have found I have an infinite "Loading GSX menu, please wait" loading timer when I begin my first flight after loading MSFS. GSX never loads. I have found however if I close GSX and end the flight and create another flight in world map and begin to fly GSX works as expected. The menu appears with the list of options both starting the flight at the Gate and on the runway. This also happens the same whether I use MSFS standard default airports or third party add-on airports or GSX modified airport files in my Roaming-Virtuali-GSX-MSFS folder that I have downloaded and installed from flightsim.to

It appears on my computer then that the problem occurs on the first flight after starting MSFS and not any subsequent flights.

I have the add-on folder added to my AVG exceptions and have run the FSDT live update before starting MSFS. I am using version 2.5.4 but this problem has occurred on previous versions. It has worked fine in the past without this problem on all default and third party airport scenery

Any help or clues as to what is causing the problem or any solutions people have found would be much appreciated.

Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: FerrevmVnion on April 24, 2023, 07:21:25 am
In my example it was due to a gsx profile containing those lines

jetway_pos = 53.4264047962718 -6.2465199687092 -42.8912353515625
jetway_gate_number_text = 312
jetway_gate_number_font_name = Arial
jetway_gate_number_font_size = 36.0
jetway_gate_number_font_color = 0,0,0,255
jetway_gate_number_bg_color = 255,255,0,255
jetway_gate_number_font_weight = 700
jetway_gate_number_font_style = 0
jetway_gate_number_font_stretch = 5
jetway_simtitle = FSDT_SODE_JW_JBTC_43_20_BLUE
jetway_name = GSX2 Jetway
jetway_linkedsimobjectsmask = 15
jetway_staticlinkedsimobjectsmask = 0
jetway_bridge_pos = 53.4264051254203 -6.24652048064596 -42.8912353515625

What is the idea behind this lines? When disabling jetway relacement menu is endless loading; when enabling, gsx dont recognize the stop position and gives only the menu to select the positions
Title: Re: Loading menu not loading
Post by: virtuali on April 27, 2023, 12:47:40 pm
In my example it was due to a gsx profile containing those lines

That looks like a profile made for GSX Level 2 for FSX/P3D and placed in the MSFS folder by mistake.

GSX Pro will never read profiles outside the %APPDATA%\Virtuali\GSX\MSFS folder but, it's your responsibility to be sure you place profiles made for GSX Pro there.