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Products Support => GSX Support FSX/P3D => Topic started by: WebMaximus on July 30, 2016, 04:52:06 pm

Title: Boarding/deboarding sound alternation suggestion
Post by: WebMaximus on July 30, 2016, 04:52:06 pm
One thing I think would be very nice if could be added is some kind of alternation when it comes to the boarding and deboarding sound. Especially when it comes to the time of day.

I'm just preparing a flight from ESSA-EGPH in real time meaning 4:45 PM local time in Sweden and then it feels a bit odd when you hear your cabin crew welcoming the PAX by saying 'Good morning, welcome aboard'... A more proper way to greet the PAX this time of day would of course be something like 'Good afternoon, welcome a board'.

3 sets of boarding/deboarding sounds would do it I guess, one for 'Good morning', one for good afternoon and one for good evening. Guess it wouldn't be too hard to find out the local time in the sim to know what sounds set should be triggered.

Then imagine if the sound sets could also be based on good/bad weather at the origin meaning the cabin crew could say something like "Good morning, what a lovely weather we have today" or "Good evening, nasty weather but you're most welcome aboard"

To me that would add a lot to the immersion factor!
Title: Re: Boarding/deboarding sound alternation suggestion
Post by: virtuali on July 30, 2016, 05:31:00 pm
Good suggestions, and not difficult to do.
Title: Re: Boarding/deboarding sound alternation suggestion
Post by: WebMaximus on July 30, 2016, 05:32:52 pm
Glad to hear you liked it Umberto!
Title: Re: Boarding/deboarding sound alternation suggestion
Post by: WebMaximus on September 26, 2016, 09:52:41 am
Any chance we will see this implemented in a not too distant future?

I just started a morning flight (Swedish local time) and listening to the boarding sound and how the cabin crew greets the passengers by saying "Good morning" felt so right since it actually is morning both IRL and in the simulator currently so this made me remember this request.

Would be awesome if you could have the cabin crew use different ways of greeting the PAX as suggested :) In my eyes it would add a lot to the overall value of GSX making it feel much more realistic and "alive" being aware of the actual time in the simulator.
Title: Re: Boarding/deboarding sound alternation suggestion
Post by: virtuali on September 26, 2016, 01:12:08 pm
Yes, it can be done, but it's really a minor update. We are working on a fairly big update right now, so it's best do it right and do the small things afterwards.
Title: Re: Boarding/deboarding sound alternation suggestion
Post by: WebMaximus on September 26, 2016, 01:52:35 pm
Got it, I'm just happy you still have it on your list and I'm looking forward to it when you find the time to implement it :)
Title: Re: Boarding/deboarding sound alternation suggestion
Post by: WebMaximus on December 21, 2016, 02:04:34 am
Bump to make sure this isn't forgotten :)
Title: Re: Boarding/deboarding sound alternation suggestion
Post by: WebMaximus on October 09, 2017, 08:36:04 pm
Is this one still on your to-do list?

Been a while now since I first suggested this...
Title: Re: Boarding/deboarding sound alternation suggestion
Post by: virtuali on October 09, 2017, 10:53:36 pm
I'm afraid the status hasn't changed from the last reply. Yes, we would like to do it but, it's really a minor issue, and there's always something bigger to add first, like the new Cargo Stand system that will debut in a few days with KSDF.
Title: Re: Boarding/deboarding sound alternation suggestion
Post by: WebMaximus on October 09, 2017, 11:27:53 pm
OK, maybe one day...

Personally I think people would really appreciate it since it's a quick thing for you to add and it would add to the immersion quite a lot having both the cabin crew and PAX being "dynamic" depending on what time of day it is in the sim.

As already said the way it is now where you hear the cabin crew saying "Good morning" when it's in fact 7 PM just feel very off.