FSDreamTeam forum

Products Support => Memphis KMEM Support FSX/P3D => Topic started by: ROMAN78 on June 04, 2016, 06:58:31 am

Title: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: ROMAN78 on June 04, 2016, 06:58:31 am

I'm love this scenery  :D.. The best ever!!! However, I was wondering if there's anyway to fully disable the sounds in the tower. It's causing significant stutters for me on takeoff and landing with VAS/FPS. Any suggestions?

Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: HeadlessHershel on June 04, 2016, 08:33:07 am
Im getting them too. pretty solid 30 fps so i shouldnt be. I dont think it is from atc though
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on June 04, 2016, 12:45:56 pm
I'm love this scenery  :D.. The best ever!!! However, I was wondering if there's anyway to fully disable the sounds in the tower. It's causing significant stutters for me on takeoff and landing with VAS/FPS. Any suggestions?

What makes you think it's the Tower sounds that are causing stuttering and possibly VAS or fps issues ? They obviously aren't, because NOTHING in the Tower interior is ever loaded until you are VERY close to it, basically in front of the door.

And of course, even if you go inside the Tower, all textures, models and sounds are immediately removed from memory the moment you go outside the very tight cylindrical perimeter outside the Tower.

In addition to that, all other animated scenes are NOT loaded, unless you go very slow or stop the plane (less than a normal taxing speed), for the precise reason that loading/unloading process won't cause ANY stuttering.

Same for the detailed hangar interiors. They are NOT loaded, unless you open the hangar doors. When the doors are closed, the interior is a simple flat polygon with nothing inside.

So, if you get stuttering, they are not coming from anything related to sounds, the control tower, the animations, etc.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: luggage on June 04, 2016, 02:37:26 pm
I'm experiencing something similar, but it only seems to be on final approach that it's noticeable. The scenery is pretty smooth on the ground, and on the downwind leg of an approach, but it begins to stutter on finals. I tried playing with the AntiPopUp value (which FlightBeam recommended for KSFO) to no avail.

Could if be ground clutter loading once the vehicle is below a certain altitude and closer to the airport?
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on June 04, 2016, 02:40:40 pm
Could if be ground clutter loading once the vehicle is below a certain altitude and closer to the airport?

Most likely, but most of them (the most demanding objects, which are the hundreds of parking "scenes" around each parking with human animations) are only loaded when the airplane is moving very slow.

Some of them are loaded when going below a certain altitude, and some when entering some areas.

The scenery would *never* fit in memory, if we tried to load everything at once, which would make for a  more stutter-free experience (but a probably lower frame rate, overall) IF it could fit in memory all at once, which is not the case.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: ROMAN78 on June 04, 2016, 07:13:44 pm
I'm love this scenery  :D.. The best ever!!! However, I was wondering if there's anyway to fully disable the sounds in the tower. It's causing significant stutters for me on takeoff and landing with VAS/FPS. Any suggestions?

What makes you think it's the Tower sounds that are causing stuttering and possibly VAS or fps issues ? They obviously aren't, because NOTHING in the Tower interior is ever loaded until you are VERY close to it, basically in front of the door.

And of course, even if you go inside the Tower, all textures, models and sounds are immediately removed from memory the moment you go outside the very tight cylindrical perimeter outside the Tower.

In addition to that, all other animated scenes are NOT loaded, unless you go very slow or stop the plane (less than a normal taxing speed), for the precise reason that loading/unloading process won't cause ANY stuttering.

Same for the detailed hangar interiors. They are NOT loaded, unless you open the hangar doors. When the doors are closed, the interior is a simple flat polygon with nothing inside.

So, if you get stuttering, they are not coming from anything related to sounds, the control tower, the animations, etc.

I understand what your saying, However I can only tell you what I'm experiencing on takeoff and landings. It happened yesterday  as I changed views on landing & as I rotated from in/out the cockpit and locked views.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: HeadlessHershel on June 04, 2016, 07:30:41 pm
My stutters start when im about 1/3rd of the way down runway 36 and continue until i rotate and am off the ground. Seems to happen the first time i load into the scenery that it only happens but im not sure what is causing it.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: ROMAN78 on June 04, 2016, 07:33:00 pm
Likewise.. I know it has new features... man is it awesome :D.. I just want to be able to enjoy it fully like I do all the other FSDT sceneries.

Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: ipg1939 on June 05, 2016, 04:19:38 am
It stutters just like PHNL does.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: hawkhero on June 05, 2016, 11:35:47 am
I get stuttering also. about every 5 seconds or so.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on June 06, 2016, 04:13:30 pm
It stutters just like PHNL does.

They are totally and entirely different sceneries, but in both cases, there's some loading/unloading made in the background which is NOT free, and it's obviously done to SAVE MEMORY. I'm sure you'll rather not want to have an OOM, so you "might" get a smoother experience, at least until it does't crash.

Check this video:

It shows very minor stuttering, but the settings are VERY high, with Dynamic reflections set to maximum, addon weather effect, the PMDG-777 memory monster (3.3GB of VAS taken), and he's running on 4K resolution too.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: robains on June 07, 2016, 10:33:46 pm
Hi Umberto,

I still do get "some" stuttering at specific points along the runway and I'm pretty sure it's related to the Hanger ... your VAS conservation processing is indeed working VERY well and as you suggested the "release" of resources is not "Free" in terms of CPU cycles.  Is it possible to further optimize your release/instantiate logic such that it only happens when VAS is close to the limit (i.e. around 3.8GB or higher) or when the source view is much closer to the object?

I'm guessing your current logic is operating from a calculated "view distance" from view source to object?

So for those of use that are NOT on the "edge" of VAS don't have to be subject to the resource release CPU penalty.

Again, keep up the innovation for VAS consumption ... hopefully come year end you'll not have to worry about that any more ;)

Cheers, Rob.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on June 08, 2016, 01:56:02 am
I still do get "some" stuttering at specific points along the runway and I'm pretty sure it's related to the Hanger

The hangar is static and simple, if you close its doors, the interior is just a basic textured flat polygon when seen from the outside with the doors closed.

The complex animated interior (and all the related sounds) will be loaded only if you open the door. Everything will be thrown away if you close it again.

So, as a general performance trick, always close the door if you are not interested in the hangar anymore.

Is it possible to further optimize your release/instantiate logic such that it only happens when VAS is close to the limit (i.e. around 3.8GB or higher) or when the source view is much closer to the object?

I'm guessing your current logic is operating from a calculated "view distance" from view source to object?

Well...yes and no. We already did this in 2007. Sometimes we still use this for very simple things, but KMEM is way smarter.

Today is far more complex: we use our collision system to help us define precise areas within a place so, instead of colliding, some objects appear when you "collide" (not really, just logically) in an area with a custom size in every dimension. For example, we have a logical cylinder around the Control Tower, so nothing is loaded unless you are *very* close to it, in front of the door, basically.

We tie also other conditions to minimize stuttering, for example not creating some stuff if your speed is higher than a very low taxi speed or, of course, if you are flying (or landing)

This is done entirely in C++ code in Couatl.exe, outside the sim, so the processing for this is zero VAS and zero fps impact. The stutters are not because we spend time calculating all our stuff. Couatl being a separate .EXE means it gets its own CPU spare cycles from the OS, and if you check how much CPU it takes, it's usually around 1% and not taken away from the sim.

What causes the stutters, is the time the sim takes to reload an object, which depends on its size. So, if you are discarding a 10MB 3D object, the advantage is that you just recover 10MB of VAS (+ VRAM for its textures), but the side effect is that you will have to reload it these 10MB at some time, hence the small stutters.

The scenery would never, ever, fit in RAM, if we tried to fit all at the same time. Just the small scenes with some animated guys around every parking take about 4-5 MB each, and there are 200 of them! That would mean 1.0GB just for them, and this is just polygons without even considering the textures...instead, we can select to load only the 2-3 close to your plane, and take only 15-20 MB instead of 1.0GB.

So for those of use that are NOT on the "edge" of VAS don't have to be subject to the resource release CPU penalty.

Well, but there's also the fps issue. Even if you could afford more objects to be loaded before having a problem with VAS, you'll then start to have fps issues.

Again, keep up the innovation for VAS consumption ... hopefully come year end you'll not have to worry about that any more

I really hope that 64 bit will not be an excuse for lazy developers to "put everything in", just because it won't ever OOM, slowing down the fps to a crawl...
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: robains on June 08, 2016, 08:49:28 am
Haha ... are you kidding me, as soon as there is a 64bit P3D you KNOW everyone will start using 8192 textures.

With the current issue with some airports runway textures and markings not loading/visible under V3.3, I was shocked to find just how much VAS those runway textures consume .. pretty close to 1GB VAS ... I guess it's somewhat understandable since runway and taxi-ways are such large surfaces ... but given they seem to be a major source of VAS usage, how about an optimization that would act like a LOD radius, where you only load higher res runway/taxiway textures with a certain radius of the aircraft/view position?

For large airports with many runways, it unlikely we'll care about the texture quality of any runway other than the one we're taking off from or landing on.

Cheers, Rob.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: ipg1939 on June 12, 2016, 12:43:28 pm
Yea so it stutters just like PHNL like i said. Happens about 200' from landing. has 3-4 hiccups while touching and slowing down. then goes away. Its a trademark FSDT thing.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on June 12, 2016, 02:01:05 pm
Its a trademark FSDT thing.

Which allows you to have a scenery that, if was loaded at all once like any other non-FSDT scenery out there, even if it could fit entirely in memory (there's no way it could), it would have abysmal fps.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: Bruce Hamilton on June 12, 2016, 03:07:02 pm
You'd better talk to your attorney, Umberto. A lot of other developers are infringing on your trademark.   ;D :D
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: markjans on June 15, 2016, 08:25:11 am
Here's another report of someone who experiences stutters on final approach and on take off. I do understand everything that's said in this topic, but stuttering is far more than average compared to other high-end sceneries like FlightBeam's KSFO or similar. I'm on P3D v3.3 running an OC'd 6700K on 4.6 GHz with SSD and other high-end components. Is there anything that can be done to reduce this?

Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: HeadlessHershel on June 16, 2016, 07:42:37 pm
Here's another report of someone who experiences stutters on final approach and on take off. I do understand everything that's said in this topic, but stuttering is far more than average compared to other high-end sceneries like FlightBeam's KSFO or similar. I'm on P3D v3.3 running an OC'd 6700K on 4.6 GHz with SSD and other high-end components. Is there anything that can be done to reduce this?

Im wondering the same thing. Most of my stutters occur on takeoff though
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: HeadlessHershel on June 18, 2016, 10:48:29 pm
I fixed my issue with stuttering by setting maximum pre rendered frames to 1 in Nvidia inspector. Not sure if this will help anyone else
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on June 19, 2016, 01:54:30 am
I fixed my issue with stuttering by setting maximum pre rendered frames to 1 in Nvidia inspector. Not sure if this will help anyone else

That's interesting to know. I guess that having it to its default value of 3 will consume more VRAM if things are constantly loaded/unloaded from memory, since the card has to keep storage for 3 frames ahead.

It's possible the default value of 3 has been chosen to suit more modern engines like Unreal or Crytek, when a lot of data is cached on the VRAM, so it makes sense to render ahead, but with what we are forced to do to save VAS, a lot of memory management is made on the CPU instead, since we cannot obviously act on the graphic engine itself, so it wouldn't be very efficient to pre-render "future" frames, with things that might appear/disappear at any time, without the video card having any control over it.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: sgreen91 on June 21, 2016, 01:58:39 pm
Its great scenery by far your best work!   

I tried the demo and the stuttering unfortunately makes it a no go for me.  I will check back in a few months to see if there are any updates on this issue.

Keep up the good work!

Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: Bruce Hamilton on June 21, 2016, 02:30:26 pm
I tried the demo and the stuttering unfortunately makes it a no go for me.  I will check back in a few months to see if there are any updates on this issue.

Check some of your other settings, what can you reduce? Road traffic is a killer, keep it around 10%, you'll still see plenty of cars. Don't need ships and boats in Memphis, move them to 0.  Keep AI at 50% or lower.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: sgreen91 on June 21, 2016, 05:50:50 pm
Thanks Bruce.  Unfortunately I do not use any AI Traffic (Cars nor Aircraft).  All AI is at 0%.

I'm running an I7-6700K at 4.7 with a 980TI as the system.  I saw Rob A. said he had some stuttering on rwy 36 so I tried that and I was able to reproduce the stutter.

Maybe later when I can get a 1080 later this year I will revisit but stutter on takeoff just ruins everything for me.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on June 21, 2016, 06:09:00 pm
You know that modern CPU will automatically throttle down their speed to prevent burning from high temperature ? Have you checked your CPU and GPU temperature when using FSX ? Maybe the stuttering is somewhat related to the CPU constantly changing speed to save itself from burning, which is of course more likely if you overclock it.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: sgreen91 on June 22, 2016, 04:38:02 am
I do monitor my CPU and it never goes above 50 Celsius usually staying between 35-45.  I have run this overclock for 6 months since building the PC.  I tried another flight this morning from 2 airports of another well known developer with no stuttering issues.

I own all your other works and they perform flawlessly on my system.   

Thank you for your help Umberto and thank you for producing great scenery.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on June 22, 2016, 10:50:45 am
I tried another flight this morning from 2 airports of another well known developer with no stuttering issues.

As I've said, you will NEVER be able to get exactly the *same* smoothness of a scenery made using traditional ways. But you will risk a lot more OOMs, because such sceneries don't have any memory management.

KMEM does even more of it, because it's a scenery they would *never* fit all in memory, if loaded all at once.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: passat99 on June 26, 2016, 02:27:10 am
Love the scenery FSDT.  I just completed a flight and approached into 18R. The stutters were pretty bad on approach. I will try some things out and see how it goes.  Maybe i will start by dropping the textures to 2048.  This effected the enjoyment and concentration that is involved on final approach and i hope someone can come up with a resolution.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: HighlanderOne on June 29, 2016, 01:41:41 pm
I just purchased KMEM since I have just about all of FSDT sceneries and am very impressed just as I am impressed with all the others. Great work! Though.... on the approach it stutters to the point of breaking the immersion. I cannot fly into this scenery as the experience is somewhat unpleasant. My system i7-6700 at 4.6 liquid cooling... 16gb gskill trident... GTX980TI... SSD etc....System is kept very cool indeed... FPS locked at 50... screen refresh at 50 which always gives me very smooth and stutter free flights no matter what scenery I fly into or out of. And never OOM. But KMEM has some serious stutters which in my opinion need to be looked in to. I don't have this issue with any other scenery. It's a shame I can't use it because it looks fantastic! Oh well... hopefully there will be an update someday that addresses these stutters... then I'll revisit the scenery.

Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: Frank Lindberg on July 05, 2016, 09:39:44 pm
Yea so it stutters just like PHNL like i said. Happens about 200' from landing. has 3-4 hiccups while touching and slowing down. then goes away. Its a trademark FSDT thing.

I agree, I've just landed RW18R, stutters as hell :-(
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: okupton on July 09, 2016, 09:16:41 pm
Just picked up the demo and am noticing the same thing.  I've got several FSDT airports and this is the only one I am having stuttering issues with.  Even though KLAX is harder on frames, it doesn't stutter.  Will hold off on purchasing this one until there's an update.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: flapsup on July 10, 2016, 12:31:08 pm
I fixed my issue with stuttering by setting maximum pre rendered frames to 1
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: okupton on July 10, 2016, 11:49:48 pm
thanks for the suggestion, but where is that setting?  I should mention I'm in P3D
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: flapsup on July 11, 2016, 04:29:21 am
thanks for the suggestion, but where is that setting?  I should mention I'm in P3D
Go to 3D settings in Nvidia CP and under global, change pre render from Use application setting to 1. You can also create a profile for P3D if you wish.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: okupton on July 11, 2016, 05:49:33 am
thanks a lot.  Will report back!
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: AirBorne on July 12, 2016, 07:18:52 am
Here's another report of someone who experiences stutters on final approach and on take off. I do understand everything that's said in this topic, but stuttering is far more than average compared to other high-end sceneries like FlightBeam's KSFO or similar. I'm on P3D v3.3 running an OC'd 6700K on 4.6 GHz with SSD and other high-end components. Is there anything that can be done to reduce this?


I second that. Did my first landing at this airport, coming from KORD, and the stuttering is just irritating along final approach, like nothing seen before in paid large airport sceneries...
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on July 12, 2016, 11:31:53 am
I second that. Did my first landing at this airport, coming from KORD, and the stuttering is just irritating along final approach, like nothing seen before in paid large airport sceneries...

The previous post seems to indicate the problem can be fixed by changing the maximum pre rendered frames to 1 in the video card settings.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: okupton on July 17, 2016, 05:35:16 am
thanks for the suggestion, but where is that setting?  I should mention I'm in P3D
Go to 3D settings in Nvidia CP and under global, change pre render from Use application setting to 1. You can also create a profile for P3D if you wish.

definitely seems better.  Thanks for the tip!  Airport looks great but still have lots of testing to do with the 5 minute demo before I pull the trigger.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: don4444 on July 17, 2016, 11:07:34 pm
I tried the above fix using nvidea inspector but it made no difference for me :(
On a happier note I took the plunge with KIAH and love it . It works great and no stutters.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on July 18, 2016, 12:02:34 pm
I tried the above fix using nvidea inspector but it made no difference for me :(

All the previous posters the tried it confirmed it improved quite a bit on their systems. Why you used the nVidia inspector ? That setting can be easily reached just with the default nVidia Control Panel and it's possible the inspector might have added additional registry settings that might cause unknown issues.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: maca11 on July 19, 2016, 11:06:43 pm
Hello, I changed back to pre-rendered frames to 1. However, still having stutters during landing. Otherwise all ok. Any other idea how to improve ?
Many thanks !
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: Michael Moe on August 03, 2016, 12:44:13 pm
Hello, I changed back to pre-rendered frames to 1. However, still having stutters during landing. Otherwise all ok. Any other idea how to improve ?
Many thanks !

I tried with 1,2 and 3 pre-rendered and at 3 it is better on my system with GPU at around 50-70% (tip does not work with SLI btw) but still some stutter mostly on touchdown to 27 in this case

Michael Moe
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: maca11 on August 28, 2016, 09:41:10 am
Hello, I have fps at around 26-29, pre-rendered frames set to 1, still having stutters during taxiing and runway take-off and landing.... what could be the other reason ? (sode or other back running app?)...
any other tip ?
many thanks !
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: gianlucaballoni on September 07, 2016, 03:40:13 pm
Hi guys...
report same problem...micropause on approaching, when taxi to runway and when t/o. Test antipopup settings in addonmanager, but don't resolve, test pre-rendered frame...don't resolve.
I'm very very sad...the scenery are beautiful, perfect fps, perfect performance but with this problem...don't good to fly. Please resolve! :-\
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on September 07, 2016, 03:49:47 pm
Test antipopup settings in addonmanager, but don't resolve, test pre-rendered frame...don't resolve.

Then I'm sorry, but there's nothing else you can try. Do you have other FSDT sceneries to try ? Do they work differently ?
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: gianlucaballoni on September 07, 2016, 05:05:50 pm
Hi Umberto,
yes,have another scenery FSDT like KJFK and CYVR...i have all scenery of FlightBeam...and...no problem. Repeat, the problem at KMEM it's very "not normal" because the performance are good, fps ok, but i have this micropause, no fps loss, performance loss...only this micropause. I have good pc, 4790k,32gb ram and 980ti, win 10 x64 and ssd for p3d. Only at KMEM i have this particular problem. I have last update of your addonmanager, but don't resolve.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on September 07, 2016, 05:14:18 pm
Try with different AffinityMask settings. Start with 14, which is a good value to start with, on a quad core.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: gianlucaballoni on September 07, 2016, 05:26:35 pm
i don't use Am, i'm use ht off without any entry for am.
Am=14, with ht on, don't like in p3d for me. In fsx best settings, but in p3d v3...not.
Now install KJFK v2 and CYVR and retest this for confirm if this scenery have or don't have same problem like KMEM.
Few months ago, in p3d v3.1 i don't see any micropause in CYVR and KJFK v2.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on September 07, 2016, 05:44:25 pm
i don't use Am, i'm use ht off without any entry for am. Am=14, with ht on, don't like in p3d for me. In fsx best settings, but in p3d v3...not.

That doesn't seem to indicate you TRIED IT, at KMEM. Please do.

See some threads here:

Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: gianlucaballoni on September 07, 2016, 05:57:17 pm
Ok...but...with or without HT active?

...few minutes ago i test KJFK v2 and CYVR and no micropause, test KMEM again, with default F22 (light on fps and VAS), i have micropause.
For example...from stand cargo 653 when go to 18C micropause start when entering in main taxiway for 18C (from 653) and continue to enter in the runway. At parking don't have micropause.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: gianlucaballoni on September 07, 2016, 09:59:13 pm
try am=14, same problem. :(
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: gianlucaballoni on September 07, 2016, 10:12:08 pm
...in prepar3d.cfg i have this settings for FSDREAMTEAM...


it's correct? Any suggestion for this settings to resolve the KMEM micropause?
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on September 08, 2016, 05:22:41 pm
it's correct? Any suggestion for this settings to resolve the KMEM micropause?

Every possible known suggestion has been discussed here. It's just strange that neither the affinity mask or the pre-rendered frames don't make any difference to you, because they have for other users.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: garymcginnis on September 10, 2016, 12:21:12 am
it's correct? Any suggestion for this settings to resolve the KMEM micropause?

Every possible known suggestion has been discussed here. It's just strange that neither the affinity mask or the pre-rendered frames don't make any difference to you, because they have for other users.

I joined the forum today just for this..... I have been a long time user of FSDT with smooth results. The KMEM scenery just isn't as smooth. I've tried all the settings mentioned in this topic as well as others I've come up with (long time fsx.cfg tinkerer).

I can definitely report that my FSX was stutter free before install on KMEM and after I finally rolled back my FSX.cfg to pre-install KMEM FSX.cfg (the installer/add-on manager dumped some of my tweaks) I still see a slight hitch every couple of seconds on approach to runway 18L/C/R as well as half way thru my takeoff roll on 27. On roll-out from landing, about halfway down the runway, it goes back to 100% butter smooth. I can also report that KMEM is the only airport that does this within FSX (FSDT and other products). Before you ask if I tired to use the edited fsx.cfg from after the install, I did and FSX was a joke until I looked thru fsx.cfg and found what was removed by the install. Basically the hitch I am getting is almost not noticeable but it still is and it happens from about 3 miles out for the south runways up thru touch down (which seems to be reported by everyone across the board).

Again it is more a nuisance to me but I believe the issue can be resolved!

** Specs **
i7-4790K OC'd 4.4GHz (temps under load low 50*C area)
840 SS (OS)
850 SS (FSX)
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on September 11, 2016, 05:23:32 pm
(the installer/add-on manager dumped some of my tweaks)

The installer removes the BufferPools section, because it has been proven to be dangerous and a sure cause of crashes, at least with the non-Steam edition of FSX:


Before you ask if I tired to use the edited fsx.cfg from after the install, I did and FSX was a joke until I looked thru fsx.cfg and found what was removed by the install

I'm sorry, but that's not "a joke", and we cannot afford to have users reporting crashes and mistakenly thinking they are caused by KMEM, because they applied a setting which is known to be unstable (especially the PoolSize = 0)

Basically the hitch I am getting is almost not noticeable but it still is and it happens from about 3 miles out for the south runways up thru touch down (which seems to be reported by everyone across the board).

I'm afraid that if it's "almost not noticeable", that's the best you can do. The only thing it might be worth trying, is to play with the AffinityMask settings, as explained in earlier posts.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: garymcginnis on September 11, 2016, 06:20:35 pm
Well just an FYI it also removed my SWAPWAITTIMEOUT setting and something else. I don't recall exactly. I had to go line by line with the last known good .cfg I had to replace the items. The bufferpool tweak is something I won't touch with a 10 foot pole but to honest, I flew a round trip without it (KMEM-KIAD) and it was not smooth at all compared to previous settings. So if it works for some that is great but I find it screwy that you forced it to be removed for just a single airport instead of giving us the choice or finding a better solution.

All I am trying to say is outside the AF=14 (which I guess I can try), there is something causing these pauses and it is, if nothing else, slightly discouraging that FSDT is just going to say "its ok" especially if KMEM is going to be the start of a new direction at FSDT. Is the new KORD or the next FSDT announcement going to have this same stutter? Just makes you go hum  ???
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on September 11, 2016, 06:41:44 pm
Well just an FYI it also removed my SWAPWAITTIMEOUT setting and something else

No, it hasn't.

As I've said, the installer removes ONLY the [BufferPools] section. The SWAPWAITTIMEOUT is NOT touched by the installer or the Addon Manager.

The Addon Manager is *able* to change the setting, but it won't do it automatically. It will only do it under YOUR command, when you press the "Save to FSX" button. If you don't press that button, the FSX.CFG is not changed.

The bufferpool tweak is something I won't touch with a 10 foot pole but to honest

Exactly. It doesn't exists by default, which is why the installer correctly removes it, because it has been proven to be dangerous.

I flew a round trip without it (KMEM-KIAD) and it was not smooth at all compared to previous settings.

It's possible that, depending on your combination of video drivers and settings, the bufferpools might not crash your sim, and even make it smoother, but since we proved it WAS causing crashes for lots of users, and it's also very well known it could be dangerous, since by default that tweak doesn't exist, we simply cannot afford to leave it enabled.

All I am trying to say is outside the AF=14 (which I guess I can try), there is something causing these pauses and it is, if nothing else, slightly discouraging that FSDT is just going to say "its ok" especially if KMEM is going to be the start of a new direction at FSDT. Is the new KORD or the next FSDT announcement going to have this same stutter? Just makes you go hum  ???

You seem to believe your computer has "infinite" power. It doesn't. KMEM is several times more complex than anything anybody ever did in flight sim. If someone else would tried to do it just the same, it won't EVER fit in memory. In order to have it fit in memory something that will never do, normally, we must create and destroy objects, and there is already A LOT of code that PREVENTS stuttering, but there's a limit to what we can do with it, objects must be created and destroyed, eventually.

Once both sims will be 64 bit, we might do memory-management less aggressively, so the same sceneries with probably work much smoother by then.

It's the clear case of wanting to eat your cake and have it too: if you want a smoother scenery, you have to allocate *more* memory. If you want to prevent OOMs, you have to *save* memory, which means destroying unused objects as soon as possible, and this will create some minor stuttering.

I'm assuming it's minor, according to your own "almost not noticeable" wording, which seems do indicate we reached our goal, of displaying a scenery more dense than anything else out there, and save you from OOMs at the same time.

And just to be more clear: when I said "a scenery more dense than anything else out there", you should take the scenery area into account. KMEM is mostly made of huge empty aprons, and if we used an object density comparable to any other scenery out there, it would looked like a ghost town.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: garymcginnis on September 11, 2016, 08:18:02 pm
I disagree but that won't get me anywhere in this discussion. There is some noticeable stutters, that you can set your watch to but if you are going to insist "its fine" then there isn't really any purpose for me to continue in this discussion. You say they are OK then so-be-it. I'll go back to being a lurker.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on September 11, 2016, 08:58:21 pm
There is some noticeable stutters

I based my comment on YOUR OWN words, that the stuttering was "almost not noticeable". And I find this entirely within our design parameters and goals.

If with "almost not noticeable", you really meant "almost not noticeable, yet unacceptable to ME", that's a bit different. You are obviously entitled to your opinion: I just explained why we'll always put reliability ahead of everything else.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: Michael Moe on September 11, 2016, 09:53:10 pm
I am normally quite impressive and positiv with your achievements. KMEM is no less but an airfield suffering stutter micro pauses on approach and during takeoff is really taking the greatness to not deserved meanings.

I have testet with HT ON=85. and best results are with 3 prerendered fps.

Should i test with HT off and AM=14?


Thanks Michael Moe

Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on September 11, 2016, 11:09:12 pm
Should i test with HT off and AM=14?

Doesn't hurt trying, that's considered to be the best setting, on a Quad Core, with HT off. But please note, even the best Affinity Mask setting will only be useful to reduce pauses caused by the allocation of time between the sim and other Windows processes.

There will ALWAYS a very small pause when creating a visible object, this is something that happens IN the sim, so no Affinity Mask setting will affect his. The pre-rendered frame might, though.

There just nothing we can do about the cost of creating an object, only LM (I doubt this would be ever fixed in FSX) might be do something about it, for example trying to multi-thread in some way the actual objects creation, which now are able to stall the sim, if only for a brief moment. And yes, it HAS been reported to LM, so maybe they might be able to do something about it.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: garymcginnis on September 12, 2016, 12:34:03 am
Thank you! My feelings exactly. I can't blame FSDT for thinking they hit another out of the park with MEM but the fact is they didn't, yet. But they still could with fixing this stutter! There is stuttering and whether it wants to be acknowledged or not is on them.

Is it a nice scenery? Yes. Is it overkill? Yes. Is all the extra "features" causing these issues? Posssibly. Is the "four times previous products" actually needed? No, especially in the 32bit platform we still operate with.

I can go on but it just is upsetting that there is reported stuttering at this airport only and it won't be looked at in greater detail. I've actually considered switching back to BluePrint and am seriously watching the new KORD offering vs the FSDT reboot if the "it's ok stuttering" is going to be the new direction at FSDT. The fact is this scenery is a nice start but it can be fixed.

My 2 cents and they'll probably fall on deaf ears.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on September 12, 2016, 10:30:31 am
There is stuttering and whether it wants to be acknowledged or not is on them.

That's not the case. We acknowledged it and explained the reasoning behind it. As you said yourself, an "almost not noticeable" stuttering is entirely within our design parameters and goals.

Is it a nice scenery? Yes.

Up to the point that now users are now complaining that our older products don't look like KMEM.

Is it overkill? Yes. Is all the extra "features" causing these issues? Possibly.

I'm sure we could investigate, maybe we can even have a Teamviewer session so you can show it to me. Maybe we could test different configurations to at least understand what is the source of it and, eventually, add a switch to remove stuff.

However, I'm not even sure that something that is "almost not noticeable" live, would even register, or be confused in the general slowness/stuttering of a remote connection.

Is the "four times previous products" actually needed? No, especially in the 32bit platform we still operate with.

The issue is, even if WE HAVE A TRIAL VERSION, what really sells a scenery are screenshots and videos. So, regardless of all our best effort to allow users to see, on their own system, how the scenery *performs*, they still rely on screenshots and videos, and 2nd hand opinions, and decide to purchase depending how the scenery LOOKS LIKE.

As I've said, KMEM using the same object density of KLAX, which is a COMPACT and CRAMMED airport, with lots of stuff in a very confined space, that doesn't take much effort to look "busy", would looked like to be almost empty. That's why it was needed.

I've actually considered switching back to BluePrint

You will not switch back to 1990's era graphics, because of an "almost not noticeable" stuttering won't happen. You are only using this argument to try to make us worry about potentially lost sales. I assure you that lost sales because of a PERCEIVED lack of detail (because the scenery is so vast and with large empty areas) would be much worse.

The TRIAL version, is your friend.

and am seriously watching the new KORD offering vs the FSDT reboot if the "it's ok stuttering" is going to be the new direction at FSDT.

There are people that will tell you that good looks, good fps and some stuttering is an FSDT trademark since many years, since you said yourself you don't have any stuttering on *other* FSDT sceneries, that should be quite telling that, stuttering experiences are highly subjective.

The fact is this scenery is a nice start but it can be fixed.

There's nothing to "fix". We might just add additional options to reduce the detail, maybe.

My 2 cents and they'll probably fall on deaf ears.

Again, a wrong assumption. I have explained you the sound reasoning behind, and why an "almost not noticeable" (YOUR words) stuttering is entirely normal.

Fact you don't want to accept it, doesn't mean WE are "deaf" to your comments. If we were, this topic would have been closed long ago, and I wouldn't take the time to reply to it.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: garymcginnis on September 12, 2016, 12:16:40 pm
Let me retract my "almost not noticeable" statement. It was made in the hope that even though my computer can power thru it to an "almost not notIceable" level it is still there and is still very noticeable with a hitch every few seconds from 3 miles in. I only said non-noticeable in the hopes that this wouldn't have been narrowed in on and instead the real issues addressed. Plus I was being a little generous with my description.... if it was truly "not notIceable" then I obviously wouldn't have posted about it. In fact with GSYNC it might even stand out somewhat more compared to VSYNC users.

I appreciate the quality of this product but I (and others as well as evidence by this topic) really believe there is an issue outside of what you think is "normal" and I simply hope you will take note... which in your last comment sounded like. So positive start there!

Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on September 13, 2016, 08:30:34 am
is still very noticeable with a hitch every few seconds from 3 miles in.

Are these "few seconds" between pauses a random time, or are they *exactly* 4 seconds, each time ?
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: HighlanderOne on September 13, 2016, 09:48:22 am
With all due respect virtuali... I have pretty much all your sceneries and they all run stutter free. As everyone in this thread has been stating... KMEM has obvious stutters on approach including myself as I have stated in a previous post some time ago. There is something clearly causing these stutters. Something that may have been done differently compared to all your previous products that is causing this. I don't really know. You need to be forthcoming with your customers. As it stands... I am unable to use KMEM as a result of the stutters on approach. When landed... all is well. I am trying to find a way to put this without any intention to offend you.... but your work is fantastic without doubt.... though I believe at this stage myself and some other customers are reluctant to purchase future products due to inaction on your behalf to at least try and look into what may be causing the issue since its not happening at your other products. A demo of 5 minutes still would not allow enough time to fly out from the airport and back in to land to see if it stutters. Hence why there's a chance I would not go out again and purchase another FSDT sceney even based on the demo which I downloaded and tested first. I love your products... but in future I will have to base my purchase on feedback. Again.... not here to offend or defame FSDT. Just posting on behalf of other customers here experiencing the same issue i am having. Thanks for all your hard work.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: garymcginnis on September 13, 2016, 03:23:19 pm
is still very noticeable with a hitch every few seconds from 3 miles in.

Are these "few seconds" between pauses a random time, or are they *exactly* 4 seconds, each time ?

Both. If that makes sense. If I pitch up on the glide slope it happens if it's a "drastic" pitch change as well as every 7-10 seconds or so (I don't time it but it is a noticeable repetition).

Again my computer is powerful enough to make it usable but it's detracting from an otherwise butter flight. I built a long list of FDX flights just for this scenery and am enjoying them immensely but yes I've considered going back to BLUEPRINT because I'm willing to give up on the eye candy for smooth. Not trying to make an inflammatory comment with that just using it to show how detracting it really is since you said it in a previous reply.

Thank you for actually working with us on this now.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on September 14, 2016, 11:40:53 am
With all due respect virtuali... I have pretty much all your sceneries and they all run stutter free.

You just made my point, thank you. If you read some forums, you would think that ALL FSDT sceneries are "known" (that's wrong, but let's assume it's not) to have stuttering, because of the special way we do custom memory management.

Your experience is different, and this can only prove that either:

1) No system perform the same


2) Not everyone has the same tolerance to stuttering


3) Not everything you read on forums is true

The truth is probably a combination of #1, #2 and #3.

KMEM has obvious stutters on approach including myself as I have stated in a previous post some time ago.

We WERE discussing about a "almost not noticeable" stutters. Now, as I've expected (otherwise it would haven been impossible to continue this discussion), this version has changed, but I'm still quite confused about WHAT we should look for.

There's STILL quite a bit of slack between "almost not noticeable" and "obvious"...

Something that may have been done differently compared to all your previous products that is causing this. I don't really know. You need to be forthcoming with your customers.

We have been as forthcoming as can be, clearly saying that:

1) KMEM is way more dense (up to a point that it WONT EVER FIT IN MEMORY if we tried to get rid of stutters altogether, by loading everything at once) than anything we (or everybody else) ever made

2) That we value fps, reliability and protection against OOMs, ABOVE everything else. You might agree or not with this choice, but it's our own design choice.

As it stands... I am unable to use KMEM as a result of the stutters on approach. When landed... all is well.

Which is interesting, since the scenery does WAY MORE of the potentially-stuttering inducing memory management when you are on ground!! So, maybe, it's something entirely different, that doesn't have anything to do with it.

inaction on your behalf to at least try and look into what may be causing the issue since its not happening at your other products.

"Inaction" ??? We are discussing it here, for quite a few pages, and I'm TRYING to understand what might be, making questions to affected users and I CLEARLY said that it might be possible we could add options to remove features, once we understand what's might be the cause.

I'm starting to ask question NOW, because when this thread started, other users said the issue was GONE, by setting the pre-rendered frame in the Video card Control Panel.

It's BECAUSE I believe in users reports, that I considered this something that wouldn't need our attention. Another indication that user experiences can be vastly different.

A demo of 5 minutes still would not allow enough time to fly out from the airport and back in to land to see if it stutters.

That's not the case.

If it's true you have stutters at landing, you don't have to START from KMEM to test it. You can start elsehwere, and land there. The 5 minutes only start from the moment you enter in the airport area, about 10 NM out.

I hope you are aware that our 5 minutes Trial doesn't ever expire ? It's just that you cannot fly for more than 5-6 minutes PER-SESSION, but if you restart FSX, you have another Trial period, and so on. It has been designed to allow you for INFINITE tests, with different settings, airplanes, etc.

]Hence why there's a chance I would not go out again and purchase another FSDT sceney even based on the demo which I downloaded and tested first. I love your products... but in future I will have to base my purchase on feedback.

I think the above explanation has clarified this is NOT the case and the Trial can give you ALL the means to base your purchase decision on you OWN experience and NOT of "feedback"
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on September 14, 2016, 11:54:01 am
Both. If that makes sense. If I pitch up on the glide slope it happens if it's a "drastic" pitch change as well as every 7-10 seconds or so (I don't time it but it is a noticeable repetition).

Could you please indicate the precise conditions to replicate it ? Which runway you approached into ? Which airplane ? I'm asking because, I just tried to approach on 18L, using the default 737, and tried to pitch hard up/down on approach, but couldn't see any stutters, and no stutters at regular intervals either.

I built a long list of FDX flights just for this scenery and am enjoying them immensely but yes I've considered going back to BLUEPRINT because I'm willing to give up on the eye candy for smooth. Not trying to make an inflammatory comment with that just using it to show how detracting it really is since you said it in a previous reply.

I'm sorry, but I still believe this is only a sentence intended to provoke some reaction. I really don't believe you are going back to such outdated products, and you don't have to do that: we ARE discussing about this, as you said yourself:

Thank you for actually working with us on this now.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: garymcginnis on September 14, 2016, 12:47:00 pm
On approach to and during the initial landing on18L/18C/18R (I also landed 36C once in lower vis, so I couldnt tell if it was doing it as much or not becasue of flying the airport but i did notice a few hitches). 27 and 09 on departure about mid-way down (I landed 27 once as well and it did it as well but nearly not as bad). My feeling is its something right in the center of the airport because after landing and rolling down the runways a bit the stutter goes away.

Aircraft: QW757 merged into LDS767, LDS767 and PMDG777.

Also don't be so sure.... you can ask some of my flight sim friends about what I'm willing to do for smooth performance. As long as all the runways are there with correct navaid frequently anything else is just gravey  :P
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: garymcginnis on September 14, 2016, 01:50:43 pm
Also there is a bug in the FedEx ramp. When I try to use the inner parking spots on taxi in, the airplane bounces. Almost like it hits a wall (I have crash off for vatsim) and when I'm in the PMDG777 I get a ton of EICAS messages and flat tires. So I've been relegated to using the outer stands. Maybe that has something to do with the stuttering issue. Maybe not but I just wanted to pass it along.

Edit: There is a topic on this called "invisible wall"
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on September 14, 2016, 04:04:39 pm
Also there is a bug in the FedEx ramp. When I try to use the inner parking spots on taxi in, the airplane bounces. Almost like it hits a wall (I have crash off for vatsim) and when I'm in the PMDG777 I get a ton of EICAS messages and flat tires.

This has been discussed many times, and no, it's not obviously "a bug", it's a feature, which simulates the aircraft bumping over the taxilights or when the apron terrain tiles change material.

We designed it for the default airplanes but, since it might be a bit unpredictable with 3rd party flight models and related systems that might be confused by it, it can be DISABLED using the CTRL+F12 menu, it's the first option, "Disable/Enable Gear Bump"
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: garymcginnis on September 14, 2016, 06:27:51 pm
I have that disabled. Will check to verify. Either way just trouble shooting.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: garymcginnis on September 16, 2016, 04:20:37 pm
I've switched back to BluePrint for now. I'll be keeping close tabs on if the stutter problem is fixed or not. Fingers crossed  ;D
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on September 18, 2016, 11:17:13 am
I've switched back to BluePrint for now. I'll be keeping close tabs on if the stutter problem is fixed or not. Fingers crossed  ;D

And by doing this, you made the only wrong move you could, since we could have started working together to find it, possibly under Teamviewer, since what you initially called an "almost noticeable" stuttering (which would probably be impossible to perceive in Teamviewer), now was changed into a " very noticeable" stuttering which COULD probably be seen over a remote session.

Unfortunately, if you uninstalled KMEM, there's no way we can even START troubleshooting this or even discuss about fixing it.

Maybe you haven't read my previous posts accurately enough: I took the time to reproduce your flight, and couldn't see ANY stuttering similar to yours, that's why I need to witness it first-hand, so test can be made by selectively remove stuff/features, until the problematic ones are found.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: garymcginnis on September 18, 2016, 11:41:27 pm
I understand. And not to be difficult, my FS rig is completely vanilla and I get really werid when ever I install non-fs stuff to it. So I probably would have had reservations and the logistics would be difficult when I run FS on one rig and do everything else on another. I'm werid I know. In addition there are others reporting the same issues as me.

Also TBH I have limited time to fly FS right now as I start flying the line this week at a new flying job, and if it's like any other flying job I've had they never allowed me little time/interest in flying FS on days off, and I just want to actually enjoy the flights I get to do right now and not troubleshoot. I'm sure you understand.

Plus you kinda did dare me ;)
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: sisoffi on October 11, 2016, 11:48:10 pm
in P3D from 3.4 should not even exist artifices on the cfg file because extensively optimized by LM and also recommend an AF=14 is really gruesome.

Personally I do not have KMEM, but products such as gsx and others where it still exists an addon manager who can affect vital parameters of the configuration file ... I do not think it's a good way to go yet.

From what I hear from many people, you concentrating more on the details of how to play the avatar walking in the tower, and you have forgotten the basic things that really need in an airport.

I'm sorry because you have a product monster like GSX and maybe you get lost in some detail too in airports like this.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on October 12, 2016, 09:17:13 am
in P3D from 3.4 should not even exist artifices on the cfg file because extensively optimized by LM and also recommend an AF=14 is really gruesome.

Personally I do not have KMEM, but products such as gsx and others where it still exists an addon manager who can affect vital parameters of the configuration file ... I do not think it's a good way to go yet.

You are assuming Addon Manager is doing changes "on its own". This is a common misconception, but it's NOT the case!

In order to have something applied to the .CFG file, the user MUST press the "Save" button, otherwise nothing happens. Without pressing Save, the settings are showing only what will be saved, should you press the "Save" button, not what it's being used now.

In fact, what we are doing with the KMEM installer, is precisely what you are suggesting: streamlining the CFG file by removing a tweak that has been proven to be dangerous ( Poolsize = 0 ), which is the only thing we change automatically while installing.

From what I hear from many people, you concentrating more on the details of how to play the avatar walking in the tower, and you have forgotten the basic things that really need in an airport.

KMEM has everything an airport needs, and what it has more, only added to its development time.

You might have had a point, if we took the same time to do KMEM as, for example, JFK, but in fact, it took more than double amount of time: 2 years instead of 9 months. This is our own decision, which might be correct or not, but its our own, but you cannot say the never seen before features in KMEM were obtained to the detriment of something else.

Other users complained that all our other airports now looks outdated, because they don't look as good as KMEM.

And, KMEM is so detailed, because we listened to users comments about the previous one, KIAH, that it looked too "ordinary".

Incidentally, KIAH is the scenery that has less issues reported, of all the sceneries we ever made so far. And it's the one we are not 100% happy of sales.  So, users voted with their wallets and expressed a clear preference against sceneries that are "ordinary" AND "reliable", and we cannot ignore this, so we worked hard on adding details on KMEM, which would really look boring, if we didn't, because it IS boring, even in real life, if wasn't for all the frantic cargo activity.

I'm sorry because you have a product monster like GSX and maybe you get lost in some detail too in airports like this

There are other developers, that present animated flowers in the wind as a selling point of the scenery so, who's deciding when too much detail is really too much ?
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: Michael Moe on November 10, 2016, 11:35:04 pm
I am a big fan of yours and as such you should really be proud of this scenery

I still have wet weather to discover.

Your last question regarding details - you should really just be open minded and use the strategi by ORBX,

" we do not design the products for 60 fps etc"

" We are an aviator in the sim aviation business "

But please let us have some sort of enable/disable function in the future to balance our system

 :) :) ;) :D

BTW. I am an idiot regarding places to be with my PMDG 777. But i had a fantastic departure as a FEDEX to KSFO

Michael Moe
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on November 11, 2016, 10:53:58 am
Your last question regarding details - you should really just be open minded and use the strategi by ORBX,

" we do not design the products for 60 fps etc"

" We are an aviator in the sim aviation business "

But please let us have some sort of enable/disable function in the future to balance our system

I don't really understand your comment about why we should use another developer strategy...however, giving so many cumbersome configuration options, is just giving an ILLUSION of "control", and a vested admission of failure to be able to do sensible design choices on their own.

It's NOT a question of frame rates: it's about being sure the scenery will fit in memory and, as I've said, there's NO WAY all the stuff at KMEM would EVER fit in memory (on a 32 bit sim), which would be the only way to get some "smoothness", with a very bad fps of course, without crashing.

It's no use offering installation options that will SURELY OOM the sim, because you can be sure that users WILL take advantage of that, and will then complain that "KMEM causes OOMs". Sorry, no.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: pablo636 on November 23, 2016, 11:13:18 am
hi all,
I've bought yesterday this fantastic scenery taking advantage of the discount.
Well, I fly in p3d 3.4 and I add me to ones that suffer about stutter on this scenery.
I've made some testing, always with kmem as dept airport, and always flying a circuit I've do that with the default f22 and with the ngx.
I've found, on my system, that I suffer of those bad stuttering only during the takeoff roll, not during taxi not during approach or landing, so I suppose that once the scenery is full loaded in the sim those stuttering wont happen. I've set also the antipop up in a range from 21 to 50 but nothing change.
Anyway this is a great scenery also more easy on vas than all other fsdt sceneries I have, you did a great job and is really a shame to have the flying immersion ruined by those issue!
Hope that something could change to avoid those stutter.
best regards

Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on November 23, 2016, 11:47:14 am
I've found, on my system, that I suffer of those bad stuttering only during the takeoff roll, not during taxi not during approach or landing, so I suppose that once the scenery is full loaded in the sim those stuttering wont happen.

Which is very strange, since there's more stuff that gets loaded/unloaded when you are taxiing, compared to what gets loaded/unloaded when you are flying.

And, there cannot be any differences between taking off and landing, for us, the only things that matters when deciding to load/unload any objects, it's the distance from your eyepoint, and the plane altitude.

What other addons you have installed ? It's possible that what you perceive as stuttering, it's just lag of sending Simconnect commands, because some other addons are clogging the communication channel with the sim with so many commands in so short time, that we don't have enough time to "talk" with the sim. Which explains why I don't see any stuttering, since I don't have many 3rd party modules installed.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: pablo636 on November 23, 2016, 12:23:14 pm
Well, that was my experience on this issue and when I suffer from those stuttering...I began the t/o roll and when the plane arrive in the terminal proximity it began with those lag or stuttering, if I come back I can fly over the airport infinite times without any lag or stuttering.
I'm using AS16, the sode module and no other modules are loaded in the sim.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on November 23, 2016, 12:26:45 pm
I'm using AS16, the sode module and no other modules are loaded in the sim.

Are you able to test by disabling Active Sky ?
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: pablo636 on November 23, 2016, 01:48:59 pm
I'm using AS16, the sode module and no other modules are loaded in the sim.

Are you able to test by disabling Active Sky ?

Of course, I've tested with sode module deactivated, because I was remember an issue with sode on lirf scenery, but it was for a previous version, and in this case it has made no difference.
Tried also with as16 deactivated, but the stutter still persist...I should try a flight where I come in kmem to see if I get those stutter as mem is loaded.

Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on November 23, 2016, 09:40:54 pm
I should try a flight where I come in kmem to see if I get those stutter as mem is loaded.

It's entirely normal you would get some stuttering WHEN the scenery is loaded, which is 15 NM from its center. This is to be expected and won't be fixed, since it's the main point of doing OOM-saving memory management.

What you shouldn't have, instead, is stuttering AFTER the scenery has entered in range.
Title: Re: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: pablo636 on November 23, 2016, 10:08:12 pm
Yes, acually on all your scenery with the antipop up set at 20 I have only a micro pause when I enter in apt range and I know that is normal. Another thing that I've noticed is that is if I go in slew mode and I just go few feet over the rwy then I'm able to fly for all its lenght without any issue.
Title: Re: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on November 23, 2016, 11:01:43 pm
Another thing that I've noticed is that is if I go in slew mode and I just go few feet over the rwy then I'm able to fly for all its lenght without any issue.

This is very useful: I think I know what's happening, but the issue is, it shouldn't...or, more precisely, I cannot reproduce it here.
Title: Re: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: pablo636 on November 24, 2016, 11:48:54 am
Another thing that I've noticed is that is if I go in slew mode and I just go few feet over the rwy then I'm able to fly for all its lenght without any issue.

This is very useful: I think I know what's happening, but the issue is, it shouldn't...or, more precisely, I cannot reproduce it here.

Good, that's a great news! How can I help you in trying to reproduce on your side?

edit: I've just finished a full flight from kiah and noticed those heavy stutter, it is different from your other scenery where I have only a micro-pause, here it seems that at about 7mi circa, it began with those heavy stutter until 4mi from threshold. Also on ground they appear to be present but only at times.
Title: Re: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on November 24, 2016, 02:34:50 pm
Good, that's a great news! How can I help you in trying to reproduce on your side?

I don't think I'll ever be able to reproduce it. I know what it is, but we simply cannot change or fix it easily (not without remaking the scenery from scratch and with half of the stuff) so, we can only hope to find what's causing it on your system.

It's either your system too slow, which seems strange, otherwise you would have complained of bad fps way before than stutters, or you have other addons interfering, so we are back to square one: are you SURE you don't have ANY other 3rd party modules enabled ?

Have you maybe changed the AffinityMask to something unusual or not right for your system ? If you have a Quad-core, try 14.

Have you tried setting the Max Pre Rendered frames to 1 in the nvidia control panel, as someone suggested ?
Title: Re: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: pablo636 on November 24, 2016, 03:01:50 pm
Good, that's a great news! How can I help you in trying to reproduce on your side?

I don't think I'll ever be able to reproduce it. I know what it is, but we simply cannot change or fix it easily (not without remaking the scenery from scratch and with half of the stuff) so, we can only hope to find what's causing it on your system.

It's either your system too slow, which seems strange, otherwise you would have complained of bad fps way before than stutters, or you have other addons interfering, so we are back to square one: are you SURE you don't have ANY other 3rd party modules enabled ?

Have you maybe changed the AffinityMask to something unusual or not right for your system ? If you have a Quad-core, try 14.

Have you tried setting the Max Pre Rendered frames to 1 in the nvidia control panel, as someone suggested ?

Ok, back to square one! :)
my system is an i7 4770k at 4.4 16gb ram and a gtx770 4gb.
if I open my exe.dll I can see only the sode module and the active sky module. (I have tried also to exclude the object flow by orbx just to check without success). Are you suggesting to turn off some dll also?
My cfg is clear of tweak, I've added only the antipop up altitude cull and view optimization, the last 2 are with the default setting btw.
I have the max pre rendered frames option already set to 1 in nvidia cp way before to read it here. (now I'm trying to set the pre rendered frames to 1 on global setting)
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on December 06, 2016, 03:25:51 pm
Hello, we just released an update for KMEM, using native P3D objects, which should improve smoothness a lot, see here:


Works with P3D 3.0+ only so, if you have it, I suggest installing this. There's just nothing we can do for FSX, I'm afraid.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: seippg on December 30, 2016, 05:32:41 pm
Surprised no one's said anything yet.  I just tried the demo after these changes on P3D 3.4 HF2 and didn't see hardly any stuttering this time (previous version had quite a bit).  That's a nice airport.  

EDIT:  For clarity, my first test was with the Aerosoft A320, good weather, FTX OpenLC.  Frames in the mid-30s...virtually no stuttering.  The same scenario with the PMDG 777 had some stuttering...not terrible but, considering the good weather, it might be worse during bad weather.  I'd compare it to EGLL with moderate weather.  I may try a few more departures to gather more results.  It has better framerates...low to mid 30s with the 777 compared to high 20s to low 30s at EGLL. 
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on December 31, 2016, 06:33:52 pm
Surprised no one's said anything yet.  I just tried the demo after these changes on P3D 3.4 HF2 and didn't see hardly any stuttering this time (previous version had quite a bit).  That's a nice airport.  

We are more surprised than you...we had 7 pages in this thread of people complaining about stutters.

Now we did something radical to remove them, at least in P3D (and most of users complaining about them were using P3D), and as of today, after almost a month this update was posted, yours was the FIRST report about it...
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: gianlucaballoni on January 08, 2017, 07:32:41 pm
Hi, in my case lag continue. Landing 36L few minutes ago...fps great (30 super stable!), but very very bad lag during landing, without fps loss.
For information i have this lines in prepar3d.cfg:

and addonmanager is:
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on January 09, 2017, 07:58:29 pm
Hi, in my case lag continue

Are you sure you are using the P3D native objects ? The only two comments about the update are:


Just tried MEM with this P3D update. Night and day on smoothness and performance

And in this thread:

I just tried the demo after these changes on P3D 3.4 HF2 and didn't see hardly any stuttering this time (previous version had quite a bit).

Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: gianlucaballoni on January 09, 2017, 09:54:10 pm
I don't now...but in my case the update don't resolve lag problem.
Test with default F22, without addons, same lag. Fps ok, but this lag it's very bad, in approaching very very orrible.
I have last addon manager, coautl last version...only gsx...i don't install gsx, but, i don't now if gsx create lag problem.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on January 09, 2017, 10:00:25 pm
I'll repeat the question again : are you sure you are using the P3D native objects ? Have you selected them from the YouControl menu ?
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: gianlucaballoni on January 09, 2017, 10:03:58 pm
yes, i have p3d native objects, select in YouControl.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on January 09, 2017, 10:12:17 pm
yes, i have p3d native objects, select in YouControl.

Then I'm sorry, but since I cannot replicate the problem, I would like to wait for some other reports, since all the other arrived so far has been positive, you are the only one still reporting stuttering. Assuming with "lag", you mean stuttering.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: gianlucaballoni on January 11, 2017, 11:52:08 pm
...for infomation...
This is my "lag" problem...see entire video and you see the lag during "take-off".
Sorry for bad quality.

In this video use 36L but, this lag present in most parts of scenery. Remember...don't have any problem with fps!

Gianluca Balloni
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: pablo636 on January 26, 2017, 08:46:06 pm
Hi Umberto,
sorry to get back to you so late, but I had the chance to try the new update only yesterday.
I have to say that I have the very same problem as Gianluca.
During T/o roll I had these lags, but if I fly back to the airport (also if I fly many miles out, and then come back) I did not have any lag.
That's strange.
I've checked on you control and I have all disabled and p3d native object enabled.
I've tried also a new install with a new downloaded setup.
May I ask if you have a vanilla p3d or if you have something else installed on your setup?
Anyway thanks for this update!
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on January 27, 2017, 10:49:57 am
During T/o roll I had these lags, but if I fly back to the airport (also if I fly many miles out, and then come back) I did not have any lag.

The scenery is far more complex on ground than on the air so, it's entirely normal it would work better when landing.

Unless you are saying that, on the SAME spot that used to give you a pause on take off, you don't have it after landing. That would be strange indeed.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: fakeflyer737 on February 23, 2017, 10:19:03 pm
Im still getting a pasue every 5 seconds or so at KMEM, I dont get this at any other Scenery and it happens in default/payware planes and in clear/bad weather. It is clearly a KMEM problem. My FPS are great though...easily 35+ all the time but the sim Pauses...its so annoying. How can we fix this?

Im using P3D v3 (latest MEM+AddonMan0
6700K Win 10x64
GTX 980ti
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on February 23, 2017, 10:25:52 pm
Im still getting a pasue every 5 seconds or so at KMEM

This kind of pause, indicate you are missing some objects of the scenery, which of course shouldn't happen, if you installed the latest version.

It is clearly a KMEM problem. My FPS are great though...easily 35+ all the time but the sim Pauses...its so annoying. How can we fix this?

There's no stuttering problem anymore with KMEM with P3D. Be sure you install the latest version, and be sure you select the P3D native objects from the KMEM menu.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: fakeflyer737 on February 23, 2017, 11:06:16 pm
Im still getting a pasue every 5 seconds or so at KMEM

This kind of pause, indicate you are missing some objects of the scenery, which of course shouldn't happen, if you installed the latest version.

It is clearly a KMEM problem. My FPS are great though...easily 35+ all the time but the sim Pauses...its so annoying. How can we fix this?

There's no stuttering problem anymore with KMEM with P3D. Be sure you install the latest version, and be sure you select the P3D native objects from the KMEM menu.

Where abouts is the KMEM menu..you mean in the installer?
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: fakeflyer737 on February 24, 2017, 11:00:56 pm
?? I dont understand what menu youre talking about.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: fakeflyer737 on February 25, 2017, 03:57:21 am
Are you talking about the YouControl menu...well if you are it has been selected to P3D, I have the latest everything. I have tried everything I can think of and nothing works. i dont have this problem with any other scenery.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on February 26, 2017, 05:27:16 pm
I'm sorry but, I can only repeat and confirm the problem doesn't happen if you have the current version of KMEM and the P3D native objects enabled.

But again, your description of the problem seemed to be a bit *different* than what has been discussed here. This thread was about minor random stuttering, and THIS is surely fixed in the current version, under P3D, using the P3D-native objects.

Your report, instead, seemed to indicate you have a pause at regular intervals, and this usually means you have missing objects which, again, cannot happen if you have the current version of the scenery.

I'm sorry, but I cannot reproduce the problem. Do you have many other addons installed which use Simconnect, like ActiveSky or another weather engine ? It's possible with too many commands sent together at the same time, the sim cannot keep it up with all of them, which result in pauses.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: fakeflyer737 on February 27, 2017, 03:59:49 pm
I'm sorry but, I can only repeat and confirm the problem doesn't happen if you have the current version of KMEM and the P3D native objects enabled.

But again, your description of the problem seemed to be a bit *different* than what has been discussed here. This thread was about minor random stuttering, and THIS is surely fixed in the current version, under P3D, using the P3D-native objects.

Your report, instead, seemed to indicate you have a pause at regular intervals, and this usually means you have missing objects which, again, cannot happen if you have the current version of the scenery.

I'm sorry, but I cannot reproduce the problem. Do you have many other addons installed which use Simconnect, like ActiveSky or another weather engine ? It's possible with too many commands sent together at the same time, the sim cannot keep it up with all of them, which result in pauses.

People are having the same issue I am.


You need to look into this for us. I want to buy Kentucky and Douglas when they get released.

Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on March 01, 2017, 01:15:43 pm
People are having the same issue I am

"People" ? You open the thread, and you post most of the messages there.

Another user, Regis9 said, on the same thread:

I had some pauses (it was a known issue) with the early versions of KMEM, but that has all been fixed by the last few updates.

Another user skwaL said, on the same thread:

Make sure that you guys get the latest updates for it. Mine did it before updates, right now runs just fine.

There are, in fact, TWO other users, who still say they have the pauses so, what you can see on that thread, is that 2 users said the update COMPLETELY fixed their pauses, and 2 other user saying it didn't.

One of them use FSX so, I'm afraid there's just nothing we can do that, because the update fixed the problem by using native P3D ground polygons, which removes the needs to do additional processing to prevent flickering and STILL being able to use FSX native materials at least.

So, your first question should be, why the pauses were entirely gone for those two ? It should be fairly obvious that, if the airport still had a problem, everyone would get pauses.

It might just too many addons running together and stressing Simconnect, which everybody needs to rely on in order to talk with the sim. Addons that put a great stress on Simconnect are, for example, weather engines, but even a complex airplane might do the same. So, a reason why you still have stuttering and several uses (both here an on Avsim) posted they don't have it anymore after the update, it might simply be your installation has simply too many addons for the sim to keep it up, while they are not running some of the more taxiing ones.

What the update did, using the P3D native ground polygons, was REDUCE the need to use Simconnect to connect to the sim and the frequency/quantity of commands issued, but still the scenery still needs to do some communication with it so, if you have other addons that are already taking up all the communication bandwidth, there's still not much time left for us to communicate with the sim, so we lag behind.

That's seems to be the most likely issue you might having, which explains why others don't have it.

But that might not be the only one. The sim Affinity Mask setting might have an impact on this, so the multithreaded execution of all process might not work a smoothly as it could be.

Try to remove the AffinityMask from the Prepar3D.CFG file altogether, and see if you have any difference.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: B777ER on March 07, 2017, 11:52:45 pm

There's no stuttering problem anymore with KMEM with P3D. Be sure you install the latest version, and be sure you select the P3D native objects from the KMEM menu.

Where is this menu at? In the installer?
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on March 08, 2017, 10:16:59 am
Where is this menu at? In the installer?

The YouControl menu that every FSDT scenery always had. The KMEM one has many options.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: Bill721 on March 25, 2017, 09:04:13 pm
How is this program running on FSX now.  I tried it a while ago and the stutters were bad so I uninstalled the demo.  How is it now since the updates?  Does the demo have all the updates?

Thanks Bill
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on March 27, 2017, 10:21:39 pm
How is this program running on FSX now.  I tried it a while ago and the stutters were bad so I uninstalled the demo.  How is it now since the updates?  Does the demo have all the updates?

The demo is always updated to the very latest version. However, the improvements discussed in this update, which will most solve any stuttering, are only available in P3D, because we used native P3D objects.

In the next update, we'll have an option to turn off lots of objects, which MIGHT improve FSX, but the advantages offered by the native P3D objects will never be possible under FSX.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: Bill721 on March 27, 2017, 10:44:23 pm
Thank you for the reply.

Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: okupton on April 22, 2017, 03:11:21 pm
I have downloaded the demo for the newest version and I still have stutters in P3d. Performance is great until the stuttering starts. Seems to happen just after take off and on short final the most. Any other tips to minimize stutters? I've changed pre rendered frames to 1 in Nvidia CP and verified its using p3d objects in the you control menu and turned off atc chatter but nothing seems to make a difference.
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: virtuali on April 24, 2017, 11:58:01 am
I have downloaded the demo for the newest version and I still have stutters in P3d. Performance is great until the stuttering starts. Seems to happen just after take off and on short final the most.

I cannot see any stutters in P3D but, if you still have them, the next update will let you turn off several dynamic objects categories from the KMEM menu, that should help in case your system is particularly loaded by other addons, especially those that makes lots of Simconnect calls (like weather engines).
Title: Re: KMEM Stuttering
Post by: okupton on April 24, 2017, 02:13:09 pm
Ok thanks for the reply. I will revisit once the next update is out.