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Products Support => GSX Support FSX/P3D => GSX Sharing area - Scenery Configs => Topic started by: pito253 on April 30, 2015, 12:50:40 pm

Post by: pito253 on April 30, 2015, 12:50:40 pm
Hello i have GSX and it works great but i just bought KBOS and KBUF from FLY-TAMPA and the jetways dont work with GSX does anybody know if there is way to tweak or fix the jetway so it works with GSX so i don't have to buy AES Services and if i do buy AES does anybody know would it create any problems between both airport services i mean i rather use always GSX cause it work great with FS2Crew in any airport but since i got fly-tampa kbos and kbuf my jetways don't operate
                                                                                                                      THANK YOU
Post by: virtuali on April 30, 2015, 01:08:47 pm
Hello i have GSX and it works great but i just bought KBOS and KBUF from FLY-TAMPA and the jetways dont work with GSX

It's not that jetways from those sceneries from FlyTampa don't work with GSX. They simply don't work at all.

GSX doesn't have anything to do with jetways, it's only able to detect if there is one ( assuming it's an FSX animated jetway, not a static one ), in order not to display front stairs and a passenger bus in that case.

This was explained in the GSX manual, Page 11, in the blue boxed paragraph.

At Page 23, you'll find an option in the scenery customization, that will allow you to help GSX detecting jetways on airports with static ones. This of course won't magically make them move (it's up to the scenery developer to support this), but at least you won't see front stairs and the passenger bus on a parking spot that has a static ( = not detectable automatically ) jetway.
Post by: seam77 on June 22, 2015, 01:03:25 am
Hello Umberto.
Do you have any plans to release animated jetways  in near future??
Or do You know any tools available on market to use Jetways on Airports instead of AES?
You should really think about it it will be a great thing for simmers and good alternative for AS AES  ones.
(Because its not right when we simmers having full paid airports like EGCC,EDDB, and etc... and the airports having jetways ,but You can not use it without AES.So this is not fair.If You paid for full airport with jetways they should work.Thats why we pay for and this is not small money for them isnt?This is a shame for Developers like Aerosoft,UK2000 and others they making extra money ...if U want using jetways you have to buy extra product and credits to.
So really think about it please it will be a great thing for all of us.
Post by: virtuali on June 22, 2015, 12:16:43 pm
So this is not fair.If You paid for full airport with jetways they should work.Thats why we pay for and this is not small money for them isnt?This is a shame for Developers like Aerosoft,UK2000 and others they making extra money ...if U want using jetways you have to buy extra product and credits to.

You can vote with your wallet. Stop purchasing these airports, and make it clear to their developers that in 2015 a scenery presented as an "FSX" scenery MUST include what even a lowly default scenery has.

I think UK2000 airports, at least the latest ones, comes with animated jetways. The same with FlyTampa. Everyone is coming to their senses now, and this is also likely due to the great success of GSX.

So really think about it please it will be a great thing for all of us.

I don't understand. You first say that paying for an airport to get jetways is not fair, then you suggest we'd do the same ? Supporting a 3rd party airport that doesn't have animated jetway, would require us doing the SAME work as AES, so we would still have to charge by airport, which we also believe it's a wrong practice that doesn't make any sense in 2015.

What we MIGHT do, in a future major GSX upgrade, is to replace the default jetway animation system with our own, to make it faster, and more reliable, but it will probably work only at our airports, or 3rd party airports of developers that works with us, like Flightbeam.
Post by: seam77 on June 24, 2015, 10:59:50 pm
Umberto i mean if You pay for airport and airport has jetways like for example EGCC or EDDB the Jetways should work Shift+J when we use it,but is not working ,we have to buy extra AES credits.So is not fair for us if complete Airport like EDDB with Jetways is so non realistic without AES(but should be already fully functional thats why we pay for isnt?).But most of airports need AES support to use Jetways and they taking another piece of wallet from us.
Post by: virtuali on June 25, 2015, 11:17:53 am
You are just making my point. I agree that, for a scenery developer, is not fair to ask users to pay extra just to get a feature that is STANDARD in FSX, and even a lowly default scenery has.

Which is why, all our airports always had working jetways, starting from Zurich in 2007, when GSX wasn't even in the planning stage.

But adding stuff on 3rd airports that don't have it already, takes a bit of work and cannot be easily automated, so it's fair for AES to ask money for it, and we'll probably would have to do the same, should we decide to do the same.

Instead, we tried to look forward, and assumed that more and more scenery developers will just have standard animated jetways. And in fact, it's happening already, and if there are still developers out there insisting doing fake/static jetways, you as an user should voice your opinion about it.
Post by: cartayna on December 24, 2018, 10:55:24 am
Hello i have GSX and it works great but i just bought KBOS and KBUF from FLY-TAMPA and the jetways dont work with GSX does anybody know if there is way to tweak or fix the jetway so it works with GSX so i don't have to buy AES Services and if i do buy AES does anybody know would it create any problems between both airport services i mean i rather use always GSX cause it work great with FS2Crew in any airport but since i got fly-tampa kbos and kbuf my jetways don't operate
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hey pito253,
the file and instructions for KBOS was added to my bunch of configurations a couple weeks ago.
merry chrsitmas
Post by: Timothy Metzinger on February 11, 2019, 08:27:00 pm
As for KBUF from FlyTampa, there are two BGL files, JetsA and JetsB.  If you rename these from .bgl to .off the static jetways will go away, and then you can place new jetways in GSX.

This is true for P3D4, anyway.

I'll post my .ini file when I'm done with the airport.