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Products Support => Houston KIAH Support FSX/P3D => Topic started by: p3dx3 on July 08, 2014, 11:24:16 am

Title: OOM on approach
Post by: p3dx3 on July 08, 2014, 11:24:16 am
CYVR had an installer allowing us to customize the textures. I am getting OOM on approach using FTX Global and the PMDG 777X.

Are there any changes I can make to stop the out of memory error?
Title: Re: OOM on approach
Post by: streichholz on July 08, 2014, 11:47:05 am
Set the maxtextureload in the fsx.cfg from 4096 to 2048 or 1024 and try again.
Title: Re: OOM on approach
Post by: virtuali on July 08, 2014, 12:59:34 pm
CYVR had an installer allowing us to customize the textures. I am getting OOM on approach using FTX Global and the PMDG 777X.

This doesn't have anything to do with CYVR, and of course it has been discussed too many times on the forum, for example here:


CYVR, on top of that, has several INSTALL OPTIONS, to configure the texture sizes, clearly indicating how much memory every option will take.

Title: Re: OOM on approach
Post by: p3dx3 on July 08, 2014, 09:05:02 pm
CYVR had an installer allowing us to customize the textures. I am getting OOM on approach using FTX Global and the PMDG 777X.

This doesn't have anything to do with CYVR, and of course it has been discussed too many times on the forum, for example here:


CYVR, on top of that, has several INSTALL OPTIONS, to configure the texture sizes, clearly indicating how much memory every option will take.

I wasn't specific, sorry. I was talking about install options for IAH, like we get with YVR. I am getting OOM with IAH on approach like I get at YVR unless I change the install options to lower resolution textures. Why does the IAH installer not give me any options to change texture resolution?
Title: Re: OOM on approach
Post by: p3dx3 on July 08, 2014, 09:05:59 pm
Set the maxtextureload in the fsx.cfg from 4096 to 2048 or 1024 and try again.

I've tried 2048 and still oom. I cannot fly the pmdg 777X with Orbx regions and fsdt airports in dx9. I have tried everything.
Title: Re: OOM on approach
Post by: Dave_YVR on July 08, 2014, 10:24:46 pm
Considered DX10? It helps alot with OOM issues and also offers more visually. I can't remember my last OOM in FSX with DX10.
Title: Re: OOM on approach
Post by: p3dx3 on July 08, 2014, 10:56:48 pm
Considered DX10? It helps alot with OOM issues and also offers more visually. I can't remember my last OOM in FSX with DX10.

DX10 doesn't work with all the nice airport scenery I have purchased over the years.
Title: Re: OOM on approach
Post by: Dave_YVR on July 08, 2014, 11:15:54 pm
 With the DX10 fixer (which is currently unavailable) I haven't been able to find anywhere that doesn't work with DX10. The fixer gave new life to FSX. It's never run smoother or looked as good.
Title: Re: OOM on approach
Post by: Hnla on July 08, 2014, 11:18:25 pm
DX10 doesn't work with all the nice airport scenery I have purchased over the years.

Did you not read Umberto's response? Read it again, here are your options:

 Lower your settings.

- Use DX10.

- Use 2048 or 1024 texture size.

- Don't use so many add-ons at the same time.

If you are going to come back and say something, than go, and read it again until you understand.
Title: Re: OOM on approach
Post by: p3dx3 on July 09, 2014, 02:50:04 am
DX10 doesn't work with all the nice airport scenery I have purchased over the years.

Did you not read Umberto's response? Read it again, here are your options:

 Lower your settings.

- Use DX10.

- Use 2048 or 1024 texture size.

- Don't use so many add-ons at the same time.

If you are going to come back and say something, than go, and read it again until you understand.

Why the hostility?

The YVR installer allows you to choose your options on ground shadows, texture resolution, ground photo.

The IAH installer does not give you any options.

I still get OOM sometimes when using the lowest settings available.
Title: Re: OOM on approach
Post by: Hnla on July 09, 2014, 05:47:36 am
Why the hostility?

Because this has been discussed so many times on the forum on how to help with OOM's it's getting ridiculous.

The YVR installer allows you to choose your options on ground shadows, texture resolution, ground photo.

The IAH installer does not give you any options.

That's because CYVR was getting flooded with Users with OOM's, (Not at Fault of FSDT) but because CYVR is an area that is heavily loaded with add ons, and cloudy weather, so in response to the many users with OOM problems, he made the texture size customizable.

There's obviously no such problem with KIAH, because there aren't any popular add ons in the area, no "FTX Texas" or anything like that, so the first user to really report an OOM with KIAH is you, and it's probably because you have your settings to high.
Title: Re: OOM on approach
Post by: p3dx3 on July 09, 2014, 09:04:32 am
Why the hostility?

Because this has been discussed so many times on the forum on how to help with OOM's it's getting ridiculous.

The YVR installer allows you to choose your options on ground shadows, texture resolution, ground photo.

The IAH installer does not give you any options.

That's because CYVR was getting flooded with Users with OOM's, (Not at Fault of FSDT) but because CYVR is an area that is heavily loaded with add ons, and cloudy weather, so in response to the many users with OOM problems, he made the texture size customizable.

There's obviously no such problem with KIAH, because there aren't any popular add ons in the area, no "FTX Texas" or anything like that, so the first user to really report an OOM with KIAH is you, and it's probably because you have your settings to high.

512 clouds

normal autogen

no ground shadows

Is that too high?
Title: Re: OOM on approach
Post by: virtuali on July 09, 2014, 10:55:35 am
The IAH installer does not give you any options.

KIAH doesn't have options, because it doesn't NEED them.

- It doesn't have dynamic shadows so, the texture memory used by them in comparison to CYVR install options, is equal to 0

- It has less polygons than CYVR *because* it doesn't have dynamic shadows

- It doesn't use 4096 textures.

If you have OOM at KIAH, it's because you already consumed all your memory with other memory-hungry products you are using there.
Title: Re: OOM on approach
Post by: p3dx3 on July 09, 2014, 11:06:34 am
ftx global and fsgenesis mesh.

I was flying from your KORD to KIAH. So... I have no idea how to get rid of these OOM's. I have tried everything.

Water 1x high. Lowered autogen. No ground shadows. Still OOMs on approach to any of your airports from any of your other aiports.

KLAX-CYVR. OOM on approach

KORD-KIAH OOM on approach

Title: Re: OOM on approach
Post by: virtuali on July 09, 2014, 11:53:06 am
ftx global and fsgenesis mesh.

Both are not obviously "free" to use, memory-wise. Try to switch them off.

Water 1x high. Lowered autogen. No ground shadows. Still OOMs on approach to any of your airports from any of your other aiports.

No, you have an OOM that can happen everywhere, but you only noticed at our airports, because those are the flights you tried. You'll have it at any other airport of a comparable size.

And it's not just that, of all airports around, our will be the one suffering LESS from OOM because, since we handle scenery creation independently from FSX, we are sure that, outside the area of the airport, almost NOTHING is loaded for the airport, except very few things like the AFCAD or the low-res photoreal background, which are still handled by FSX.

Another airport scenery from any other developer ( except Flightbeam, which enjoy the same memory-saving abilities ) is in the hands of the FSX memory handling, and is very well known that FSX sometimes loads data from scenery that doesn't have much to do with the area you are flying in.

Of course, if you don't believe this, you can easily verify this. Start at KIAH, and measure your allocated memory. Slew out about 15 NM ( the scenery range for KIAH is 11 NM ) and see A LOT of memory (all the memory taken by airport) being reclaimed almost immediately.

That would PROVE you those OOMs don't have anything to do with the airports.

But you don't even have to do it yourself. I did it for you ( don't you think we already made all the memory tests before release ? ), here's the results:

First two around KIAH (over the airport and 15NM out ) show how memory is correctly reclaimed when exiting the KIAH area.

The one on a default airport in Texas ( Austin ), shows that the memory globally used by the sim on a default area, is similar to the memory used when being just outside KIAH, clearly proving that "just" have KIAH installed, doesn't affect memory at all.

The one on KLAX shows that KIAH takes way less memory than KLAX, which is impressive, considering how large KIAH is. KLAX uses 4096 textures, KIAH doesn't. My settings were with textures at 4096, of course.

The one 18NM outside KLAX ( KLAX has a 16NM loading range ) shows that KLAX also correctly reclaim memory outside its area.

The one 18NM outside KLAX with the PMDG, shows the airplane takes the same memory of the whole scenery, all by itself.

The one with the PMDG at KLAX, shows that without any other add-ons used (no 3rd party mesh or Landclass or global vectors and no AI) the memory is already at 2.3GB. Of course, as we proved with the previous screen, the situation at KIAH would be better.

The one at KIAH with UT2 AI, shows that UT2 adds another 300 MB at KIAH, compared to no AI from the 1st screen

The last two shows Austin with a default airplane with UT2 AI, and with the PMDG 777. Using the PMDG 777 with AI, on a DEFAULT airport, takes MORE memory than using a default airplane at KIAH, with traffic too!

I'd say the results speaks for themselves: KIAH is very well optimized and memory friendly so, please, just stop discussing about OOMs, as they might be "caused" by KIAH.
Title: Re: OOM on approach
Post by: p3dx3 on July 09, 2014, 11:59:14 am
What happens if you also use gsx to unload/load passengers and bags, do those textures stay in memory all through the flight? Or in the virtual cockpit with the exterior and interior textures loaded? Flying between 2 airports pushes me over the limit and I get instant ooms. I am so tired of chasing these problems and about to just fly default fsx with the pmdg 777
Title: Re: OOM on approach
Post by: virtuali on July 09, 2014, 07:01:26 pm
What happens if you also use gsx to unload/load passengers and bags, do those textures stay in memory all through the flight?

They don't, just like all other objects that gets destroyed after use under our control. And GSX objects equals roughly 3-4 AI models, so they don't really take much memory even when they are showing. On top of that, GSX takes ZERO memory from FSX for its own *code*, because it runs externally under the Couatl.exe program, so it has its own separate VAS space.

Or in the virtual cockpit with the exterior and interior textures loaded? Flying between 2 airports pushes me over the limit and I get instant ooms.

The keyword might be "flying between 2 airports". Perhaps all the stuff you have is taking memory ALONG the flight, and that's is not reclaimed. FTX Global, for example, is loaded CONSTANTLY, not just when you are at an airport, and they don't even have any ability to manage its memory, because vector scenery and landclassess are handled entirely by FSX.

I am so tired of chasing these problems and about to just fly default fsx with the pmdg 777

That's the opposite solution: I've show you the EVIDENCE that

1) the most memory-consuming item you have is NOT the airport


2) KIAH takes ONLY 150MB more than default


3) the PMDG777 on a DEFAULT airport (see my test at KAUS ) takes MORE memory than the default 737 at KIAH, making your strategy of using it over a default airport not very useful. Without even counting that default KAUS is way less detailed than default KIAH.

Amd you still don't want to accept the airports are NOT the problem ? Try to switch off FTX Global, instead, and see it it makes any difference.
Title: Re: OOM on approach
Post by: virtuali on July 09, 2014, 07:07:12 pm
Set the maxtextureload in the fsx.cfg from 4096 to 2048 or 1024 and try again.

There's no need to to through the annoying process of exiting from FSX, editing the FSX.CFG manually, and restarting FSX. The Addon Manager is able to control that settings without requiring a restart.
Title: Re: OOM on approach
Post by: p3dx3 on July 09, 2014, 11:40:47 pm
I disabled all scenery except the 2 airports I am flying to and from, will test in a long flight now. Sorry to blame your great scenery, guess it is just my sim that does not like all these addons at once.
Title: Re: OOM on approach
Post by: p3dx3 on July 12, 2014, 01:13:29 pm
2 successful flights. It is a pain to disable every other airport scenery but what I am flying to and from, then loading aes, then makerunways, then start fsx. Then restart computer. Then I can fly. But I do not get oom anymore. Sorry again for blaming your scenery!
Title: Re: OOM on approach
Post by: altstiff on July 14, 2014, 08:09:15 pm
2 successful flights. It is a pain to disable every other airport scenery but what I am flying to and from, then loading aes, then makerunways, then start fsx. Then restart computer. Then I can fly. But I do not get oom anymore. Sorry again for blaming your scenery!

You need to download and install Scenery Config Editor (found at places like AVSIM). It is free and easy to use. With a few clicks you are off and flying (and the minute you spend click saves loading times of unused scenery while starting/loading FSX).

A lean scenery CFG is key to saving OOM errors during flights. FSX loads stuff in Africa when you are flying in Alasaka! So the lean CFG is the way to go.
Title: Re: OOM on approach
Post by: shipdriver on July 23, 2014, 01:36:34 am
2 successful flights. It is a pain to disable every other airport scenery but what I am flying to and from, then loading aes, then makerunways, then start fsx. Then restart computer. Then I can fly. But I do not get oom anymore. Sorry again for blaming your scenery!

Would I be correct in assuming that you have also vigorously pressured PMDG about their aircrafts' extremely high memory usage? I don't fly any PMDG planes so I don't keep up with their forums.

In all the ruckus about OOMs at CYVR, it seemed there was always one common denominator: who made the airplane. 
Title: Re: OOM on approach
Post by: MikeGallagher on October 30, 2014, 08:32:15 am
PMDG t7 IS A HOG ON VAS! So 1g just to load the plane! So add the FTX Global along with any other addon that uses your VAS and of course your going to get a OOM on a 2 hour flight cause FSX dosen't release VAS Properly due to it being 32bit and always will be! Even so the like they said even with everything so toned down and turned off what helped me get rid of my OOM's is this:

Go to the FSX\Autogen folder
You will find "default.xml" in there if not then you should be good.
Rename it to "default.bak" this will remove some but not all of the autogen expecially FTX barns shrubs. So if your going to fly there then just rename it back.

This has fixed 90% of my oom errors! I don't own the t7 for this exact reason. Until P3D is fully reworked and fully x64 as such xplane is, I will not buy another add-on that is VAS hungry. AND "FSDT SCENERY'S ARE NOT VAS HUNGRY EVEN FOR THE DETAIL THEY HAVE!" That is why I am in the process of buying all there Airports. Proud paid user of KIAH!

Michael G.