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GSX Support MSFS / Re: Pushback problem
« Last post by miki3320 on May 09, 2024, 10:25:05 pm »
I checked all of these and didn't find anything, I even cancelled the keybind of the default pushback, and still the problem persists. Very strange
GSX Support MSFS / Re: Optimizing Services Selection for Airliners
« Last post by rsaberi on May 09, 2024, 08:10:17 pm »
Seems like you did not read my post carefully! You can justify your current process as much as you want and that's fine. I think you can do better than that and improve the GSX in that regard.
EuroAirport Basel / Basel in P3Dv5 some buildings missing
« Last post by yurirodin on May 09, 2024, 07:53:51 pm »
In P3Dv5.4 I have a terminal and some building missing with black areas where the buildings should be.
Houston Backdoor / Re: New KIAH scenery?
« Last post by kenb on May 09, 2024, 06:18:27 pm »
I installed Matt Derr's P3DV4 FSDREAMTEAM KIAH TERMINAL C NORTH AND SURROUNDINGS as he directed. I don't see the scenery.
You're supposed to be in slew mode when customizing the aircraft position, so that is correct. Check your control assignments and make sure you don't have any hardware that has slew commands. If you do, delete those. More than likely that's what's causing your issue.
Hi, I am trying to customize aircraft parking position in FSDT KJFK V2 / P3D5 and as soon as I hit the button P3D goes like in a slew motion with the aircraft constantly moving to random places with no end in sight. What I mean is that it is not showing your actual parking position where you are in and thus can't customize anything. I never had this issue with GSX in FSX so maybe it's a P3D thing ? Thanks
I need specific instructions in order to complete the steps to provide you with a diagnostic log
GSX Support MSFS / Pushbak Problem: Parking Brake PROSIM 738
« Last post by Alti on May 09, 2024, 12:51:36 pm »
The PROSIM 738 is at the gate, parking brake is set.
* Boarding no problem.
* Request pushback no problem.
* Releasing the parking brake before pushback is also no problem.
When the pushback is complete, GSX requests that the parking brake be set again.

And this is where the problem begin:
It is not possible to set the parking brake after EVERY PUSHBACK by GSX PRO.
GSX PRO prevents the brake from being set in the home cockpit!
No matter which airport. GSX MUST BE RESET because otherwise the process will not be completed.
After GSX Reset there is no Problem to set the parking bracke in the 738.

Resetting GSX will reset the flight plan in the home cockpit of the PROSIM 737.
GSX PRO cannot be used in this case.
How can we and GSX solve the problem with the parking brake?
i have read the Manual, there are some extentions for other planes. Did not help in The Prosim 738

Thanks for HELP, Thomas.

Translated with (free version)
GSX Support MSFS / Re: Ogg format of cabin announcements
« Last post by virtuali on May 09, 2024, 12:13:44 pm »
You are assuming GSX uses the .OGG format, which it doesn't. It uses the standard Windows .WAV format, because even if it's not compressed, *because* it's not compressed, it's the most lightweight and require the less possible CPU time to decode.

However, if your app needs to "replace on the fly" sounds from GSX, it might not work, because sounds are not necessarily read immediately before the are played, some of them are, others aren't, so you can't rely on that.
GSX Support MSFS / Re: simbreaf error exception1=ssl connect error
« Last post by virtuali on May 09, 2024, 12:10:42 pm »
You sent the wrong log, taken before Simbrief was loaded. Do it again, and post the log after you see the error.
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