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GSX Support MSFS / Re: Optimizing Services Selection for Airliners
« Last post by virtuali on Today at 09:41:31 am »
Seems like you did not read my post carefully! You can justify your current process as much as you want and that's fine. I think you can do better than that and improve the GSX in that regard.

I read your post carefully, it's you who haven't read my answer. As I've said:

- GSX already selects an operator automatically, if you just wait a few seconds for the operator menu to close and choose the operator automatically

- With the ability to set ANY operator to ANY parking spot, overriding the default scoring system, an airport profile can set precisely which operators are available there.

We ALREADY discussed a possible additional layer of operator selection, which is "which operators those airlines prefer to do business with", but no work on it has started and, there will be the issue that, if the airport profile has already specified a single operator on a specific gate, it still won't work because, at most, it can only offer an automatic scoring boost when the scoring IS used or, when explicit operators in the airport profile are more than one.
GSX Support MSFS / Re: FSDT universal installer
« Last post by virtuali on Today at 09:34:39 am »
Just to be sure, are you referring to GSX for MSFS ( that is GSX Pro ) or GSX for FSX/P3D?
GSX Support MSFS / Re: aircrat size problem
« Last post by virtuali on Today at 09:33:24 am »
The manual offers you many explanations about this, and the many ways to deal with it:

- Page 11
GSX will warn you if a parking spot is either “too small for your aircraft”, or is already taken by an AI. However, a big change from previous versions is that will allow you to use it anyway.

- Page 33, the explanation of the "Max Allowed Wingspan" parameter, which can be used if that previous message annoys you:
This option allows to override the parking radius in the airport .BGL, used to verify if a parking is too small to fit a certain parking. Sometimes, it’s possible a scenery has actual space available around a parking spot, but the scenery designer has specified a smaller radius for that parking spot, maybe for AI flow reasons, or to fix problems with default ground vehicles, or simply because of an oversight.

- Page 37, the explanation of the "Ignore Wingspan when parking" global setting:
This option will disable the “Parking Too Small” warning. Note that, with this version, GSX will always allow to use a parking, even if it says it’s too small but, with this option, you can also disable the warning.
GSX Support MSFS / Re: Passengers do not appear since yesterday
« Last post by virtuali on Today at 09:30:22 am »
Exactly, it has been almost two months since the last update, because we are working full time on the new seated passengers feature so, nothing in GSX could have caused this.

Assuming you are using a gate with a jetway, the most likely reasons for missing passengers are:

- Failing to exclude the airport from GSX jetway replacement after installing it

- Jetway not connecting properly, which can be caused by your parking position and/or the jetway itself

- Scenery conflicts caused by Navdata

- Having reached the maximum Simobjects limit

In the first two cases, GSX can detect the problem and tell you with a message but, if you close its Toolbar menu entirely, it won't be able to show text messages, so you might not know.
GSX Support MSFS / Re: simbreaf error exception1=ssl connect error
« Last post by virtuali on Today at 09:26:27 am »
As the last time, you again sent the wrong log, taken before Simbrief was loaded. Do it again, and post the log after you see the error.
GSX Support MSFS / Re: CTD/freeze continues
« Last post by virtuali on Today at 09:25:03 am »
As explained so many times, Couatl cannot crash the sim.

An external .EXE cannot crash another .EXE, this is something basic about how the Windows OS works, an .EXE don't have any access to the memory space of another .EXE, unless it attached itself to it posing as a Debugger, and Couatl doesn't do anything like that.

What is possible is the opposite. If the sim crashes for other reasons, it will MADE Couatl crash, because in order to exit cleanly, Couatl needs to receive a specific command via Simconnect the sim has quit. If the sim crashes abruptly, it won't send the normal quit message to it, which would trigger some extra memory cleanup Couatl must do on itself, which if not done, will result in Couatl crashing. Not that this matters much after the sim crashed because Windows itself will clean up the memory.

That's why you see the event related to Couatl.exe in the Event Viewer: it was made to crash because the sim crashed for other reasons, so you can be easily misled thinking Couatl was the cause, but it's not. It cannot, because as a regular .EXE, it doesn't have any way to make the sim crash. But the sim can crash it.
You can't use Deicers with small planes: the minimum wingspan size it's 20 meters.
GSX Support MSFS / Re: Can we make the GSX window NOT dissapear ?
« Last post by virtuali on Today at 09:21:02 am »
The way I learnt to deal with GSX is to make sure at the beginning that GSX icon in top tool bar is white.. so first time you have to usually click on it and then it will open window and it will remain white, DO NOT EVER CLICK ON IT THERE AGAIN

That's exactly what the manual says, when the menu is explained, at Page 89. The manual go into detail to explain the *reason* why it's like this so, it's useful to read it and no use repeating it here entirely but, this is the short version:

This is now your normal workflow should be:

• Open the GSX menu from the Toolbar icon when first starting Ground services .

• Don’t close it from the Toolbar while Ground services are performed, always use the Hot-key or the X icon to close the menu.

• Close the menu using the Toolbar icon when you are done with Ground services, usually before take-off.

In brief, the Toolbar Icon should always be left Active while Ground services are
GSX Support MSFS / Re: Pushbak Problem: Parking Brake PROSIM 738
« Last post by virtuali on Today at 09:16:43 am »
If the parking brakes works before a restart, it means it is configured correctly in the airplane profile.

That is assuming you ARE using a custom airplane profile. Since none of the Prosim airplanes are internally supported by GSX, it means you must create an airplane profile, and the parking brakes test can be customized, in the case the airplane doesn't use a standard variable to test it.

So, the first question would be: are you using an airplane profile (you should) and if yes, how the parking brake test is set to ?
I need specific instructions in order to complete the steps to provide you with a diagnostic log

We are in the very thread which comes with specific instructions! On the first post of this thread.
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