Author Topic: New FSXBA Hornet  (Read 1228680 times)


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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1005 on: September 19, 2015, 04:29:54 pm »

-As for the unauthorized aircraft issues, is this while using TACPAC?  With certain TACPAC settings, this jet will be booted due to it not being registered with VRS.  Only other reason I can think of for this jet to get booted is due to a high packet count for servers that monitor such things.  But....I've tested these jets for packet flooding, and the count is pretty low...about 150 - 160 or so per 30 seconds.  That pretty much on par with the Acceleration Hornet.

Thanks for the feedback.  Keep'em coming!

Any specific TacPack settings that may be causing the crash ? Hate to remove TacPack or the Legacy Hornet !
Sorry to bother you again , but thanks !


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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1006 on: September 20, 2015, 01:11:53 am »
Okay, Mattieduck, I have the RAAF testures downloaded. I didn't have time to look at it today, but I will tomorrow, and get back ASAP. Okay?
Later update (09-16-15 1200 PST): Ok, I see the trouble. The only RAAF textures are for the Training loadout ONLY. There aren't any others, so none with weapons on them. This is why all the "stuff" (missiles, bombs, etc) show as black squares. They don't exist. As to the landing gear. I will see. I am just getting a start on this...

Mr Witeside, sir:
I THINK I may be on to a solution for the excessive wobbling. I have been working only on the C model, Clean loadout, but I will adjust the others as I can and see what they do.
I changed, in the aircraft.cfg file, the [HornetFCS] settings. I changed the line PitchRateScalar=12 to read 11.785, and now I don't get the pitch or other control excursions, no matter what I do. What this will to the REST of the controller's effects, I can't say, yet. I will keep testing...I will also try raising it higher a little at a time, to find the point closest to the original 12 Orion and Jimi came up with, at which it starts up again. I will keep you posted.
Also, in the [flight_tuning] section, I changed the line parasite_drag_scalar   =    1.70 to read 1.25, in line with Peter's testing results on the NH model.
PLEASE NOTE: This is for the CLEAN loadout ONLY. I know that the original 1.70 is correct for the TRAINING loadout. I will change the other loadouts as I have time to test them.

I hope this is helpful to you it is addressed to...


Great job Pat! Thank you. I am flying a Citation X sim for a couple of weeks so it will be a little while before I can try the mod. I was talking to a Legacy Hornet guy yesterday in class and he said that the FA18C is pretty pitchy and requires a VERY light touch in pitch at least. Can any of you guys who have flown the real aircraft confirm this?
How does Jimi's jet compare in your estimation?
I love flying Jimi's jet if that isn't clear yet. :)
Thanks Pat!

The problem with information like that is there are so many different joysticks and joystick set-ups that it's different for everyone. What I would like to see is how effective the pitch response is based on js displacement and have a gauge in the actual plane that allows us to adjust the respoonse gains based on our own js set-ups/response.


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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1007 on: September 20, 2015, 01:21:00 am »
I know that you are right as far as comparing apples to apples but that will never occur without that standard. The nice thing is, is that when someone develops a jet that flies nice then no matter what, it is a winner. Look at how much more usable this jet is compared to the vrs superhornet. Not a slam on them but the feel is there when flying this jet.


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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1008 on: September 20, 2015, 02:47:30 am »
Try turning off the "anti-cheating" option in TacPack. With developmental planes like this as soon as certain cfg entries are changed, TP assumes someone is pimping their plane (cheating) and so causes drama.
Once the aircraft is sorted in terms of tweaks, you can turn the setting back on I guess...


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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1009 on: September 20, 2015, 09:35:27 am »
The problem with information like that is there are so many different joysticks and joystick set-ups that it's different for everyone. What I would like to see is how effective the pitch response is based on js displacement and have a gauge in the actual plane that allows us to adjust the respoonse gains based on our own js set-ups/response
Oh, yes, this I understand. I meant that the things I did worked for ME and MY set-up. I apologize for not making that clearer. However, I was hoping that prhaps it might steer Mr. Whiteside in the right direction for making HIS work for HIM. It was only a suggestion of a possible starting point and place to look. Thank you Mr. Sundog for making that correction of my entry.  :)
There WAS a gauge Jimi and Orion were using that I believe would give the info you wanted, but they took it out before they "published" the plane. Maybe you could ask one of them to publish it so others could use it? Just a thought.

Now, I have a question of my own: I was looking at the SDK for the ESP online, and gave the MOI calulations a shot. The Pitch and Roll MOI's are both signifigantly higher on the plane, than the numbers I came up with using the formula in the SDK. I seem to be missing something here. Any help would be great! I am NOT going to change anything, this was really just curiosity. Is it materiel? Engines? Just wondering :D
Additionally, what is the formula for the Coupled MOI? I didn't see anything in the SDK other than "It's usually 0" which isn't very helpfull at all. I will try to understand what Yves Guillaume published in his PDF, but that's almost TOO much info at one time, if you see what i mean.
Thanks again for all the help you all give, and I fully understand that y'all are busy, so there's NO rush!


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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1010 on: September 20, 2015, 01:45:34 pm »
Hi Pat, just read your question and as far as I understand that formula found in the SDK, is a simple guesstimate for deriving MOIs for an airplane as a starting point, better than nothing. One would actually have to benchmark values used within the sim against real life behaviour in order to tune the plane.
It is the same as with the drag/lift scalars, engine values or the oswald efficiency factor. If you simply take real life values and put them in the sim, the results are usually way off - however the logic within the sim tries its best to mimic real life flight behaviour and its physical characteristics within its own framework.

Example: For my own moi calculations I used the basic relations between pitch, roll, yaw and coupled from the E/F variant as a starting point for further derivations, in lack of alternatives. Thus all results are based on these preset currently used relations. I than compensated for the difference in empty weight between the C/D and E/F variants and further derived sets for different loudouts concerning overall weight.
Coupled_moi describes the relation between roll and yaw moments. So, a lighter airplane should be more agile, thus coupled moi should have a higher negative value (in our case), so I inverted my calculations in order to achieve this numerical output.
Again, the negative starting value for coupled_moi is just an assuption be be correct, as due to the lack of benchmarking with real life, just trying to mimic what feels right or seems to be logical from common sense. The derived numerical framework for various loudouts is consistent within each other, but entirely based on the predefined assumptions between the four (pitch, roll, yaw, coupled) moi values to be somewhat correct.

Hope the helps in some way. Below I have attached some of the calculations I did, removed some of the older stuff not to distract too much.

Best regards, Peter
« Last Edit: September 20, 2015, 01:53:44 pm by hd764jvgd843 »


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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1011 on: September 20, 2015, 03:20:51 pm »
Try turning off the "anti-cheating" option in TacPack. With developmental planes like this as soon as certain cfg entries are changed, TP assumes someone is pimping their plane (cheating) and so causes drama.
Once the aircraft is sorted in terms of tweaks, you can turn the setting back on I guess...

Thank you very much ! I'll try that now !


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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1012 on: September 21, 2015, 09:57:19 am »


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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1013 on: September 21, 2015, 08:51:12 pm »
Peter, good to see ya!
Thanks very much for your reply. So, if I undrstand, it all boils down to that the SDK formulae are more a starting point, than a hard and fast rule. That makes a lot of sense, thanks!
I put the examples you provided with my other info, and will refer to them. Would it be possible to post a screenshot of the spreadsheets you showed, with the formulae shown? Those would really be a help, that way I can plug numbers in to see the results my self, and change a variable to see the effect...That way *I* can learn it for myself. Just trying to keep up :D
I appreciate it! And as always, take your time. Summer is always busy for us all :D

First, please don't "yell". It gives me a virtual headache :D
Second, what do you mean "darker"? They look the same to me, but I spend 99% of the time in the cockpit. Do you mean at night? Or the outside? Or...?
I will look at the new testures Mr. KEA posted and let you know what I can find. I am glad some of them work, at least :D

LATE EDIT: The way I read them, and I only looked at the RAAF and Swiss textures Mr. Kea posted, they are still only for the Training loadout. If other textures are designed for other loadouts, let me know, and I will check them :) Pat☺

Mr. Kea, sir, just one little note: You do great work, IMO, and you paints are fantastic, to me.
Having said that, how could you put up a set for the Tunderbirds??? They are the Air Force Demo team. When I was in we had some...ahem...less than complimentary, shall we say, terms for the Air Force in general, and the Thunderbirds in the particular, as they were somewhat of a joke in the Navy/Marine Corps.
Especialy after their little fiasco trying to get home after a show in Washington DC.  :P
But hey, the Air Force girls were very pretty (and liked us "bad-boys" :D ), their barracks were great, and their chow halls the best. Great food!
Strange they had never heard of "hammer troubleshooting" though... ;D  ;D  ::)

Great flights, and fair winds down the angle deck to all!
« Last Edit: September 21, 2015, 10:54:03 pm by PhantomTweak »


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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1014 on: September 22, 2015, 09:19:45 am »
Thunderbirds? Flying Hornets? Nah.
I have a ThunderBOLTS repaint up, but that's just a dirty version of the VMFA-251 that "ships" with this Hornet. I'm not much of a fan of fictional repaints...  ;)

Mattieduck, sorry about your texture issues. Yes I've only done them for the Training version - I wasn't aware that the other versions might require different texture sets? I'll D/L the clean version sometime and have a look. I know I've mentioned it before, and forgive me if you've already checked this, but you absolutely need the standard "Texture" folder also, because all my textures point to that folder for the shared textures. Just to make sure though, I will put my "Texture" folder up and you can maybe try that. I'm pretty sure in the past when I've had that darker look or odd bit of the plane going black, it's because the fallback Texture folder is either missing textures or there's a conflict.

Here's the link for the shared "Texture" folder:

I suggest going to your Hornet folder, renaming the existing "Texture" folder to "OldTexture" or similar, then dropping in this folder to replace it. Fingers crossed that'll fix things?


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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1015 on: September 22, 2015, 10:00:31 am »
OK, quick update, I think I see the problem Mattieduck!
The Clean version doesn't have a fallback texture folder - so your options are to copy-paste the "Texture" folder from the Training version into the Clean version, or, adjust each repaint's texture.cfg (inside the respective texture folders) to point to the Training version's "texture" folder (replace the first line in the cfg file with "fallback.1=..\..\FA-18C_FSXBA2015 15.6 Training\texture" instead of the simple "fallback.1=..\texture"). I'd choose option 1 for now, much easier.

Hopefully THAT should work...

And if it does, it should apply to all the other models as well.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2015, 10:08:47 am by Kea »


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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1016 on: September 22, 2015, 09:03:26 pm »
I have a ThunderBOLTS repaint up, but that's just a dirty version of the VMFA-251 that "ships" with this Hornet. I'm not much of a fan of fictional repaints... 
DOH!!   :-\
Nice to see I'm paying attention, as usual! I do apologize. :-[  :-[

Thanks for the help getting the texture's squared away. I appreciate it. They are not really my strong suite.  ::)



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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1017 on: September 23, 2015, 08:41:45 pm »
Hello.     I was wondering why the ailerons and elevators movement for roll is so small?    I know it's something small but I have lived the last 13 years seeing hornets everyday over my house, so I can point out alot of things with the legacy hornet and super hornet lol.    also, I downloaded the newest version of the hornet and the flaps and leading edge flaps dont move with AOA like they did before and the burner animation is backwards, the burners are full when i'm only in first stage, and they don't show up when i'm in full burner.     Either way I love this addon, was just wondering if you were planning on changing those things, especially the animation for roll lol.


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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1018 on: September 24, 2015, 10:48:58 am »
How accurate is the aileron animatio? I can't say. I CAN say that I know for certain that most of the roll is accomplished by the stabilators, not the ailerons. The ailerons are only for very high roll rate commands.

I don't watch from outside much, but I have watched the gauge called by SHFT-8, and the flaps do program the way they are supposed to. Again, I can't speak for the animations, but the flaps DO work properly.

Is it possible you saved a flight with the FCS disabled by the Spin Recovery and/or Master Arm switches being ON, and made it your default? That would disable the flap automation...Or perhaps that you were activating either switch, then looking for the flap function? Like I said, watch the gauge called up by SHFT+8 and see what's really happening.

Bear in mind that watching a Hornet in the landing configurations is a lot different that one in the "Up & Away" configuration. The control surfaces have to move a lot futher when the bird is low & slow to accomplish a desired roll/pitch/yaw, compared to when the bird is moving higher and more rapidly.

As to the AB's, they were mentioned a few posts back. I don't recall the fix, but take a look through this thread, from where Jimi posted the v15.6 on down, and scan for the AB problem. It's hidden in here someplace :) They look normal on mine. Did you copy the effects in the included Effects folder (in the Training loadout v15.6 download) to your FSX Effects folder? Not doing that can cause problems.

As to fixing things, Jimi is in a PCS move atm, so it will be a while before we see any changes. Just be patient, and post your complaints (or compliments, of course!) and they WILL be read and checked on eventually :)

Hope that helps a little bit...


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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1019 on: September 24, 2015, 03:30:19 pm »
ok that has fixed the texture problem but now however in the d model in an external view the cockpit is blue