Products Support > GSX Support FSX/P3D

Momentary Black Screen / No sound



I didn't want this to get lost in the no wheels post.

When I press ctrl+F12 the screen goes black and all sounds stop for about two to three seconds, then the screen returns with the GSX menu. After I select a GSX menu item, I have to press anywhere on the screen to bring the flightsim back into focus. The sim is being operated in full screen mode.

The pause can be considered normal, although it's a bit long, but might be if your system is taxed with many addons.

What shouldn't simply happen (and no tester has ever reported this), is the loss of focus, the GSX Window is a standard Simconnect window that is created using the official SDK method, so it's controlled entirely by FSX itself, with regard to window creation, focus handling, messaging and all the quirks that might happen if you create windows yourself in the code, which is not what GSX does.

Instead, it's likely you have another addon that is "stealing" focus *from* FSX.

UNLESS you are using Prepar3D, because the loss of focus is a very well known Prepar3D bug, that has been already raised ( by myself, but not only...) on the LM forum:

It affects even the default ATC in P3D, hopefully they'll fix it.


--- Quote from: Michael_B767_ATP on February 01, 2012, 04:58:15 am ---Hi,

I didn't want this to get lost in the no wheels post.

When I press ctrl+F12 the screen goes black and all sounds stop for about two to three seconds, then the screen returns with the GSX menu. After I select a GSX menu item, I have to press anywhere on the screen to bring the flightsim back into focus. The sim is being operated in full screen mode.

--- End quote ---

Hmm odd don't have that problem with fsx.

Hi Umberto,

Yep, it's P3D that has the problem. I sure hope they fix the issue.


--- Quote from: virtuali on February 01, 2012, 05:01:28 am ---The pause can be considered normal, although it's a bit long, but might be if your system is taxed with many addons.

What shouldn't simply happen (and no tester has ever reported this), is the loss of focus, the GSX Window is a standard Simconnect window that is created using the official SDK method, so it's controlled entirely by FSX itself, with regard to window creation, focus handling, messaging and all the quirks that might happen if you create windows yourself in the code, which is not what GSX does.

Instead, it's likely you have another addon that is "stealing" focus *from* FSX.

UNLESS you are using Prepar3D, because the loss of focus is a very well known Prepar3D bug, that has been already raised ( by myself, but not only...) on the LM forum:

It affects even the default ATC in P3D, hopefully they'll fix it.

--- End quote ---


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