Guys, specially Sludge, stop bashing "Mr. Chams",
His EHSI video is really well done. It has some flaws, but even hollywood movies have, right? It's great overall, I mean, if you don't consider the first title, where screen keeps fading left and right, and you can't read it. The 3 frames per second also didn't help much, but that's not really a problem, as it's probably caused by his aircraft modification, but that I believe is due to the fact that all information he gathered to put into his mod, had to be encrypted, as it probably goes against his Home Land Security Provisions. Anyway, in fact I like how colorful and variated the fonts in his vid are, sometimes handwriting, sometimes serif fonts, and changing colours all the time, boy, it's a party! I like parties, who doesn't?! I just found weird (just weird, not bad) when it says "just like the pros". I thought they were called Navy Pilots, and "pros" was how 16 year old hardcore arcade game players proclaimed themselves, while standing all day in front of their computers, asking their moms to bring more cheeseburgers and coke, but maybe now pilots also call themselves "pros", since the kids of today are the adults of tomorrow. Time changes, and words also. It's also good that it says "the end" when it's over, it helped a lot. Otherwise video would loop and loop and I would stay all day watching it without getting tired of it, and maybe my boss would get me fired because of that. Life saver 'the end'! Only thing I didn't like is the musical choice. I mean, I personally love church music, despite the fact it's pleases your ears by itself, it totally matches the video subject. Problem is I set the volume so high, my colleagues started cursing and swearing, and now they won't talk to me anymore, but I never liked them anyways, and the first 3 seconds of music were totally worth it, before I was forced to mute, against my will.
So I beg you, fellows, stop saying bad words about "Mr. Chams", and do like microbrewst. Lets be friends with "Mr. Chams", and learn from his many experiences aboard the tomcat, defending the United States of America! You can't deny his knowledge, and the fact that he's an aviation guru (or priest, not sure due to religion differences), he even guessed Captain Sim's product X, and if that weren't enough, he was the first one to do so.
Thank you, sir!