Author Topic: LSZH installation  (Read 6167 times)


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LSZH installation
« on: January 29, 2008, 01:50:18 pm »
Dear Sirs.

Still have problems with double runway lights, yellow taxy line and taxi signs and more.
It seems that I would have double AFCAD and also double scenery. (white snow made by Freez probably)

I removed all LSZH releated AFCAD on all drives and now there is only the origin FSDT AFCAD (AF2_LSZH.bgl)

I also disconnected Freez and Freez_LC still the same problem.

Later I also removed both Freez folder. No succsess.

Later I removed FSDT Folder from dem FS9 (no uninstall function and no registering in the controll panel/software.

I re-installed only FSDT and the FS closes just after loading dlghsplash bitmap.

The only working configuration is to go back to an older backup which still have Freez and FSDT and of course the double
taxi lines and signs.

Questionaries to virtuali staffs and experts:

I have two taxi line stiles, one is yellow with black edge and the other is yellow just close to the yellow black lines, it seems that the yellow/black are FSDT's design.

Why there can be an interupt if I made sure that there is no (absolutely no) other AF2_LSZH releated .bgl on any drive.

Why FSDT software kills me the FS9 startup. After I remove FSDT, FS9 starts perfectly.

Why both scenery interupts each other still after disconnecting Freez on FS9.

I can accept removing Freez. I like FSDT much.
But I can not accept double airport layout.s.

Can you help pls. and thanks to your excellent programmer.




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Re: LSZH installation
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2008, 02:21:03 pm »
Sorry: I can't fully understand your message.

Our scenery doesn't create any double scenery, so it's clearly the other scenery creating problems. We have a fully working Uninstaller but, of course, if you don't use it, anything might happen.

Since the double scenery is surely created by the other scenery, we can't obviously help with it, other than ensuring you that, by using our provided Uninstaller, the scenery will be 100% cleaned up and removed and, there's also an option in the Uninstaller (provided, of course, you use it) to remove the Addon Manager DLL needed by the scenery. If you remove both, there will be no trace of our product left in FS.

How to properly remove the other scenery, we don't have any idea. It might be that it's not enough to simply remove that scenery folders: if they installed something in the FS default scenery folders, you have to manually remove these files as well.

Manually uninstalling instead of using the provided Uninstaller is always wrong, and can create all sort of problems. To try to fix it, you can try the following:

- Install Zurich again

- Install the Stand-alone Addon Manager

- Uninstall Zurich using the CONTROL PANEL option, when it asks about removing the Addon Manager, reply Yes

- Uninstall the Stand Alone Addon Manager, again, using the CONTROL PANEL

- Verify the Addon Manager has really been removed by checking the \MODULES folder. If you don't have any file beginning with bglman*, it's all fine. If you still have files beginning with bglman*, remove them.

At this point, everything should be clean, at least from our side. If you still have remnants of an addon for Zurich, after this procedure, you can be 100% sure it's not coming from us. At this point, you will then need to identify all the files belonging to the other scenery. Please, refer to that scenery developer's for help about this.

When your FS is finally clean, you might try installing Zurich again. Since it used to work before, there's no reason it should not work again.


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Re: LSZH installation
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2008, 04:04:28 pm »
Hello Umberto

Thanks for your fast replay. I will follow your suggestion. I know what you said, just delete a scenery folder can cause a unproper un-install. I have a huge 56 Gb installation covering the whole world and a lot of self made traffic therefore such an installation are never fully problem free.
I was just shocked, when I was not able to start FS9 after a fresh FSDT installation and the backup was not the last update.

The reason to so, was, that I could not find any un-install function for FSDT LSZH. I am convinced that the problem is probably caused by the malfunction of the remaining /modules/bglman.dll   I will remove asp and re-install again.

Regarding the double LSZH layout I am agree that this problem is probably is caused by remaining Freez parts.
But where are those remaining files? After scanning there is no more file/folder from the old freez and as I told you only
one AF2_LSZH.bgl made by FSDT.

Umberto pls. understand Freez where existing on the market before the excellent FSDT.

Many sceneries doesn't have un-install functions.

In the most case sceneries can be uninstalled easily without un-install functions.

Anyway and anyhow the double yellow lines and signs problem will be solved hopefully soon.

I will keep you informed.  regards Roger


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Re: LSZH installation
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2008, 06:33:15 pm »
The reason to so, was, that I could not find any un-install function for FSDT LSZH.

The Uninstaller is on the Control Panel, just like any other Windows program.

I was just shocked, when I was not able to start FS9 after a fresh FSDT installation and the backup was not the last update.

I'm now confused: you are posting this message in the FSX section, but are we now talking about FS9, instead ? In this case, maybe I should move the thread in the FS9 section, because it might become confusing.

Diagnosis for the Addon Manager FSX version and FS9 are entirely different because the two programs have very little in common, except the name so I would need to know your config and, of course, which version of FS are we speaking of.

But where are those remaining files?

We obviously can't know, I'm only guessing that, if a scenery leaves traces of it behind, and you are sure to have deleted its folder and deactivate the scenery in the Scenery Library, the only possible explaination is that it puts something in the main FS scenery directory.

After scanning there is no more file/folder from the old freez and as I told you only one AF2_LSZH.bgl made by FSDT.

If you want our scenery to be removed, you should remove also our AFCAD, the afcad file is supposed to go together with the other files.

Many sceneries doesn't have un-install functions.

As I've said, I don't know what kind of files that scenery put into FS. If it's just a single folder, having an uninstaller or not doesn't really change much.  But, since you say you are still seeing part of it, it leads to believe it's not just a single folder install, but there must be also something in the other FS folders. If this is the case, that scenery *should* have an uninstaller.

In the most case sceneries can be uninstalled easily without un-install functions.

What's more easy than having a proper Windows standard Uninstaller, instead of having to manually removing files and folders ?


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Re: LSZH installation
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2008, 03:07:01 pm »
Dear Umberto

Thanks for your fast support.

Sorry for wrong thread place. FSDT is in FS9/XP

Only well programmed and advanced most probably payware sceneries have bulid in MS un-installer this is for sure.

You are right I found already more than 10 LSZH...bmp file located FS9/texture folder. Some of them have LSZH-english und some of them have LSZH_german file names. When I removed them all I received
a black airport tarmac with FSDT. When I removed them partly the double gate number and lines on the ground still exist.

On the next step  will remove again those LSZH......bmp in the main texture folder and I will re-install FSDT.

I am fully agree with you that the problem is caused by a former Freez or Mailsoft scenery but I must find out which file does cause that problem.
I have not the knowledge, in which file name the doubled yellow taxy lines and ground sign may be in.

Umberto its not necessary to response.  I will be able to overcome that problem and then I will inform you.

Thanks and regards Roger

« Last Edit: January 30, 2008, 04:19:14 pm by airbus »