Author Topic: Los Angeles V2 Trial Perio despite being "installed and ACTIVE" in Addon Manager  (Read 1313 times)


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the titel basically says it: Los Angeles V2 shows the Trial Period message when being loaded in the sim despite being shown "installed and ACTIVE" in Addon Manager.

I bought the product yesterday so all the installers were up-to-date - I tried anything I know from 20 years of flightsim bug fixing experiences (including several reinstalls of the scenery, the Addon Manager, GSX etc. with dozens of re-boots) but I couldn't get the message to go away when starting a flight in KLAX.

FSX:Steam-Edition - any help would be greatly appreciated


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    • VIRTUALI Sagl
It's not clear from your message if KLAX still work after the 5 minutes of Trial, or it disappears. It's possible another conflicting scenery for KLAX ( perhaps a freeware scenery ) might generate that bogus message.