Author Topic: Dispenser development status?  (Read 2263 times)


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Dispenser development status?
« on: December 31, 2017, 12:15:19 pm »

as there is an unused dispenser model in GSX for quite while now, I‘d like to ask if you can give any estimates when the dispenser will be available next to the fuel truck?

There are a lot of airports with underfloor fueling systems and dispensers these days, and the movements and behaviour of the dispenser shouldn’t be much different to the classic fuel truck. (Same connection point, same fueling logic etc.)

Therefore I‘d like to ask whether a release of the dispenser can be estimated any time in the near future. As there are always some gates with no underground refueling on the airports, it would be best to allow in the airport configuration tool to define for each gate whether it has an underground refueling system with dispenser or a classic fueltruck