Author Topic: SODE Invalid path  (Read 5388 times)


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SODE Invalid path
« on: July 27, 2017, 10:25:46 pm »
Hello again,

Finally made the change to P3Dv4 and so far I am liking it, save the FPS which needs tweaking.
After going over some hours of setting controls and installing addons, I am now finally able to add the scenery that I want and the KLAS scenery is high on my list. When I installed GSX however (for SODE activation), I got the following message:

The registry holds an invalid path to your Prepar3d.exe
Platform manager will be unable to register SODE for P3D. Please fix your registry.

Then I get the following screen:

Platform installation path: D:\ (which I think should be D:\P3D because I installed P3D in that folder on my D drive)

exe.xml and dll.xml path: C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3d v4 (which is correct because those files are there)

The problem is that I am not able to change the D drive path.

How can I fix this problem?

Again thank you in advance for your help!




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Re: SODE Invalid path
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2017, 10:43:18 am »
The registry holds an invalid path to your Prepar3d.exe Platform manager will be unable to register SODE for P3D. Please fix your registry.

Then I get the following screen:

Platform installation path: D:\ (which I think should be D:\P3D because I installed P3D in that folder on my D drive)

First, try to understand that SODE is a freeware utility that we supply with GSX, but that doesn't mean we are supposed to support it here.

In any case, the error message from SODE is quite clear: the registry key for P3D is pointing to D:\ but, there's no Prepar3d found in that folder.

Are you SURE you installed into D:\P3D ? If yes, there's no reason why your registry key would point to D:\ but, instead, if you did some kind of mistake, and tried to install into D:\, which is really a bad practice, it's *possible* the installation of the sim didn't complete correctly.

Try to Uninstall and Reinstall the sim. Be CAREFUL and PAY ATTENTION to install it *into* a folder, NOT at the root of a drive. And pay attention if the installation of the sim gives you any error messages because, if it does, it's possible the installation was aborted, which explains why the registry keys were not set correctly.


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Re: SODE Invalid path
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2017, 02:12:35 pm »

Once I posted the message here, I realized that it might have been a good idea to do some research and look on the site of 12bpilot first. Sorry for that.

In any case, the problem I had is solved!

I searched their forums and it is a common thing that can occur when if you install in folder a and after installation one chooses to move the install to folder b. In this case the directory is off and the SODE platform manager does not pick up on the manual move.
Instead of reinstalling the sim (something I was not looking forward to) I took the advice they gave at 12bpilot to other people to fix the registry by using regedit.

In regedit I looked up my P3D software and altered the erroneous path to the correct and afterwards SODE installed without a problem.

In any way, I thank you for your help. Your willingness to help all of us out here is exemplary and I appreciate it a lot.



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Re: SODE Invalid path
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2017, 01:08:14 pm »
I searched their forums and it is a common thing that can occur when if you install in folder a and after installation one chooses to move the install to folder b

This is always a bad practice, with every program out there.

Never, ever, "move" stuff around manually after installing, because most of the Windows applications store their installed location in the registry so, if you move it without reinstalling it (or updating the registry manually), they will almost invariably fail.