Products Support > Memphis KMEM Support FSX/P3D

KMEM Performance Update

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Jeff Turner:
P3D 4.4 and Memphis.... Here I am on the Tarmac in my PMDG 777 getting ready to head to Denver........ 

I am using PD3v5 and recently I purchased KSDF, KMEM and KSAN but KSDF works well except KMEM and KLAS. When I loaded up KMEM and KSAN the screen blank. I did installed KDFW on the demo and it is run well although for 5 minutes.
How can I make this problem KMEM and KLAS solved?
Thank you and I really appreciate it.
Udhy Lukito


--- Quote from: ulukito on January 04, 2021, 08:26:42 am ---When I loaded up KMEM and KSAN the screen blank.
--- End quote ---

KSAN is not a scenery we made so, it seems that if you have a problem with both a scenery we made ( KMEM ) and another scenery from another developer ( KSAN ), chances are there must be a problem with your sim settings.

Maybe you simply put your setting too high, and you ran out of VRAM memory, and this will result in the sim crashing, since in DirectX 12 ( P3D V5 works in DX12 ), exhausting VRAM is more dangerous than Direct X 11.


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