Author Topic: F/A-18 C/D aircraft mod and textures (FSX/P3D)  (Read 218469 times)


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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #135 on: June 13, 2015, 01:36:03 am »
thanks for your quick and valuable feedback, I know you must be very busy, much appreciated.

thanks for the hint that "Enter" will do the trick. I am sure I have tried this several times before, but it NEVER worked, as I now found out, when you have MORE than one AirEd session open, which I usually do. Editing tables will not work in this case, nor will file copying/pasting on the desktop or with Windows Explorer while multiple AirEd sessions are open. Must have propably something to do how .air file entries can be copied/pasted between two AirEd sessions, locking up the clipboard or something else. With just one AirEd session active everything works as it should be, again.

Just finished the NASA_HARV_ANSER texture, in the process I have discovered a few small texture fixes and improvements I like to appy to the rest of the texture pack too, so I will prepare an other upgrade this weekend.


Edit: Just finished some flying with the bird, switching between D version Trainer and the C version GBU, and noticed for the first time that adjusting all that MOIs and weights really seems to make a difference. You can actually feel how the plane is heavier or lighter, slower or faster to accelerate, how it rolls easier or is more resiliant to stick input, that the g limiter has a tighter regime during turns with more weight, etc. I really like it and start to believe that all that aliasing and adding folders was finally worth it.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2015, 02:34:39 am by hd764jvgd843 »


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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #136 on: June 13, 2015, 07:39:55 am »

NASA Engine Sim
Great program if you can get it to work.  Have you tried following these directions?

Yup! Followed it to the letter. I work with trying to get it going when I have time, between flight testing, researching engine parameters, , going to the Dr., etc etc. I think I'm busier now that I'm retired than I was when I was working!

As to the XML 101: THANK YOU!! That is an immense help in getting going! I really appreciate it. I can understand what I'm reading a lot better now, when I go through an existing XML gauge. I may even begin to work on writing a few simple things to start out, just to see how things go. It's how I got started with Aircraft.CFG and Panel.CFG files. I'm still learning on the .air files, but hey, "The more I learn, the less I realize what I know", if that makes any sense.
I also found a tutorial on FS2X website, by Nick Pike. It's got everything, including the various LVars, Key Events, you name it. Great resource for me to work off of.
Thank you again, and for taking time out of what I know can be a hectic time.

I also thank you for all the data you provided. It will help a lot!

Peter: I'm glad you got the AirEd thing figured out. I haven't tried both editing a table entry, AND having more than one open at the same time, which may be why I never had the problem. I've had one or the other, never both. No idea why, just wound up that way out of blind luck, I suppose.
Since I've only been experimenting with the NH C model Training setup, I've never noticed a difference, oddly enough :D I wanted a consistent plane to work with. I am glad the "separate folders" system works so well! It was a lucky day for us all when you had that brainstorm! A hearty GOOD JOB! to you :D


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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #137 on: June 13, 2015, 03:14:34 pm »
Thanks, it would not have been possible without the help of you all!

Pat, I remembered having run the EngineSim applet approximately 3 years ago without any issues in IE. With the current Java Runtime Environment it does not seen to be compatible, no matter what I tried it would not start. I than quickly setup a virtual machine (Win7 x64) with JRE 1.6.0 build 45 (32-bit) and the browser applet ran in IE (v11) out of the box, I did not even have to tinker with the security settings.
In case you need the old JRE, I found it on the web:

I hope this helps.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2015, 03:29:32 pm by hd764jvgd843 »


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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #138 on: June 14, 2015, 09:17:07 am »
Upgrade: 2.1.0

- minor texture improvements throughout the pack
- NH texture NASA_HARV_ANSER finished
- incorporated latest updates into new upgrade

Have fun,


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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #139 on: June 14, 2015, 06:50:46 pm »
Thanks for the link. I'll give it a shot soon. My wife is getting ready for a trip back east soon, so of course, it's come down to panic time :) Once I get some breathing room, I'll get set up like that again. I'm glad it wasn't jut my ignorance causing my failure on getting EngineSim going.

Thank you also for the latest update. I got it now, going to install and fly later this evening.



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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #140 on: June 14, 2015, 11:47:17 pm »
Work in progress - just when I thought I would be done with the textures for a while. Fired the bird up this morning for a quick spin during a coffee break, when I noticed that I have slightly misplaced some tail numbers (VMFAT-101_200), and some other inconsistencies with the canopy warning labels that did not look good (NASA and prototype textures). Got it fixed right away, and will wait a few more days to see if some other visual issues might bob up I have not noticed before, I will release a fix later this week. Just wanted to let you know.

Quote of course, it's come down to panic time. Once I get some breathing room, I'll get set up like that again.
Yeah, I know this feeling. When my mother comes visiting from time to time, it feels like one is 8 years again and you haven't cleaned up your room. Probably, childhood traumata ;) My girlfiend complains that I usually do not make such a fuss about it when she is getting back from a business trip or a short vacation with her girlfriends - probably one of the reasons why we are still are together :)

« Last Edit: June 15, 2015, 02:05:57 am by hd764jvgd843 »


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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #141 on: June 17, 2015, 04:24:14 pm »
Whats up all?? Hope all is well I just been kind of busy but I am back now to continue to fly this amazing aircraft. Any other updates that I should know about?? Let me know, thanks.

I'll be around!! ;D
No.416/433 TFS


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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #142 on: June 17, 2015, 07:41:09 pm »
The latest update to the three Hornet versions, FSXBA (NH: Jimi's version, modified), the Captain Sim version (CS), and the original FSX Hornet (FS), all with the all the paints for each, in the C and D models. Peter put a lot of work into this whole project, and still is, I believe. There are also the Sludge version, and Jimi's 15.2, but you have to go find those. I can't tell you where they are any more. Mind like a steel sieve, I tell ya!  :D
Oh! And welcome back, btw, Switch.



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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #143 on: June 18, 2015, 02:17:49 am »
Awesome thanks Pat!!
No.416/433 TFS


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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #144 on: June 19, 2015, 02:09:57 am »
Update v2.1.1

- Small texture corrections (VMFAT-101, Blue Angels)
- G-limiter adjustment
- Afterburner color and saturation slightly adjusted


Edit: Update v2.1.2 (cumulative)
Forgot to add some texture corrections for:
- Hornet_Prototype1
- Hornet_Prototype2
- Hornet_Test
- NASA_TestPlane_852
« Last Edit: June 19, 2015, 12:19:42 pm by hd764jvgd843 »


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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #145 on: June 19, 2015, 07:13:52 am »
Hi all!
Sorry I've been quiet, been flying, reading, tweaking, you name it. And loving the new horizons opening up as the inner workings of these planes, and the Sim too, are comming slowly clearer. Got a LONG way to go, but I'm working on it.
As usual, I have a small question. I was reading through the FCS gauges xml's, and in the Inverted_Fuel_Tank.xml I noticed reference to both an inverted flight switch, and it's guard. I can find absolutely nothing like this in the cockpit, and in fact the SRM system is the only guarded switch I saw (I'm reading that soon, believe me!). Especially since I am frequently departing while trying to figure out the Pirouette maneuver. IS there such a switch? If so, where? Am I just missing it or is it not included for whatever reason? I didn't see an XML for it, nor an entry in the Panel.cfg, but I am far from infallable. Which reminds me, does the Hook Bypass Switch actually DO anything, or is it just eye candy? I know, it'll kill me some day but hey, I'm a nosey SOB :D
By the way, best explanation I ever saw on that was in one of the HTMLs Peter was very kind enough to send me as part of the file. VRS forum entry, matter of fact, written by a real world test pilot. He said, and I quote, "The Hornet will stand on it's tail at 100 KIAS and 35° AOA and reverse it's nose's heading. It's like a combination of hammerhead with quater-roll thrown in". THAT sentence I got. I did it with my hand as an airplane till I figured it out, then a few (dozen) times "chair flying" or "desk flying" it, ie doing it all in my head, as though I were sitting in the cockpit (both of which are Navy/MC normal practice for pilots from Ensigns on up, BTW), and I think I may be getting a clue! I actually DID manage a decent barrell roll recently too. Lotta new stuff to learn, and whatta platform to learn it all on! I've done it all in prop planes, and gliders too (for real!), but this is a new world. And I'm loving it, too! Thank you to all for the wonderful opportunity!
Now, I'm going flying :) Great day (night?) to all!


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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #146 on: June 19, 2015, 10:54:29 pm »
I was reading through the FCS gauges xml's, and in the Inverted_Fuel_Tank.xml I noticed reference to both an inverted flight switch, and it's guard. I can find absolutely nothing like this in the cockpit, and in fact the SRM system is the only guarded switch I saw (I'm reading that soon, believe me!). Especially since I am frequently departing while trying to figure out the Pirouette maneuver. IS there such a switch? If so, where? Am I just missing it or is it not included for whatever reason? I didn't see an XML for it, nor an entry in the Panel.cfg, but I am far from infallable. Which reminds me, does the Hook Bypass Switch actually DO anything, or is it just eye candy? I know, it'll kill me some day but hey, I'm a nosey SOB :D


Inverted gauge is there for a couple of reasons.  First is to simulate the tendency for the engines to starve at negative G.  Talking to the Blues, this usually happens around 30 seconds or so.  The jet isn't designed to be flown for extended times in negative or zero G.  Because some of the maneuvers flown by the Blues are flown inverted for extended times, they've installed inverted fuel pumps to extend the amount of time that they can fly inverted.  If you have ever seen the dash of a Blues F/A-18, you will notice a few extra buttons, switches and lights mounted on it.  Most of them are for operating and indicating the status of the inverted fuel pumps.  If you jump in one of the FSXBA Blue Angels jets, you will see these switches and indicators as well.  The guarded switch should be on the left side of the dash.  This enables the inverted fuel pumps in the sim and allows for extended inverted flight.

As for the Bypass switch did work the last time I checked, but I might have disabled it for some reason or other.  It's primary purpose deals with the AOA bracket lights.  When enabled, the lights are stead on regardless of hook position.  Off, the lights blink until the hook is lowered.

Hope this helps.

Justin "Jimi" Hendrix
FSX Blue Angels
FSXBA F/A-18C Hornet Latest Download Link:,6944.msg117011.html#msg1


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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #147 on: June 20, 2015, 12:58:48 am »
Thank you very much, Jimi! You answered my questions perfectly. I always thought that switch atop the glare shield bow was for smoke, or something like that (knowing the Angels propensity for the stuff :D ). NOW I get it! And the lights are therefore time left inverted. I understand completely, now. My appreciation. I guess this means I'll have to put a BA panel in for those birds to use. That I know how to do :) I will say the inverted flight tank XML works great as-is though. About the third time I lost the engines trying to do the "4G, INVERTED dive with a MiG???" thing. I'm a huge Top Gun fan. I realize, I should have +4G all the way through, if done correctly. I need more practice, really. I know, that was a F-14B (I think. I'm not great at the B vs D comparison), but what the heck. It's fun to try nonetheless.
Thank you also for the Hook Bypass explanation. I was wondering about the flashing AOA. It's a Gibbs-Slap over the skull to drop the hook. Wonderfull. The more I learn, the more I love these birds!
I also appreciate the quick response, and Welcome Home! I know the first several days are hectic, so I really appreciate your time. Have fun!


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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #148 on: June 20, 2015, 06:46:37 am »
No problem Pat.  Still out to sea actually.  Just had a little time to check out and post.  Thanks again.

Justin "Jimi" Hendrix
FSX Blue Angels
FSXBA F/A-18C Hornet Latest Download Link:,6944.msg117011.html#msg1


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Re: FA-18 C/D aircraft mod and texture pack (FSX, CS and NH)
« Reply #149 on: June 21, 2015, 07:07:09 am »
Hi all!
I've been doing some digging, and I believe I have found the definitive data on how FSX (well, MSFS in general, FS9 and FSX in particular) utilizes and how to properly set the tables R1501 through R1507 in .air files, as well as the [Turbine_Engine] section of aircraft.cfg files. There is a TON of info and some pretty advanced, but not too esoteric, mathematics provided as part and parcel.
It is the FSDeveloper forums, and two threads in particular. The links to the two threads are and I've been slogging through them both slowly, but I'm trying. Maybe they will help others as well. Hope so, anyway!